Friday, November 13, 2015

Wake Up And Smell The Jihad

As of this evening, over 150 people are reported dead in the latest terrorist attack in Paris by Muslims.

President Obama has denounced the atrocity as "an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share."

But that's precisely it, we don't all share the same set of values. Authentic Islam, following the example of its founder Mohammed, the Koran and the Hadith, is an ideology of violent conquest and enslavement that does not shrink from wholesale terror to achieve its end, namely, the subjugation of humanity.

Paris, tragically, saw that ideology in play tonight and we're reminded of it daily, in every country that's home to any sizable concentration of Muslims. There you will find all the barbarity of a 7th century tribal war cult, inflamed to white-hot fanaticism according to the ebb and flow of adherence to divinely sanctioned Jihad.

Stoning, crucifixion, torture, slavery, murder and terror are the currency of this ideology, anti-values sanctioned and encouraged by its founder. The West needs to wake up and recognize the threat.

France has closed its borders. Some might call that a day late and a dollar short.

Deus Vult,


It's The Fryday Roundup

It's hard to concentrate, here in the Newsroom, over the sheer din of The Whine, caused by the custodians of our national conscience, rich, privileged, entitled students, who have risen up to challenge the injustice and oppression endemic in the soul destroying gulags that are this country's universities.

Be that as it may, the News must get through. 

Here's some highlights.

Jihad terrorists hit Paris. Breaking.

But here in the US, things are getting serious on Campus.

Yale Whine
Simmering discontent on American campuses became an outraged whine,  as furious students sparred with faculty at Yale, demanding their right to not be offended by Halloween costumes. At Mizzou, mobs of chanting children forced  the low-tier school's President and Chancellor to resign, for not apologizing for "white privilege." But that didn't stop one white Mizzou professor from threatening a journalist with "muscle." 

Melissa Click subsequently resigned from her position at Mizzou's prestigious school of journalism, but remains on the faculty.

Protests then spread like wildfire across the country, becoming the Million Whine March, with enraged protesters lying down in the middle of campus pathways, writing emails, shrieking into megaphones, and waving #BlackLivesMatter placards. 

Sensing an opportunity, heavy-hitting Democrat donors are apparently planning to broaden their party's voting base by sponsoring the #BlackLivesMatter movement. But how will this affect Hillary?

World-renowned pop star, Sister Souljah, has accused Democratic Party frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, of being a slave owning plantation wife. “She reminds me too much of the slave plantation white wife of the white ‘master,’ ” Souljah said, according to Time.

Souljah, who recommended that blacks kill whites for a week, in 1992, is a supporter of #BlackLivesMatter. Does this mean that the Democracy Alliance will walk away from Hillary?

Who knows, but what we do know is that the declining Church of Iceland (there is one) has made gay marriage compulsory.

The Church of Iceland has told its clergypersons that they have to perform gay marriages. A 2007 conscience clause allowed clergy to opt out of the gay marriage rituals, but this has been overturned. Speaking at the denomination's Church Council, Rev. Helgudóttir argued that the declining church had to “take things the whole way and place no limits on human rights.” Except, of course, if you're weird and oppressive enough to think that marriage is something that occurs between a man and a women.

Not to be outdone, the Church of Norway's House of Bishops has decided to create gay marriage liturgies. The decision has to be approved by the church's Synod next year before taking effect. As of 2013, 8 out of 12 bishops in the Norwegian denomination are in favor of gay weddings.

But that's the Vikings for you. In the meanwhile, the Church of England just got a bit less gay.

Canon Jeremy Pemberton, who according to Virtueonline was married with five children before deciding to go gay, has lost a discrimination lawsuit over being turned down for a job as hospital chaplain. Pemberton got married to his gay lover in April, 2014, and had his "permission to officiate" revoked.

The Church of England doesn't allow its clergy to marry their gay partners, but it does allow them to live together in a "civil partnership."

Confused? Neither are we, and the same can be said for unsuspecting Californians, who were terrified by bright lights in the sky.

Frightened San Diego residents were shocked by what at first appeared to be a missile, or a Taureid meteor shower, streaking across the night sky of the LA basin. But it was just the rogue Diocese of San Diego, warping out of deep space on its way to shut another parish. After its brief appearance, the diocese left earth to return to its home in the icy depths of interstellar space.

Bishop James Mathes was unavailable for comment.

Ad Astra,


Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Ithaca Whine

Residents of Ithaca, in upstate New York, have been disturbed by a strange, high-pitched whine, that seems to come from nowhere and makes it impossible to work, or even think. 

"All I can hear is this whining sound," said one one disturbed Ithaca resident,"It gets so bad I can't even hear myself think, it's like tinnitus but worse. I had to call in sick to work today. We call it The Whine."

Whining in Ithaca

Some have accused the government of causing the mysterious noise, but anomaly hunting experts have revealed its cause, rich kid students, at Ithaca University.

Add caption

"At first we thought it was a DAARPA mind control project," said one investigator, "but it's just whining from the students. It gets real noisy!"

Ithaca locals have had to buy ear defenders to protect themselves from The Whine. Will someone put a stop to it? Please?

It costs $58,798 a year to send a kid to Ithaca. 


Go To Mass, Escape The Whine

In a brave attempt to escape marauding gangs of privileged elite Student Stasi on full Mau-Mau, I drove to Dallas and assisted at the SSC's November Requiem Mass. 

It was good to be Thurifer and the plainsong Latin Mass setting was beautiful; the liturgy wasn't bad either. Well done, local SSC chapter.

Whine, Shriek, Whine, Safe space, Whine, Shriek, Whine

But all good things must come to an end, in this life, as the serenity of the Requiem gives way to the shrieks of pampered college children on the Million Whine March. 

Stand back in awe, as spoiled brat, rich kid libs turn America into a transsexual pink Marxist utopia. 

I'm off to buy better ear protection, to muffle the whine.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

I know, it's Veterans Day, and that takes priority. But it's also Bushcraft Wednesday, so I'm posting this helpful hunting video. Spoiler alert, sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted...

Don't be a Student Stasi whining lib crybaby, get out in the field.


Click, You're Gone

This two-bit Stasi prof at Mizzou had to resign, as of Veterans Day.

Carry on,


Veterans Day Prayer

O Lord, we give You thanks for our veterans, for their willingness to risk all so that our nation might dwell in peace and safety. May they receive the honor and recognition they deserve. We pray for those who suffer from physical, spiritual, and psychological wounds, that they might know Your healing presence. We pray for our nation, that it may treasure the freedoms which have been won through the sacrifices and courage of those who have given themselves for the protection of others. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

More College Kid Stasi Idiocy

ZeroHedge -- "Thanks to this, what began as protests against systemic racism at the school has morphed into another prime example of how college campuses have devolved into ignorant, pro-censorship intellectual wastelands."

Yet another example of "how American college campuses have become havens for censorship and unimaginable idiocy."

Right on, privileged college kid Stasi,


Yale. A Whining Lib Playpen

Yale University is in an uproar, all because a faculty member, Erika Christakis, suggested that students "look away" if they see someone wearing a Halloween costume they find offensive. To make matters worse, Christakis' husband, the Master of Silliman, refused to apologize to a howling mob of swearing students.

The appropriately named Silliman was no longer a "safe place," a "place of comfort" and a "home," asserted one whining young woman, who then proceeded to swear at the unfortunate teacher and called for his resignation.

You Whining Lib

No longer a safe place of comfort, really? The Atlantic describes the dangerous living conditions at Silliman. It's a veritable centrally heated Gulag, replete with "two Steinway grand pianos, an indoor basketball court, a courtyard with hammocks and picnic tables, a computer lab, a dance studio, a gym, a movie theater, a film-editing lab, billiard tables, an art gallery, and four music practice rooms."

The Curiously Named Silliman College

That's right, it's a hard life in the hallowed halls of academe, leading one student to state, "This email (Christakis') and the subsequent reaction to it have interrupted their lives. I have friends who are not going to class, who are not doing their homework, who are losing sleep, who are skipping meals, and who are having breakdowns.” 

Yale used to be known as a school and, unlike Satan's Vatican, Harvard, a good one at that. But not anymore. Now it's become a playpen for whining lib elite Pink Stasi children, who are so filled with a sense of entitlement, self-importance and privilege that they can't bear to have their precious feelings hurt.

A Typical Yale Student

Go home and cuddle with teddy bears in your comfy safe space, then return to school once you've reached the level of maturity expected in, say, a normal 8 year old. And maybe that day won't come, in which case you can stay home in your pathetic whine space, wondering why the world doesn't care.

Welcome to The Gulag

Libs are useless, it's true, but privileged, elite, crybaby, trope deploying, Ivy League libs are the most useless of all.

We scorn you.

A Lot.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Regular Sunday

It's hard to think, much less speak, on the back porch over the sound of mad dogs barking and the cacophony of crazed peacocks.

I tell you, it's a wall of sound, and we're not talking Phil Spector. But we are talking scoff.

A Philisophical Friend

That's because my Wittgensteinian ally has tipped up, looking for some country action. Normally he hunts in South East Africa. Tomorrow, we'll be hunting in South East Texas, on a central tip. 

Cook it Up!

And who knows, we might even get something, unlike our Syrian Terrorist Training Program, which failed, dismally.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The March of the Lees

What do you do, on a chill November night in rain drenched Texas, where we're badly losing the War on Weather? Start on a new Lee Enfield project, of course.

For me, that means coming to grips with an old No. 4 Mk.1, which started off life as a battle rifle in 1943 and was brought back to the US, where it was sporterized. I bought it from a friend a few years ago and haven't used it much. So what's going to happen to this gun? First things first, take off the wood.

Then admire your rifle as it sits on the bench, complete with 10 round magazine, rear micro sight and silky smooth action. All the better for rapid firing the venerable .303 Brit. Next step, get a new stock, perhaps from Boyd's, shorten and re-crown the barrel, then fit a forward mounted rail. The idea being to create a handy truck/scout rifle.

Typical Texas Scene, Apart From Absence of Lee Enfields

Now some people are critical of Jeff Cooper's concept and with good reason, but if you have an old rifle sitting around that could meet the criteria, well, why not put it to good use? 

Shoot the Lee,


Friday, November 6, 2015

The Fryday Roundup

It's been a busy week, here in the newsroom, as our team of hard-pressed writers struggle to make deadline while living on a punishing diet of pork chops, bacon, steak, Fritos, bean dip and the occasional Marie Callender chicken pot pie. While being attacked by The Weather. So here's a couple of highlights.

Houston Goes Full Pink Stasi 

Two Christian daycare workers have been fired in Houston. Their crime? Refusing to tell the kids that a girl is a boy. 

What. A. Pair. Of. Haters.

Unlike the Episcopal Church, (TEC) which is welcoming and inclusive, unless it's suing you. 

Michael Curry became the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop at Washington National Cathedral on November 1. Maybe he'll turn the declining denomination's ever dwindling demographics around by making people "happy." Or Muslim, or both. But in the meanwhile...

TEC's stats are in and what can we say? Don't worry. Be happy!

"To put some of these losses in perspective, in terms of membership, we lost the combined equivalent of the dioceses of Bethlehem, Central Pennsylvania, Delaware, Easton, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Southwestern Virginia, and West Virginia. Or (in Province IV) of Mississippi, Tennessee, and Western North Carolina. Or (in Province VII) of Arkansas, Fort Worth, Northwest Texas, Oklahoma, and West Missouri."
Way to go, TEC.

And then there was Heather Cook, the onetime Assistant Bishop of Baltimore.

"It was also revealed in Court that any civil claims and liability surrounding then-Bishop Heather Cook, the Diocese of Maryland and The Episcopal Church have been settled. Lawyers for the Palermo family confirmed such a resolution was hammered out but declined to provide details."

As Heather was going down, America was going up, in gun ownership.

Thanks, Barack and Hillary.

“Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the best gun salespeople on the planet. The more they scream for new gun control laws the more guns walk off the shelves at gun stores,” said Alan Gottlieb, the head of the Second Amendment Foundation. “To quote the lyrics of Peter, Paul and Mary, ‘When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.’”

Apparently never, like our President's, ahem, resolve to destroy the murdering white tennis shoe savages of the Caliphate.

“You are asking me how we can deal radically with ISIS. The only answer is to radically destroy them."

Canon Andrew White may affect a curious blazer rig but no-one can fault him for telling it like is.

Just so you know, White's a member of the Anglican Communion, which may have been found by stargazing boffins at the European Space Agency.

"Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe..."

Maybe we'll see how it all ends in January, but one thing's for sure, the cutthroat War on Weather continues with a vengeance.

Not easy when El Nino's on the loose and the Antarctic ice cap's growing. But wars don't come cheap, so sue Exxon.

Good work, Hillary, et al. Speaking of which, People Don't Trust Her. 


And let's not forget the ongoing curse of the Diocese of Gloucester.

Gavin Ashenden wins the truth prize as another bishop figure falls afoul of the ancient curse.

"In the end, it is Scripture and the creeds that divide us. Bishop Rachel and those who appointed her and follow her are on one side of the divide; and the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church is on the other."

Perhaps the latter will somehow survive in the venerable CofE, but at ACoC's St. Albans, in Ottawa? Not so much.

A mysterious skull-faced asteroid narrowly missed collision with our fragile island home, the earth. 

Or did it land at St. Albans, in Ottawa?

You, the reader, be the judge.

And don't forget, Hillary for Prison, 2016.