Friday, November 9, 2012

Church of England Ruled By Grey Alien?

For the world's third largest Christian denomination, Anglicanism, there's a new boss in town, Archbishop Justin Welby.

Justin Welby

After months of gridlock, the secretive group known as the Crown Nominations Commission, have finally settled on a replacement for the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Bypassing several senior candidates, such as "Ebor" Sentamu, Archbishop of York, the Commission settled on rising star Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham.

An old Etonian and oil executive, Welby felt the call to ordained ministry in the 1980s and was ordained in 1993. He soon shot up through the ranks, becoming Dean of Liverpool in 2007 before surging through the stained glass window to become Bishop of Durham in 2011. It would only take a year before his meteoric rise to power culminated in this month's appointment to Anglicanism's top job. 


Mainstream Media attributes Welby's uncanny ability for promotion to raw ambition, a gilded background and natural diplomatic talent to "spin fudge." According to the New York Times, the new Archbishop of Canterbury has shown himself capable of being both against gay marriage and also for it, making him uniquely suited to lead the Church of England.

A Grey?

However, Ancient Astronaut theorists are unconvinced, believing that Welby's stellar climb to become the most important Anglican in the world can only be explained by extraterrestrial agency. "We don't have the technology," said one pundit, "to take a clergyperson from Durham to Canterbury in the space of a year. It's impossible! Only advanced alien technology could pull it off."

Behold your Master

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Top level ecclesiastical OE, or Grey Alien spacelord puppet.

You be the judge.


Cavalry & Guards

After a bizarrely early Mass this morning my thoughts mysteriously focused on London's clubs, and not the earsplittingly loud pounding techno variety either. No, real clubs, like the Cavalry & Guards in Piccadilly.

Cavalry & Guards -- note picture on stairwell

I remember climbing up the impressive stairwell of the "C&G"with a senior member who had kindly invited me over for lunch. I noticed the picture of a cavalry charge, Scotland Forever!, I think, and remarked to my friend, "That must've taken some courage."

Death or Glory

He looked me in the eye and said, "I trained for that on the South Downs in the 1930s. Perfectly useless against tanks, you know."

I supposed it was. Earlier I'd suggested that we go to the bar, only to be turned down with "let's not, they do bellow so in there."


The last massed boot-to-boot British cavalry charge was at Omdurman, in 1898, when we destroyed an army of fanatical Jihadists and killed their chieftain. Winston Churchill was part of that charge.

I miss clubland.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Horse Lost

Legalize it

I was afraid that yesterday's bucking incident was prophetic; just as JB failed to unseat her rider so too did America fail to rid herself of her Imperial Ruler. He stuck to the seat of power like magic velcro! But enough of the strained equestrian metaphor, let's get down to business.

Colorado votes Obama

The Market has tanked.

mindless drug people

Colorado has legalized pot.


Athens riots.

Good luck, America. Four more years of the same team who brought you 8% unemployment, $16 trillion in debt and counting, and a murdered Ambassador in Libya.

But don't worry, higher taxes will mean we're all better off.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This Horse Votes Republican

In a desperate bid to escape marauding gangs of Black Panthers and the din of the "Boss" singing "Born in the USA" ad nauseam, I headed out to the pasture after Morning Prayer for a ride.

truly appalling

JB did pretty well, moving around Mesquite obstacles and navigating trails like a civilized horse but then, after 45 minutes, she decided it was time to overthrow her master.

you'll do well running the country

We rounded a tree and she attempted a duck-out with a view to escaping to feed. Just the slightest indication of a one rein stop and the animal knew that wasn't going to work, so she instantly switched gears to a four feet off the ground right buck, with a good dose of leftward snaking kick. Why?


She obviously wanted to overthrow the tyranny of big LSP government. But look, horse, we're on the same team. For goodness sake. Regardless, I stayed on and finished the ride. 

Let's hope this short equestrian tale isn't some kind of lesson, or metaphor, for the people's attempt to unseat their current rider.

Good luck to the new boss, if there is one.


Pre-Election Shoot

In a brave attempt to escape our endless polling contests and the incessant racket of Jay-Z, Beyonce and "The Boss" telling us to vote for their Patron, I went for a shoot.

tighten the groups, get in the x ring, LSP

The objective was simple. Have some fun and brush up on carbine skills, which is exactly what I did. Shot off hand, mostly, from close range moving out to 100 yards and worked on speed and accuracy.

children of the sun

After all, what's the point of having a semi if you aren't able to take advantage of its rate of fire and keep on target?

I was pleased at the result, a good afternoon in the country with guns.

Nothing wrong with that, unless you're in England where Nanny would confiscate all your firearms.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Jay Z and Beyonce Illuminati Shills?

Rumors are rife that fun-loving mega stars, Jay-Z and Beyonce, are  Illuminati shills for the New World Order.

They're telling us to vote for Soros backed puppet, Barak Hussein Obama. So is "The Boss", Bruce Springsteen.

So go right ahead, buy the hopium. Obey your masters and remember, you'll be richer because you'll be taxed more.

Kick out the jams.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Excommunicate Joe Biden!

Apparently Vice President Joe Biden has woken up and realized what every serious person's been thinking for the last decade. Namely, that discrimination against transsexuals is, "The civil-rights issue of our time."

some kind of joke?

There you go. The race thing's completely settled, rumours of a growing slave class are entirely unfounded, the U.S. prison population isn't the largest in the world and we're all getting more free and more prosperous by the year. Unless, of course, you've had gender reassignment surgery, in which case it's a nightmare.

space creature

Well said, Biden. Keep on telling it like it is. 

A note to all Roman Catholic readers. Please petition the Pope to excommunicate this man, and while you're at it, work in Nancy Pelosi too.


Friday, November 2, 2012

The Benghazi Lie

Despite near total silence on the part of the MSM and, er, Facebook, the Benghazi lie just won't die, and nor should it. Here's Bob Owens commenting at pjmedia:

"Barack Obama was responsible for abandoning more than two dozen Americans to die. The buck stops with him, and every plea he’s made for 'a thorough investigation' is a bald-faced lie, intended to run out the clock until the election."

You can read the whole thing here.


The Feast of All Souls

Today is the Feast of All Souls, when we pray for the faithful departed. Atheists think that's stupid because they don't believe in souls, God, heaven or hell. Good luck with that. Some, though not all Protestants think that prayers for the dead are stupid because they believe in something called "soul sleep." 

No such thing as hell?

According to soul sleep theorists, you fall asleep when you die and if you're asleep you can't benefit from prayers offered on your behalf. More serious Protestants, such as Calvinists, believe that God has made up His mind from all eternity as to whether you're going up to heaven or down to the fiery pit. So there's no point in praying for the dead and to do so reduces the Lord's sovereignty. There is, they argue, one mediator between God and Man, who is Christ. Prayers for the departed, they feel, diminish that.

Reformers smashing it up

But soul sleep is problematic because scripture reveals the saints to be alive, albeit not on earth. We see this on the Mount of Transfiguration, where Our Lord converses with Moses and Elijah.  According to the Transfiguration, holy souls are alive instead of snoring, whether gracefully or not, under the horns of the heavenly altar.

No sleeping at the Altar

Bearing in mind the eternal simultaneity of God's knowledge, this allows us to pray for departed and ask for their prayers, which reduces the mediatorship of Christ no more than asking one another for prayers. In fact it adds to it, as all prayer, properly made, is directed to Christ and hence to the Father.

So don't be a soul sleeper, pray instead for the holy souls and ask them for their intercession.

May they rest in peace,


Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Saints

Today is the Feast of All Saints, when we commemorate the holy men and women of God and ask for their powerful intercession. Protestants think that idolatry, which is ridiculous.

You can celebrate the Feast the right way.

Or the wrong way.

God bless,


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Rogue Bishop Found Deep in the Tundra?


Rumours that the elusive former Bishop of Calgary, Derek Hoskin, had left earth along with his mythically small denomination ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada), may be unfounded.

Anglican Bishop?

A crack team of Russian scientists have just concluded DNA testing on hair samples taken from deep within the frozen wasteland of Siberia, leading them to speculate that they have discovered a new species, part man, part monkey.


According to scientists at the Universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the hair "came from a human-like creature which is not a Homosapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey. We think we have found an Anglican Bishop, possibly Derek Hoskin."


Previous attempts to verify supposed sightings of Derek Hoskin have failed due to lack of evidence, but three separate DNA tests of the "yeti hair" may put the enigma to rest. A fourth test is set to take place in the United Kingdom.

An alternative theory suggests that the mysterious hair may come from the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury.

Derek? Or Rowan?

Neither Lambeth Palace nor the Diocese of Calgary were available for comment.


Ride On & Halloween Isn't Satan's Birthday

August was a good month for riding, which is strange because of the heat, but September and October were a bit of a bust. I foolishly didn't make the time. But that's changing now.

I was pleased to see that JB's put on some weight and was easy to catch, tack up and mount. We went for an easygoing ride around the 10 acre pasture she lives in, just walking with an occasional Western trot with lots of practice moving in a controlled way around mesquites and various trails. 

She did well, with good, willing response to leg and seat. I was pleased with that and it reminded me that riding's good for mind, soul and body. It also means a pastoral visit to parishioners, which is no bad thing either.

Downright Scary

Speaking of bad, some people think that Halloween is Satan's birthday. That's not true, it's the eve of All Saints.

Saints, pray for us,