Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tarmac Deal

Do you remember AG Lorretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac? It was all about golf and grandkids, right?

Nothing to do with Hillary's troublesome email issues or even her election as President. Or Lynch's future position in Hillary's administration.

That would be ridiculous. No upcoming slots on SCOTUS or anything like that. Well, it didn't happen but that doesn't mean we shouldn't...


Trust the Plan? Certainly not Hillary's and is there a video out there via Tor? I wouldn't know.


Monday, March 19, 2018


Hey, this is only a random music blog and we're hoping you'll enjoy Iron Horse's version of Rocketman. Maybe it'll relieve your baffled consternation over McCabe March Madness or wonderment at Mueller's ongoing investigation; it continues, despite no evidence whatsoever that Trump worked with the Russians to defeat Hillary.

Baffling, isn't it. 


Unlike joining the Illuminati, which is simple. Go to Houston's rodeo, thread your way through the crowds, ninja-style, and arrive at the Sling Shot.

Lock Her Up

Then ascend like a master to the heavens and get struck by lightning. Presto, illumination. Use that inner light to lock Hillary up, along with all the rest of her corrupt crew of deep state clowns.

We're working on it.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Release The Video

Is it too outlandish, too bizarre to think that top-level members of our ruling elites are part of a satanic pedophile ring? That's exactly what's being claimed by journalist Liza Crokin, who believes the NYPD is in possession of video evidence detailing the pedophile activity.

According to Crokin, the NYPD has video footage showing Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin engaging in sex with an underage girl. 

The video was allegedly discovered on disgraced Democrat underage sexter, Anthony Weiner's laptop and features "high-level political figures doing horrible things to children" and that "when NYPD officers watched them, 'it made grown men cry.'”

The New York Times has run an article warning readers about "fake videos." They care that much? Who knows, maybe the Russians did it. 

In the meanwhile, just in case you think the idea of a ruling elite millionaire pedo ring is somehow conspiracy theory and tinfoil hat, ponder this. Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein

If there's a video, let's see it.



Thursday, February 1, 2018

Backyard Crossfire

Perhaps you don't have the time or the budget to get out to the range as often as you'd like and blast away, but you still want to shoot. So what's the solution?

Get a CO2 pistol from Walmart, some BBs and set up a backyard range. Need some trigger time? Simple, walk out on the back deck and unleash BB fury on the opposition. In the Compound's case that's two small Canada Dry ginger ale cans and a cardboard box.

As the backyard range develops we'll make the targets more interesting, unicorns, Hillary heads, Cryin' Chuck, Soy Boy Schiff, Justsin Welby, whatever, the sky's the limit.

And look, I know you're supposed to train on the weapons you use but a blast's a blast and I'll vouch for Crossman's semi auto .177 XCP. It comes with a detachable steel magazine, fiber optic sights, a safety and a rail. And all for $29. 

Is it accurate? Extremely. Is it tactical? Very. Do women love them? I'd have thought that was obvious.

Shoot straight,


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

A Beautiful Gift

A beautiful gift arrived at the Compound today and it came with a message, "Dear loneparson please stop hunting us unicorns. Here is a peace offering. Anonimous."

We work hard, here at Compound News, to bring you real news as opposed to the lying, faked up pablum offered by the corrupt, venal, sneaky, pugnacious, hypocritical mainstream media. So it's good to know our work is appreciated. And for sure, this handy hip flask will be put to good use. Thank you, Anon.

Of course many think that unicorns are fairy tale myths or noble, majestic animals but the reality is far different. They're a menace, which is why we hunt them. Sorry, Anon, that's not going to stop, gift notwithstanding.

In the same vein, some people believe the DS (Deep State) fairy tale that Russia hacked the US election to stop the most qualified candidate for the presidency ever, Hillary Clinton, from her rightful ascendancy. Well done Putin, sinister head of SPECTRE and CHAOS.

Instead of her, all we got was a Russian spy in the White House. And guess what, the bombshell moment of truth from the FBI, the smoking gun? General Flynn talked with Russians about making peace between our two powers and didn't report his conversations accurately.

Well sorry Flynn, unicorns don't like that, you either ride the rainbow or get crushed by the rainbow. And now you know why we hunt them, mercilessly.

In the meanwhile, smart people are asking, is the Rainbow Deep State attempting a quiet coup? Read this, from ZeroHedge, I'd say it's right in the X Ring.

Love and Peace,


Thursday, November 9, 2017


I know, you're thinking this is a post about the exotic Tooth Djinn, Huma Abedin, whose hopes for power were shattered by the repellent Weiner. 

Then again, maybe you think it's about Huma's special friend, the Old Crone, who was renowned for her fine teeth before she found herself "lost in the woods."

Or perhaps you're thinking it's about Joe "Trans" Biden, whose prize winning teeth were thwarted of presidential ambition when their billionaire backer, Prince Wally, got himself thrown in the Ritz slammer thanks to the Magic Kingdom's recent night of long knives.

 Good call, vast international readership but not so fast. Because this well known mind blog isn't remotely narcissistic, the teeth in question belong to me, kind of. It started back in January when I pulled myself together and marched into a catastrophically expensive dentist.

"Holy Horseman," he announced like a cowboy, "I'm gonna have to weld those sonsabitches together in case you sneeze and blow your teeth all over the cabin of that plane to London!" He did, and I managed a trip to England without losing the all important front runners. They stood firm, like our brave men at Waterloo or Jackson at Bull Run.

Once back in the Lone Star State, I dodged the Maseratis to get into the dental clinic. "Why howdy! They all gotta go," was the cheerful verdict and damning xray evidence backed it up. There was all kinds of infection lurking around the sturdy jawline. And that's bad because it can mysteriously navigate down to the heart and kill you, stone dead.

So out came the few remaining ivories, in went a couple of implants and on popped a set of falsies and a couple of bottles of synthetic opium. Opioids, they call it and apparently they're a scourge. Just see the video page of this blog and you'll see, QED.

Since then, life has been mostly about driving to Dallas to get the teeth seen to and today was no exception. You see, readers, getting bionic teeth replacement may sound like a walk in the park but it isn't. Still, thanks to the Diocese of Fort Worth it's possible. Thank you, Bishop Iker, 100%.
I file this story under "teeth in rural and not so rural Texas."

God bless,


Friday, September 15, 2017

Hillary And The Devil, Pathetic At Patheos

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, possessed by demons? All because flies keep landing on them and the former has an allegedly occult past and writes about wanting to stick pins in voodoo dolls? Ha, ha, how stupid, how very tin-foil and beneath serious thought. At least that's what Jason Mankey, a pagan writer at Patheos, thinks.

Apparently, Trump called Hillary the Devil during one of the presidential debates and Mankey takes exception to this. It "sounds like the regular bat-shit crazy off-the-cuff Donald Trump remarks we are all used to at this point," writes Mankey smugly, but not so fast. 

Trump, we're told, roll of the drums, is in league with the appallingly right wing Alex Jones, who's safely on the record accusing Hillary and Obama of being not only evil but also demon-possessed. Mankey, a self-described pagan priest with two "kinetic cats," goes so far as to quote the heinous Jones. Here's an excerpt.

Imagine how bad she smells, man? I’m told her and Obama, just stink, stink, stink, stink. You can’t wash that evil off, man. Told there’s a rotten smell around Hillary. I’m not kidding, people say, they say — folks, I’ve been told this by high up folks. They say listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. I never said this because the media will go crazy with it, but I’ve talked to people that are in protective details, they’re scared of her. And they say listen, she’s a frickin’ demon and she stinks and so does Obama. I go, like what? Sulfur. They smell like Hell.

Disturbing, isn't it and the cat-owning pagan goes on to point out that there's a whole internet culture centered around Hillary Clinton's satanic aspect. How inane and indicative of the kind of sub-par, not to say crazy, mentality of Trump and Jones supporters. Mankey dismisses these with more than a hint of condescension, if not sulfur.

"Am I super cool with Hillary being called a witch? You bet!" gushes the enthusiastic pagan, "But I’m pretty sure she’s a Methodist." A Methodist who goes to voodoo rituals and seances, obviously. But here's the kicker.

Of course Jones and his ilk represent only a small portion of the electorate, but in many ways Trump has helped to legitimize this rather confused group of people. When he loses next month it won’t be the fault of Jesus or the electorate, it will be because of the demons that plague most Democratic candidates. It’s all absurd of course, but it might be something someone brings up at Thanksgiving dinner.

When he loses next month. Right, of course. Hillary losing? How absurd.

At what point does smug liberal condescension evolve into hubris? Or to put it another way, sorry, Mankey, your so-obvious-to-win candidate lost and lost hard, flies and all. 

Who knows, perhaps Satan discarded his toy.

Out, demons, out,


Sunday, June 25, 2017

NASA To Announce Alien Life

Thanks to the hacker group, Anonymous, we know that US space agency, NASA, is on the verge of announcing what we've all known all along, that alien lifeforms exist.

The space aliens resemble human beings but have no soul and a different concept of "truth", which causes them to lie.

Evidence suggests that the off-world creatures have no fixed gender and can change their sex at will. Others appear to be sexless but addicted to power and money.

DNC operatives and media executives at MSNBC and CNN were quick to denounce the hacking as yet another example of Kremlin interference in the US democratic process.

Have the Russians hacked NASA and if so, should we thank Putin for revealing the truth?

Your Old Friend,


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Seems Like A Typical Witch To Me

Lena Del Rey is all about casting spells against our President, Donald Trump. That's because she's a witch. Witches use magic to get things, in this case, the overthrow of an elected President because he's against high taxes, no borders and Islamic terrorism. 

Looking Good, Lynn, How's That Pact Workin' Out?

He's also against globalism, too, unlike Hillary, Lynn de Rothschild and Tony Blair. The witches didn't protest and cast spells against Lynn and her friends. Why would that be?

Witch Way, Magicke Sister?

Are their eyes wide shut? And, for what it's worth, since when was it fascist for a country to have borders, seriously, since when?

A Typical Globalist Party

Since the billionaire satanists took over the narrative? While you ponder that, check out this email chain. What "penance" does Hillary owe LdR, apart from being a rube in the house of Luciferian wealth and power.

Out demons, out,


Saturday, January 14, 2017

On The Road

While you're getting into the groove of Funky Town and Barack Obama's awesome legacy, I'm psyching up to drive down I35 to the countryside. Maybe, at some point, our rulers will fix that road.

Speaking of broken roads, the Episcopal Church shut 385 churches between 2009 and 2015, a little more than one a week and that shouldn't be a surprise. Why would anyone who's looking to be a Christian decide to go to a church that's jettisoned Christianity?


The answer, of course, is that no one very much does and so the Episcopal Church and other denominations who've swapped out the Gospel for Team Hillary and the New York Times, continue their decline. After all, why bother going to church when you can successfully believe nothing and read the Grey Lady's oped in the comfort of your Chappaqua breakfast room.


In  stunning contrast to the sad and seemingly endless tale of the lib denominations' decline, churches that do proclaim the Gospel grow. For example, the Russian Orthodox Church grew by 5,000 churches and 10,000 clergymen over the last 6 years.

Crush Satan Underfoot

According to Patriarch Kirill, "This is not because someone ordered to build [a church], but because of [the] enormous strength of the faith of our people, who support the authorities’ wish."

These People Hate Russia

Is it any wonder that the progleft atheist cultural ascendancy in the West looks with hatred and scorn on Christian Russia. I'm hoping that's going to change.

Your Old Mate,