Showing posts with label deep state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deep state. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Cannibals And An Apology

Are these Deep State coup conspirators starting to eat each other in a cannibalistic feeding frenzy? Joe Hoft at the Gateway Pundit thinks so and Joe diGenova's advising Imam Brennan and Smirkin' Comey to lawyer up:

Joe diGenova: This is very serious business. For the first time I believe some of these guys are going to prison… Let me tell you something, Horowitz has already concluded that the final three FISAs were completely illegal. He’s now on the brink of finding that the first FISA was completely illegal. Durham has already used a grand jury in Connecticut. They’ve already gotten documents. He’s already talked to the intel people.
Laura Ingraham: How long has this been going on?
Joe diGenova: Durham’s been working for a couple months. The bottom line is this. This is now – big time! This is where Brennan needs five lawyers. Comey needs five lawyers.

Let's see, maybe the old Five Lawyer Trick will work, or not. Speaking of lawyers, here at the Compound we apologize for mistakenly claiming that the new top clergyperson in Jarrow is the Church of England's first ever transgender bishop. This inaccurate and misleading post has been deleted.

A Typical Transgenderist

The new Bishop of Jarrow, Sarah Clark, is not and never has been transgendered, which is clearly evident from photos of Clark's special promotion ceremony in York Minster. These can be seen here

We urge you to inspect these photos carefully because they show that the Bishop of Jarrow is not a man who has transitioned to female, but has always been a woman.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why Are You Traitors Not In Jail?

Good question. These unnelected Deep State MillSoc traitors thought they could overthrow an elected president in a two-bit intel coup, such is hubris. But the Comint Statute suggests otherwise.

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, . . . any classified information—
(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or

(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States …or
(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or
(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence . . .
 Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. Yes, please.

Pitch forks and torches on the Mall, anyone?



Thursday, April 11, 2019

What A Remarkable Week!

What an amazing week it's been, and it's only Thursday. Julian Assange bundled into a freedom van by UK Stasi for having the temerity to report the truth, albeit by way of the loathsome Chelsea Manning. Good thing he's got no dirt on Hillary, right?

Then there's the neverending BREXIT, voted for by the British people and betrayed by NWO Eurocrat Theresa May, but does anyone in the UK really care? The vote's out on that score, but the French continue to riot against their repellent Rothschild puppet overlord, Macron and his aged consort, La Trolle Brigitte. Good luck, Gilets Jaunes.

Closer to home, the Attorney General's accused the Obama sanctioned Deep State of, ahem, malfeasance. Malfeasance as in spying on a political opponent and then orchestrating an attempted coup. Of course we knew this all along, Russian bot style, but now it's out in the open. Heads will seemingly roll.

Like Peter Strzok's, who's apparently about to be indicted for being a traitor, and former White House Counsel Gregory Craig. Craig's a liar, allegedly, and how many others? Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Rosenstein, Clapper, Hillary, Podesta, to name several heavy hitters and to say nothing of their serf underlings.

So exciting, but let's not forget Michael Avenatti, popularly known as "creepy porn lawyer" or "CPL." Do you remember when CPL was riding high, running 2020 and representing Stormy? Now CPL's looking at 335 years for tax dodging, money laundering and downright theft. They even took his private jet. 

Such tragedy, but we have to ask and it's an overarching question, has SATAN discarded its toys? Speaking of which, don't forget Juicy Smollet.

Your Old Mate,


Thursday, March 14, 2019

You Better Start Fasting

Fasting's an important weapon in the spiritual armory, helping us to beat back and subdue the sins of the flesh. "Their god is the belly," says the Apostle to the Philippians, and their "end is destruction." 

With that in mind, fasting's recommended by Christ who tells the lackluster disciples that certain demons can only be driven out by "prayer and fasting."

Of course the practice is recommended by the Fathers, here's St. Basil:

Fasting gives birth to prophets and strengthens the powerful; fasting makes lawgivers wise. Fasting is a good safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes. Fasting repels temptations, anoints unto piety; it is the comrade of watchfulness and the artificer of chastity. In war it fights bravely, in peace it teaches stillness.

Well said, that Saint, and I've been trying to take the Lenten fast more seriously this year; get real in the fight against evil, LSP. At least two things have happened.

I've been shooting more and Andrew Weissmann's resigned from Mueller's witch hunt. Coincidence?

You be the judge,




Morris Dees Fired From SPLC For Misconduct, Internal Climate in Question. Prayer And Fasting Work.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Russia Hoax

Well, well, as all the world knows, Nancy Pelosi's decided that impeaching Trump isn't such a good idea because "he's not worth it." Or, roughly translated, because she knows the entire Russian collusion story was just that, a faked up pack of lies. And what a story it's been.

I won't bore you with details. Fraudulent FISA warrants, wanton lies, at least one murder, the phony dossier, Ukrainian power politics, MI6, Australia, lies and yet more lies, money, DNC criminality and the ongoing $30+ million Mueller investigation itself. And far, far more, what a seething mass of corruption in pursuit of power even if that meant reinventing the Cold War.

That said, you have to hand it to the Democrats and their media clown show, Goebbels would be proud. Admit it, what a bold call, claiming without a shred of evidence that the US President is a Kremlin agent. That's right, a Russian spy.

You'd think there'd be something to impeach in that. Apparently not.

Vodka all 'round!


Friday, February 22, 2019

Conrad Black Blasts Coup Conspirators

Conrad Black blasts the deep state, the DNC and the coup conspirators, their media satraps and far more besides. He calls it the Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil WarVia Real Clear Politics:

The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.

For more than two years, the United States and the world have had two competing narratives: that an elected president of the United States was a Russian agent whom the Kremlin helped elect; and its rival narrative that senior officials of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and other national intelligence organizations had repeatedly lied under oath, misinformed federal officials, and meddled in partisan political matters illegally and unconstitutionally and had effectively tried to influence the outcome of a presidential election, and then undo its result by falsely propagating the first narrative. It is now obvious and indisputable that the second narrative is the correct one.

Read the whole thing here.

Lock 'em up,


Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone Arrested

In a daring predawn raid against a 66 year old man, heavily armed FBI agents arrested Roger Stone in the latest phase of Mueller's ongoing  Russian collusion investigation. 

Following his release on bail, Stone made the following statement:

This morning at the crack of dawn, 29 F.B.I. agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles with their lights flashing, when they could simply have contacted my attorneys and I would have been more than willing to surrender voluntarily.
They terrorized my wife, my dogs. I was taken to the F.B.I. facility, although I must say the F.B.I. agents were extraordinarily courteous. I will plead not guilty to these charges. I will defeat them in court. I believe this is a politically motivated investigation.
I am troubled by the political motivations of the prosecutors, and as I have said previously, there is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself. I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated.

Stone's been indicted on 7 charges, including obstruction of justice and making false statements. He has not been charged with colluding with the Kremlin or "trafficking" materials to a "hostile foreign power."

In other words, Mueller's investigation has yet again failed to produce any evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion, despite two years worth of trying and millions of dollars spent in the effort. But it has, yet again, persecuted someone in the process of the investigation itself.

And it's a very real persecution, dawn raid Stasi style, to say nothing of the bankrupting cost of defending yourself against the Deep State machine. Stone fears, understandably, that he might find himself at the bottom of the American gulag archipelago.

In the meanwhile, the actors behind Uranium One, fraudulent FISA warrants, disappearing Strozk/Page texts, Fusion GPS, bleachbit, Benghazi, missing emails by the thousand, smashing Blackberries and on, go unpunished.

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Podestas, Hillary and the rest of the crew are all at liberty. No 6 am knock on the door for them.

So what are we, some kind of banana republic? 

You be the judge,


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Hail Kim Dotcom!

Kim Dotcom may not be Herman Goering's eccentric great nephew but he is everyone's favorite ebuccaneer, and he's on an ongoing mission to expose the deep state. Here he is, tweeting from the Dotcom Mansion in New Zealand.

Monumental stuff? Here's hoping, but what's in store for the new year? Kim promises a revelation.

Want to know who they are? Yes please. It'd be an... Epiphany. Kim's famous, in case you didn't know, for crossing Hollywood's bottom line with Megaupload, and they've been after after him ever since.

Well, don't think for a minute that you can go against the agitrop arm of the DS with impunity, but maybe Kim's got evidence that the DNC hack wasn't really a hack but an inside job with a memory stick. Maybe that's why he's still in New Zealand.

Don't say Seth Rich,


Friday, September 28, 2018

When Did The Left Start Scorning The Workers?

Do you remember the left, the old Left which used to be all for the working class and getting them a better deal against their Moloch loving oppressors. Sure you do, it was all about organized labor and a just wage.

Then everything changed. They stopped caring about workers and switched focus to bathrooms, sex changes, virtue signalling identity politics and rainbow riding, all the while pushing for open borders and an unrestricted influx of dirt-cheap unskilled labor into the US.

Who stands to benefit from the millions of immigrants crossing the Rio Grande? Existing American workers? Hardly, their wages get slashed. So do the math. Someone, and it's not the labor force, is making money. Let's put it a different way.

This rural Texan town used to rely on cotton. Cotton was king and made people minor fortunes while employing a lot of workers; this town was 20,000 strong in the 1920s, now it's 7,000. What went wrong? 

The cotton industry went to India and there was nothing to replace it. The people that owned the business made a lot of money and continue to do so, the people left behind, not so much.

It's a small lesson in open borders and you'd think that the champions of the working class, the Left, would be up in arms about it. But no, they're all in favor of unchecked immigration, globalization and the de facto cheapening of labor.

For them, fighting for the oppressed means attacking binary sexuality and pushing for transsexual sex-ed in kindergartens. All the while unemployed coal miners live on welfare in shacks in West Virginia. 

The American working class, living in its asset stripped rust belts saw through this and voted for Trump; at least he promised he'd shift heaven and earth to bring back jobs and industry. Will he and is the project even possible?

Who knows, but what we do know is that the Left hates this project and will do anything in its power to stop it.

My question is, when did they start to hate the working class?



Saturday, September 1, 2018

John McCain, A Tribute

As the greatest statesman America has ever known lay in somber state in the heart of the nation's capital, moving tributes poured in from across the vast continent he so selflessly served. 

Here at the grief-stricken Compound we take a moment's respite from our mourning to share some of these with you.

From Alberta, "Senator John McCain was a cross between Lady Diana and Winston Churchill. His America was always great."

From Detroit, "McCain's life was characterized by love, which is why he won the Civil War for the North and freed the slaves."

From Minneapolis, "John McCain was truly brave, he had no need of bombast or false rhetoric, his ideal was one of America carried ever forward and ever upwards. It is surely no accident he was the first man to walk on the moon."

From Washington DC, "He was a plucky, handsome, daredevil maverick. Yes, far from perfect but inspired by those ideals and principles that encompass the true genius of our founding as a nation. Armed with those he heroically built CERN with his bare hands and solved the riddle of nuclear fusion."

From Chicago, "John called us to be better than that, better than cowering behind a politics based on fear, full of phony controversies and manufactured outrage. That's why Senator McCain, American hero, founded Back Lives Matter."

From Los Angeles, "John was the best. Period. End of story."

This is but a small sample of the near infinite outpouring of grief that has seized North America and the world at the passing of this heroic Senator.

As you listen to Greatest American Hero on a continuous loop, remember the mighty stature of this remarkable patriot.

Facilis descensus Averno,


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Oh My, What A Downer!

Why, none other than Alexander Downer, the Australian Foreign Minister who tipped George Papadopoulos to the State Department as a Russian spy.

Surely it's a coincidence that Downer piled $25 million into the Clinton Foundation in 2006 and that the phony Steele Dossier and Land Down Under Report were compiled in London.

Don't say GCHQ/MI6 or to put it another way:

What it shows is that the real meddling wasn't the work of the Terrible Russkis; it was the doing of some of our closest allies, determined to get Hillary Clinton elected. The Australians were owed favors. Christopher Steele got money from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. So they all worked together to do their bit to get Hillary elected. It shows that the extent of Deep State isn't something confined to the U.S. It stinks.

Land of Hope and Glory,



Some say that if you shine a light into the dark recesses of the world you'll find insects.

But shining the light can be a risky business, not least when it comes to operation Crossfire Hurricane and the slow motion coup against a duly elected president. 

Go ask Adam Lovinger who blew the whistle on Stefan Halper and found himself suspended without pay from the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment.

Here's Lovinger's attorney:

“Yet, we were puzzled by the unprecedented ferocity of efforts to discredit Mr. Lovinger, including leaks from DoD of false and defamatory information to the press,” he said. “Our assumption was that the other contractor about whom Mr. Lovinger explicitly raised concerns – a close confidante of Hillary Clinton – was the reason for the sustained assault on Mr. Lovinger, and that certainly may have played a role.”
Bigley suspects it was more than the Clinton-connected contracts adding, “Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

Something rotten in the deep state of the Union? Surely not, Halper was only paid $1 million for his bit part role in the coup. A sum, curiously enough, similar to General Flynn's legal fees.

You can read the whole thing here and while you're at it ask where is any evidence, whatsoever, of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia?

I'm off fishing,


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Well This Rocks And Then Some

Senator John McCain has died and so it only seems right to post this video, via Borepatch, to lift everyone's spirits. Do you remember how the media hated, scorned and despised McCain, who lost so disastrously to Obama? 

Now they're lauding him as an "American Hero." Such patriots. Other news outlets dubbed him "No Name."

Whatever, may he rest in peace,


Monday, July 16, 2018


Trump meets with Putin in Helsinki and before you can say possessed by Satan, Deep State heads are exploding in tooth-gnashing rage. Traitor is their catchword.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan pretty much led the charge, tweeting that Trump was "imbecilic" and "treasonous." Treasonous, really? Strange patriotism from the man who voted Communist Party in 1976.

Then there's John McCain, who blasted and roared in multiple salvos of epic fury. "No prior president," bombasted the failed presidential candidate, "has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant." Oh my, Cato redivivus.

But don't forget the slick, elite, lying, pugnacious, venal mainstream media. CNN's thick in the fray, calling for a "shadow government" to rise up against the president, perhaps forgetting that this has been happening since or even before the election. 

Even the, ahem, moral Anderson Cooper called the president's behavior "disgraceful" and John King wasted no time, Trump simply "surrendered" to Russia.

And on and on, you can read all about it on the internet or, if you're unfortunate enough to watch TV, on the Uniparty's agitprop networks. There you'll see it, in all its howling fury. Trump is a TRAITOR. 

Like, how dare you sell out America by saying you'll co-operate with Russia on trade, nuclear non-proliferation, international crime, Islamic terrorism and foreign policy. You imbecile, telling a Russian President that you regard his country as a competitor instead of an enemy. What. A. Traitor.

Leaving aside the risible irony of people who oppose  the idea of America having an enforceable border calling Trump a traitor, imagine the reaction if Obama had said exactly the same thing in Finland. He'd have been lauded as the greatest statesman since World War II, the architect of an historic peace.

But no, this isn't Obama or even Hillary and we have to wonder, what really enrages Trump's enemies about peace with Russia? Good question.

The Military Industrial Complex bottom line, bought and paid for inside-the-Beltway special interests, don't say Browder, demonic possession, leftist nihilism, the enraged cacophany of evil found out?  All that and more, you name it, go right ahead and stick the tail on the wicked donkey. 

Speaking of which, Trump met one-to-one with Putin today and no one else but interpreters were present. Can you imagine, just for a second, Putin handing Trump a large envelope labelled "Clinton."

Hell hath no fury... I'll leave you to fill in the blanks.

Your Old Friend, 


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Dark Matter

This is dark. This is as dark as it gets... 

The most bizarre thing is the people who protected her from clear felonious activity and violations of the Espionage Act. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, was protecting her and leaking things to the media and lying. You had John Brennan, Director of the CIA, protecting her by starting a false investigation (on Trump) and stirring things up with this (false/unverified) dossier. You had James Comey, Director of the FBI, protecting her...

Then, you’ve got Peter Strzok protecting her, and now it appears the United Kingdom GCHQ was using NSA information to target Donald Trump and protect Hillary Clinton. You have to ask yourself what kind of power or connections does this woman have to get all of these members of the Deep State, Shadow Government to risk their own criminal penalties to protect her and try to get her elected? That is the Shadow Government. That is the Deep State. That is what is so chilling about this whole thing...
This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.

Rumour has it that Hillary's psyching up for a 20/20 run for the presidency and her chance, yet again, to be the most powerful woman in the world.

I hope that's true and who knows, maybe Putin has a large envelope marked Clinton which he'll give to Trump in Helinski.

God bless,


Friday, July 13, 2018

The World The Flesh And The Devil or The Faces Of Strzok

Our Holy Mother the Church teaches that we're in the midst of a spiritual battle against evil, against an unholy trinity of the World, the Flesh and the Devil. Is this true? Let's try a simple thought experiment to find out.

Imagine you're a top level FBI agent, charged by the nation to execute justice impartially. But you side with the money, power and vested interests of the World, let's call it the Deep State, and before you know it you're plotting to overthrow an elected President. Sound familiar? 

Now think of all the plotting, scheming and intrigue you're locked into; you need relief, a companion, a soulmate, someone who isn't your wife. And there it is, the Flesh.

Then there's the Devil. But isn't that wicked spirit a figment of overheated medieval imagination? I'd argue that pictures tell a different story. So be on your guard, all three of you readers, against the World, the Flesh and the Devil.

Speaking of which, Rod "Weasel Goblin" Rosenstein's just announced that Russia somehow "hacked" the election. Surely the evil powers we're warned against wouldn't want to derail Trump's meeting with Putin. Or would they.

Out demons, out.


Monday, June 25, 2018

The Alien Invasion

Lord of the Flies

There's business. Is Bezos even a human name?


What about Zuckerberg. A tiny ET with big Alien ambition?

Space Alien

Or Strzok. Now that's hardly a human name, is it.


Then there's the media. Is Rachel Maddow a hybrid?

The Red Cuck

And are the aliens thrashing in reptilian rage at MAGA thwarting their plans for global domination? Don't say Red Cuck  Restaurant.

Good Heavens

Are space aliens taking over? You be the judge,