Showing posts with label false prophet Mohammed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false prophet Mohammed. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015

Wake Up And Smell The Jihad

As of this evening, over 150 people are reported dead in the latest terrorist attack in Paris by Muslims.

President Obama has denounced the atrocity as "an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share."

But that's precisely it, we don't all share the same set of values. Authentic Islam, following the example of its founder Mohammed, the Koran and the Hadith, is an ideology of violent conquest and enslavement that does not shrink from wholesale terror to achieve its end, namely, the subjugation of humanity.

Paris, tragically, saw that ideology in play tonight and we're reminded of it daily, in every country that's home to any sizable concentration of Muslims. There you will find all the barbarity of a 7th century tribal war cult, inflamed to white-hot fanaticism according to the ebb and flow of adherence to divinely sanctioned Jihad.

Stoning, crucifixion, torture, slavery, murder and terror are the currency of this ideology, anti-values sanctioned and encouraged by its founder. The West needs to wake up and recognize the threat.

France has closed its borders. Some might call that a day late and a dollar short.

Deus Vult,


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Liberation Theology

There's a lot of worship at the St. Michael's Conference, and there's a lot of teaching, too, with three classes on various subjects after Mass and breakfast. One of the courses is the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I taught the kids that she's the new Eve.

In the garden of Eden, Eve is seduced by an evil angel in the form of  serpent, and eats the forbidden fruit. Her faithless disobedience and pride leads to death. Mary reverses this; her humility and faithful obedience to God's will, as announced by the angel Gabriel, leads to the conception of Christ in her womb and the entry of life into the world.

I reminded the class that an angel, calling itself Gabriel, also appeared to Mohammed. The message of that spirit led, almost immediately, to death. 

One of these angelic messages is liberating and the others aren't. You decide which one is which.  


Friday, September 14, 2012

Murdering Muslim Mob

Rather than comment on the honest truly horrendous portrayal of Mohammed as a violent pedophile who beheaded Jews, which you can watch here before Youtube pulls it, I'll leave you with some pictures of Italy.

Not the European one! No, this is the It'ly that you'll find nestling by the side of I35 on the way to Waco from Dallas.

It has a McDonalds, where I stopped for two cheeseburgers, and a drive-in liquor store. For some reason gas in It'ly is 13 cents more expensive a gallon than it is in Hillsboro. But don't be fooled, Italian gas is no better than the fuel to be had further South.


I was happy I was armed.

As you leave Italy you can look back over your shoulder and see the it recede in the rear window of your pickup.

Now, I'm not some sort of useless "all religions are the same" comsymp pacifist, but I pray there's not another war in the Middle East.

Looks to me like that might be hard to avoid.