Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Cooling Hand Of God

Keen-eyed readers of this family oriented mind blog will know that Russian agents masquerading as climate activists hacked the Compound's HVAC, just when the Weather climbed to triple digit intensity. Disaster? Yes.

Getting Hot at The Compound

"LSP, if that's your real name, which I'm beginning to doubt," stated one expiring art philosopher, "Sort. It. Out." Fully aware of the gravity of the situation, I got on the 'phone to a church elder.

"The AC's down and the mission's looking shaky."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Pray, pray hard that the unit returns to life."
"I'm on it."


Within 30 minutes the prayer was answered, malware removed and cool, refreshing air circulating through the house. Thank God.

A Typical Buenos Aires Club Scene

In other religious news, evidence has emerged that Pope Francis worked as a Buenos Aires bouncer. Whether Archbishop Justsin Welby, leader of the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC) was "on the list" is presently undetermined.

Stay tuned,


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Utter Disaster

It's Texas and there's a "weather advisory" in place, warning people to be careful because of the extreme, searing heat. People are frying steak and eggs on sidewalks and the tailgates of their rigs, it's that hot. So it's a good thing we've got air conditioning, right?

No, wrong, because we don't. It's broken. The Russians got in and hacked the unit and now it doesn't work. Or maybe it wasn't the Russians, perhaps it was a roving crew of Climate Activists out of Austin, taking revenge on the team for not paying the Weather Tax. Who knows? But this much is certain.

No air conditioning at the Compound = total, unmitigated, utter disaster.

As you were,


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A Tale Of Two Nothings

It's been wild, it's been a white-knuckle, thrill-powered ride of Cold War brinksmanship unparalleled since the hunt for Red October itself. Yes, we're talking about Putin, head of SPECTRE and KAOS overthrowing our great democracy through the agency of his spy, Trump, and his satrap lackey, Sessions. 

Espionage subversion on a par with the Bourne Supremacy that overthrew our rightful ruler, Hillary, in her bid for power.

The only problem with this tissue of lies that's been peddled by our lying, mendacious, corrupt, elite, venal mainstream media and their Democrat masters is that there isn't any proof. Not a shred of evidence.

You're Fired

Onetime FBI supremo, Comey, was going to blow the lid off of the vile conspiracy with his damning testimony. And... he didn't, except to say that he'd told the infamous Russian spy, Trump, that he wasn't under investigation. On three occasions, no less.

Perfidious Putinite 

Then there's the perfidious Sessions, who testified today before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Surely the keen-eyed lawmakers on the investigating panel, such as John McCain, would unmask Putin's diminutive puppet.

No. Didn't happen. Nothing. No evidence for the Kremlin's epic success in bringing down Hillary's ill-fated campaign through hacking DNC emails and revealing the corrupt workings of The Party to the public via Wikileaks.

Here in the Compound's fast-paced, high-energy newsroom we're disappointed. We were hoping for a story  and all we got was a tale of two nothings, yet more testimony revealing exactly nothing about Trump's collusion with the evil Kremlin.

Maybe that's because there wasn't any.

Stand by the JAMS.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

ISIS Laughs While Britain Sleeps?

The fanatical Muslim savages who went on a knife Jihad the other day were apparently known to the police, one of them even appeared on a BBC jihadimentary. But nothing was done and now people are terrorized and dead.

Also, strangely, it seems that Muslims who leave Britain to go on Holy War in Syria are free to return to the U.K., where they're left in peace to plot further Mohammedan mayhem. How many of these head-chopping maniacs are there? No one seems to know, some place the figure at 850.

Well that's alright then. A mere 800 or so crazed Muslims who fought for ISIS are alive and well and building up a head of murderous steam in the United Kingdom. What happens when they decide to go Allah and cook-off? More candlelit vigils, John Lennon songs and people dead, obviously.

Then there's the 3000 Muslims of "special interest" and a further 20,000 Muslims of "some interest," interest being the intent to kill, murder, maim and terrorize the people they hate, namely anyone that isn't part of their brand of pure Islam.

A Jackass

So what's the response, how to deal with the threat? Well that's easy, first you tell yourself it isn't a threat, then you remind the world that it's nothing to do with Islam as you chalk up a peace sign while laying flowers on a coexist placard, all to the tune of Imagine. And then you convert to Islam.

Or, and this is a solution favored by veteran members of the intelligence community, you hold DrawMo (Draw Mohammed) competitions across the country. When the Jihad inevitably arrives you shoot them. Problem? Solution.

On the other hand, simply removing the known "special interest" group with special expedition might work too, to say nothing of those 20,000 "some interest" jihadis-in-potential.

Perhaps that sounds callous but consider the alternative. A massive backlash against all Muslims regardless, and devil take the hindmost. Europe's proven itself more than capable of that course of action and it grows closer with every Islamic outrage that's perpetrated under the gaze of Lennonist muticulturalism.

Remember this, too. Pretty much everything the progressive left proposes, produces the exact opposite of its intended result. 

Apply that to the calculus of candlelit vigils, John Lennon and Jihad. But in the meanwhile...

ISIS laughs,


Listen Up, Heathen, It's The Trinity

If, like Mohammad, you decided to make up a religion for profit, power and gain, you wouldn't come up with the Trinity. Three Persons, one God isn't the kind a thing a huckster would pitch to his mug punters, it's too difficult. And therein lies one of the arguments for the revealed truth of Christianity. That said, how can we make sense of it? Frank Sheed, in Theology and Sanity, explains Thomas Aquinas' reasoning with clarity.

Starting from the infinite knowledge of God, Sheed makes the point that such knowledge must have a commensurate object that is also infinite. God's knowledge must therefore be self-knowledge and this concept or idea is the Son or Word. He advises the "beginner" to study the following "minutely":

An idea is, so far as we can make it so, the mental double or image of the object we are contemplating; it expresses as much of that object as we can manage to get into it. Because of the limitation of our powers, the idea we form is never the perfect double or image, never totally expresses the object, in plain words is never totally adequate. But if God does, as we know from Himself that He does, generate an idea of Himself, this idea must be totally adequate, in no way less than the Being of which it is the Idea, lacking nothing that that Being has. 
The Idea must contain all the perfection of the Being of which it is the Idea. There can be nothing in the Thinker that is not in His Thought of Himself, otherwise the Thinker would be thinking of Himself inadequately, which is impossible for the Infinite.
Thus the Idea, the Word that God generates, is Infinite, Eternal, Living, a Person, equal in all things to Him Who generates It. Someone as He is, conscious of Himself as He is, God as He is.

So we see the Son, begotten from the infinite knowledge of the Father and as with knowledge, likewise with love. Father and Son combine in an infinite act of love which produces a perfect state of "Lovingness" which has all that they have.

To a point the two "processions" are parallel. The First Person knows Himself; His act of knowing Himself produces an Idea, a Word; and this Idea, this Word, the perfect Image of Himself, is the Second Person. The First Person and the Second combine in an act of love of one another, love of the glory of the Godhead which is their own; and just as the act of knowing produces an Idea within the Divine Nature, the act of loving produces a state of Lovingness within the Divine Nature.
Into this Lovingness, Father and Son pour all that They have and all that They are, with no diminution, nothing held back. Thus this Lovingness within the Godhead is utterly equal to the Father and the Son, for They have poured Their all into it. There is nothing They have which Their Lovingness does not have. Thus Their Lovingness too is Infinite, Eternal, Living, Someone, a Person, God. 
Observe that here again we are still within the Divine Nature. For love is wholly within the nature of the lover.
But this love wholly contains the divine Nature, because God puts the whole of Himself into love.

Complicated? No, it's not so much that as so simple it's not easy, but whoever said life would be? Thank you, Frank Sheed, for explaining the Angelic Doctor so clearly. 

You can read the whole thing here.

God bless,


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Range is Hot

Keen-eyed readers of this well known mind blog will have noticed that it's been raining in Texas because the state hasn't paid George Soros' hated Weather Tax. We prefer to stand free of that and other NWO, Green Globalist carry-on. 

With that in mind, two Top Experts drove over from Dallas to the Compound, in search of a shoot.

We set up at Chandler's, somewhere between Whitney and Waco and tested out a couple of rifles, a Remington 700, a Winchester Featherweight and a Sako nice-as-you-like-I-want-one. All chambered in 30-06, the American round. How did the weapons shoot? 

Right on the money. The Sako was new and topped off with some kind of German optic which the Experts wanted to sight in. They did; well done Team. A beautiful rifle and all the more so for its variable trigger. 

On one setting it's light enough and crisp; on another, achieved by cocking the rifle and pushing the trigger forward, it's super-light, maybe 1Ib. Just touch it and BOOM, off flies a mighty 30-06, 180 grain bullet. Nice work, Sako.

The Remington 700 did well too, cheers, pawn shop, sending rounds down range with far more accuracy than the operator warranted. Breathe, LSP, you'll be a better shot.

Shoulders battered by mighty cannonry, we headed for home and here's the thing. Time spent at the range is never wasted. At the very least you'll get some fresh air and the chance to reconnect with your marksmanship. 

Who knows, maybe that'll prove useful in the hunting field and elsewhere.

Your  Old Pal,


Jihad And The Enemy Within

It takes a special kind of stupid to say that Islam is inherently peaceful, as though Mohammed was some sort of sand dune Gandhi. And with that in mind, we're not doing anyone any favors by pretending otherwise. 

Islam is and always has been a war religion and it's at war with the non-Islamic world now; recent atrocities prove the point, as if that was necessary. But what if our own governments are complicit?

What if the ruling powers of the West, in company with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, have financed, trained and supported the very same same Jihad that's now cutting people's throats in Borough Market? Here's Zerohedge:

This combination of Anglo-American policies across the region has contributed to further instability and the rise of violent jihadism. In fact, an even stronger conclusion may be warranted based on the evidence of the extent of UK covert and overt action in the region in alliance with states consistently supplying arms to terrorist groups: that agencies of the British government itself have, in some senses, become part of the broader ‘terrorist network’ with which the British public is now confronted.

It's long but you can should read the whole thing here.

Fanatical Islam, by the beard of the Prophet, may very well be an enemy, all the evidence points to that. So too, it appears, are the corrupt interests of our political class and we're not going to defeat the one without defeating the other. I'll leave you with this small taste of corruption:

While Tory politicians have defended the arms sales to Saudis as a move to shore up Britain’s allies in the region, Tory members of Parliament have collected £99,396 ($128,035) in gifts, travel expenses, and consulting fees from the government of Saudi Arabia since the Yemen war began.

That, I'd suggest, is the smallest tip of the iceberg and might go some way towards explaining the curious persistence of the Jihad and its mysterious impunity in the UK and Europe. All this to say nothing of the useful idiocy of the multicultural left, but therein lies another tale.

In the meanwhile,

ISIS Laughs.


Monday, June 5, 2017

News From The Front Of The War, On Weather

The dull rumble of thunder fills the air like the opening salvos of artillery on the Qatari front, and rain crashes down in sheets as lightning flashes across the sky. Harbingers of the Eschaton that has been unleashed by our ancient enemy, the Weather.

Cyborg Musk

You see, what has happened here is that the climate has changed and Texas, which failed so miserably to pay its weather tax, has been struck and struck hard. New York City, under the brave, resolute, socialist leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio, net worth $1.5 million, are safe. 

Submission Merkel

The Weather won't attack Manhattan, San Francisco or Austin; they're sanctuary cities where everyone is safe because they obey their green globalist overlords. But in Texas, as opposed to Austin, that's not the case. This means sacrifice.

Snigger. Trudeau

There's no shooting because the range is a swamp. No fishing; who wants to get struck by lightning? And no riding; it's not fun to slosh around in a bog and get paralyzed when the horse falls over in the mud and snaps your neck. Does that mean we're defeated?

Di Caprio

No, it doesn't. We refuse to kow-tow to Macron, Trudeau, Merkel and their transnational elitocrat puppetmasters. We won't submit to millionaire green socialists like Di Caprio, Bloomberg and Elon "I'm Not A Cyborg" Musk. 

No sir. Come hell or high water, we stand for freedom and Texas.

Weather, bring it on.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Remove Kebab

Check out this outstanding "short."

Remove Kebab,


Run, Hide, Tell? Remove Kebab

Run, hide, tell? Well that's gonna beat the Jihad. Hardly spirit of the blitz, is it. On the other hand you could fight and remove the kebab. Here's a train.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, June 3, 2017

London Jihad Terror

What kind of person drives a van at 50 mph into pedestrians on London Bridge and then gets out of the vehicle with his pals and starts cutting people's throats? As you're scratching your head in mute wonderment I'll supply the answer. Muslims. And that's exactly what's happened tonight in London.

In at least three incidents, at London Bridge, Borough Market and Vauxhall, Mohammedan Jihad vans rammed into people at speed. Then their occupants got out of the vehicles with knives and started stabbing and cutting throats. 

Why not, their Prophet did the same thing at Medina and it's in the Koran, "When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

Here's a snapshot of the Muslim holy warriors in action, from Breitbart:

He told the paper that he saw a van driving on the pavement with people running out of the way before three men got out.
“They literally just started kicking them, punching them, they took out knives. It was a rampage really,” he said
“They headed down towards Southwark Cathedral towards the bar, and starting running at people.
“People at the bar started fighting back. then the three of them decided to make their way up to the bridge.
“A woman was staring at them and they started stabbing her.
“Throughout the whole way across the bridge, there were people littered across bleeding. People were trying to help each other.”

In sum, these savages were only obeying orders, not least from their so-called holy book and its author, the founder of the religion of peace himself, Mohammad. But here's the thing.

How many more Muslims are there in the UK who are fervent enough to follow the head-chopping example of their founder and his instructions in the Koran? Some put that figure at around 23,000 out of approximately 6 million UK adherents of the warlord, child raping, enslaving Prophet. 

That's right, 23,000 Muslims ready to murder and terrorize until the UK submits to their barbaric death cult of a religion. 

Wake up, England, and deal with the threat. Identifying the enemy might be a good first step. And hint, it's not Methodists.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Putin Praises Trump!

Speaking at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, nationalist champion and Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, praised President Trump for ditching the phony Paris Climate Accord.

“By the way, we should be grateful to President Trump. In Moscow it’s raining and cold and even, they say, some snow. Now we could blame this all on American imperialism, that it’s all their fault. But we won’t.”

In earlier comments to Megynne Kelly, Putin brushed off the increasingly shrill, desperate, hysterical and unconvincing allegations made by America's lying, elite, corrupt, mendacious media, which accuse the Trump administration of being Russian spies. 

“So our ambassador met someone. That's his job. That's why we pay him. So what? What's he supposed to do, hit up the bars?”

Rumors that the New York Times, Washington Post and Maxine Waters are calling for Putin's impeachment are unverified. 

That German, French and Italian heads are exploding because Trump refuses to asset strip America at the behest of the phenomenally rich transnational elite, is settled science.

God bless,