Showing posts with label NWO shills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO shills. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

Fish on Friday #1

It's Friday, and that means fish, the idea being to take a break from reading the Ante-Nicene Fathers on the nature of the episcopate and go out and catch some dinner. But as you await that exciting installment in the varied life of LSPland, here's an excerpt from St. Ignatius of Antioch:

See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is[administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude[of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. (Letter to Smyrna)

Note that, for Ignatius, bishops are seen as the successors of Christ and the presbyters or priests, as successors of the apostles. The bishop, surrounded by his priests, is the image of Christ in the midst of the apostles. 

We can only wonder what the martyr bishop, who was a disciple of the Apostle John, would say about his, ahem, successors in the episcopal college today. 

Fish on,


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Scorn Hippies, Again

What's the connection between A Train Robbery and hippies, you ask yourself, wonderingly. Simple. Hippies are notorious thieves.

Of course these days we don't have train robberies because there aren't any trains to speak of, sadly. And why hold up a train when you can rob an entire country?



Friday, July 8, 2016

Ride On

As we rode out this afternoon in the searing Texan sun, I reflected on last night's terrorist sniper attack on Dallas LE. Who was to blame, The Man, in the form of Dallas PD's multiracial, underpaid police force? Whoa now, easy girl! Or something else.

Like blatant, brazen lawlessness at the top level of our governance being reflected on our streets. As go the rulers, so go the ruled, with bloody consequence. And for a fact, black race anger has been stoked by the current Administration. "Do not be discouraged," said Attorney General Loretta Lynch to the organization that fueled the Dallas terror attack. 

Would any of this have happened if Black Lives Matter didn't have the support of the state? I doubt it. Inside leg steady, bend the horse 'round the girth. Good girl, ride on.

So the Government's to blame, at least in part; they've encouraged the kind of racial conflict this country hasn't seen since the '60s. But let's go a little bit deeper under the saddle. Who are the people the ruling elite are encouraging, who was really behind Thursday night's cop killing operation. Surely it wasn't the radical revolutionary Left. Sit deep in the saddle, ignore the mad Arab's attempt at mutiny!

What are the RadLeft thinking? That a wave of cop killings across the country, and there's been one, will spark a revolution, which they'll win? Really? Think again, genius brigade. And remember this. 

Pretty much everything the Left does produces the exact opposite of its intended result. Remember womyn bishops? They were going to fill the pews. Hackamore.

Ride on,


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Peak Absurdity?

Via ZeroHedge: 

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’

Leaving aside the glaringly obvious fact that Islam isn't a race, what can we say?

ISIS laughs,


Monday, April 18, 2016

Texas Floods!

Those of you who know I35 know that it's a difficult, treacherous and brutish highway. Now it's flooded, and desperate refugees make their way over the watery grave of this once great transit corridor on the floating debris of abandoned farms and derelict strip malls. 

A Typical Texas Street Scene

It's like Waterworld, but worse, far worse. Smart people had boats and got to them in time, others had the good fortune, or was it good sense? to live on high ground. They were the lucky ones.

El Nino

If only this once great state had had the foresight and sheer common sense to acknowledge the settled science of anthropocentric global warming and pay its weather tax. If only. Now that opportunity is gone and Texas is yet another victim, a casualty, in the War on Weather.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Storm Continues

Everything on the deck went flying off, there was a refrigerator 
that went flying by.

There's a storm brewing, in fact it's already here, and I'm not talking about the popular insurgency against our self-serving, crony millionaire, NWO ruling elites and their puppet stooges in academia and the media. 


No, I'm talking about the weather in Texas, where it's been raining with a kind of tornadolike intensity which has made everything green. Not carbon tax, fill the coffers of bloated government green, but real green, as in grass. That's rare here.

Under Water

It's also put everything underwater, and not just the economy! That may be submerged under trillions of dollars of bad debt, thanks to our economic genius overlords, but so too is my back yard. It's flooded.

A Typical Mitt Mask

As I write this, loud thunder fills the air and I don't think it's coming from Rat Hands Rubio's campaign, or from his Master, "Mitt" Romney.

Perhaps it's the thunder of dotcom millionaire private jets, on their feverish way to stop the storm. Or maybe it's just the weather, which we're in a war with.

Don't get washed away,


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Yet More Trump Lit

Alongside decayed roués with dubious means of subsistence and of dubious origin, alongside ruined and adventurous offshoots of the bourgeoisie, were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaux [pimps], brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, ragpickers, knife grinders, tinkers, beggars — in short, the whole indefinite, disintegrated mass... 
No! Karl Marx wasn't describing the Church of England's General Synod, or even Neil Young, but what about the American political class and their media servants? ZeroHedge thinks so and I like this:
This is why the media is as much the class enemy of the working class as the incestuous, corrupted and corrupting pool of swindlers, fakes, apparatchiks, lobbyist/brothel keepers and grifters that populate Washington, D.C.
But there's plenty more. You can read the whole thing here and add it to the growing list of literature on the Trump phenomenon. 

In other news, I've just  skinned and quartered a pig on the porch. I doubt anyone's ever done that here before.

More on that exciting development later.

God bless,


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hacker group VandaSec have traced a number of ISIS social media accounts to the British Government, in London.

According to the Daily Mirror, Jihad recruiting efforts over the internet can be traced to the UK's Department of Work and Pensions.

However, the UK's rulers have excused themselves of directly supporting the white running shoe head choppers by claiming that the IP addresses in question were "sold to the Saudis."


ISIS Laughs.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Mighty Brazos

After Mass this morning, I checked out the Brazos below lake Whitney. Normally the river is very low and quiet at this point, but today it was a mighty flood in full stream.

A large part of me thinks it'd be neat to take a kayak into the current and go for an adventure, but for that I'd need a kayak. Perhaps I should get one.

I guess we can blame our old enemy, Global Warming Climate Change, or The Weather, for the flooded river.

This put me in mind of fire and movement as I walked back to my truck. Where would you put your gun group, LSP? I asked myself, while considering various skirmishing options and cover. No easy task; after all, you never know when and where The Weather will strike.

I noticed a "no firearms allowed" sign as I weighed up potential tactical threats and opportunities. That made no sense to me at all.

Happy Flag Day,


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Is the State Department High, on Crack?

The Obama Administration released 5 top Jihad "generals" in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Bergdahl has been subsequently charged with desertion, by the Army.

The Administration's PR flak, Jen Psaki, explained the move in terms of "tracking."

“We have the ability to track and work with the Qataris. The reason that we know that individuals were reportedly online and engaging with individuals they shouldn’t be is because we track it. It means the system of tracking works.”

Tracking? Surely we're experts. See "NSA."

And we have to ask, is the Administration high, on crack?


Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday, A Warning

Behold the Cross

I wish you all a blessed and holy Good Friday, and to compound the penance, here's a picture of Nancy Pelosi with the "Andrus", at an Episcopalien water ritual somewhere in California.

Pelosi with the Andrus. Dangerous Space Creatures.

Pelosi and the "Andrus" are well-known, off-world, NWO shills. At all costs, do not let them into your house and be sure to do the exact opposite of anything they say. Failure to take this advice seriously has and will have disastrous consequences.

Be Careful,