Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Best Brexit Ever!

Disregard the useless acting of the person who misplayed the Iron Duke and watch the charge. Scots Greys, forward!

LSP on a Grey

If you're a horseman you'll appreciate the sound, fury and kinetic energy of the thing. Hell for leather and devil take the hindmost.

Must ride more.

BREXIT forever,



LL said...

If Wellington had the DLC, Waterloo would have been decided much earlier in the day. Charge, dismount, fire three magazines from the 7.62 carbine, remount, forward, repeat.

You look good on that horse, LSP. Maybe we need add the nickname, "Dallas Greys" to the unit. Call the honorary colonel (Melania Trump) and see what she has to say.

Brig said...

Good, you got some time in the saddle.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Whenever I watch a scene like that, I marvel at the logistics. The riders, the gear, the practice needed to make a realistic scene has to be daunting.

LSP said...

Those are two excellent points, RHSM, and I'll be sure to talk to Colonel Melania. Let's see what she thinks.

The grey was fast! (Thoroughbred) but also crazy, so she found another home. Still, we put in a lot of riding time, fun.

LSP said...

Important, Brig! Must get more...

LSP said...

I was thinking the same thing, WSF. And imagine doing it for real, something else again.