Showing posts with label specious liberal nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label specious liberal nonsense. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Excommunicate Joe Biden!

Apparently Vice President Joe Biden has woken up and realized what every serious person's been thinking for the last decade. Namely, that discrimination against transsexuals is, "The civil-rights issue of our time."

some kind of joke?

There you go. The race thing's completely settled, rumours of a growing slave class are entirely unfounded, the U.S. prison population isn't the largest in the world and we're all getting more free and more prosperous by the year. Unless, of course, you've had gender reassignment surgery, in which case it's a nightmare.

space creature

Well said, Biden. Keep on telling it like it is. 

A note to all Roman Catholic readers. Please petition the Pope to excommunicate this man, and while you're at it, work in Nancy Pelosi too.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama Says Ban Assault Rifles?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I just heard Obama tell the world, and a person asking a question about AK47s on tonight's "debate", that he wanted to "ban assault rifles".

For Obama and his friends, an assault rifle is a semi-automatic version of its military counterpart. Why are they more dangerous than any other semi-auto rifle? Because they look more deadly? For that matter, why are they any more deadly than a well aimed bolt? Cooper argues, convincingly, that they aren't.

I have both, not that I'm allowed to shoot people. And for those of you who think that a heavily armed society is bound to be more violent, well, have a look at Switzerland.

England, where you're put in gaol for owning a pocketknife, is far more violent. Some would say more interesting too, but that's another story.

More guns, please.