Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Melania Mondays!

My not-so-smart-phone buzzed like an angry locust as a text came screeching through the ether. "WHERE'S MELANIA MONDAYS!" OK, OK, BW, calm down, no one's forgotten and here it is, the next installment of the ever popular series on Melania, America's attractive and popular First Lady.

Melania, Looking Typically Good

What's Melania been up to? Going to Christmas Eve Mass in a mini dress, for a start, and guess what, the crowd cheered. Who can blame them? Not us, that's for sure.

But what do you think. Was the stylish and kind presidential consort somehow inappropriate in her impeccable dress sense? Not according to the cheering congregation, no doubt about it.

Merry Christmas, Melania!

Here at the Compound, we wish Melania the very best Christmastide.

There's that 'phone again! "CHOP, CHOP," it says. 




LL said...

You need to invite the Trumps to your church in Hill Country. If they show up, take a selfie with Melania so that we can all live through you.

LSP said...

Good call, LL. I'll send her a text and get it sorted. She has a busy schedule but still, a generous spirit. So.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Mow, we can all rest easy.

LSP said...

Such a relief, eh, BW?

Adrienne said...

That pic of her in black is really quite good. Call me shallow, but I'm anxious to see what she wears for the inauguration.

LL said...

With Melania the short dress works very well.

With Michelle Obama - it's like looking at a man with hairy legs a fat ass wearing a short dress and it's obscene.

And that's why the mainstream media is outraged at the short dress.

GruntOfMonteCristo said...

Thanks for that image of Mooch in a short dress, LL. That completely canceled out the benefit of Melania Monday. LSP, we need another one, STAT! Can't wait til next Monday!

the egyptian said...

I guess I'm a deplorable male but WO WO WO, that is a hot chick, she could make a burlap bag look great, unlike the departing bag, with all the junk in her trunk, seeing her walk looked like two boy scouts fighting in a tent

LSP said...

I agree, LL. Melania looks good in that dress. Michelle, on the other hand... not so good. I guess the MSM would disagree with that, unlike the rest of the world.

LSP said...

Grunt, we're on it!

LSP said...

Egyptian, I can't argue with any of that.