Sunday, December 4, 2016

Madonna Ashamed To Be Human Being

A Clown

Aging superstar, Madonna, told adoring fans at a Miami fundraiser that she was "ashamed to be a human being."

Her comments came during an hour long performance, in which the 58 year old songstress dancer dressed as a clown and exclaimed, "It just really makes me feel ashamed, ashamed to be an American, ashamed to be a human being really."


Madonna is famous for being a multi-millionaire socialist Illuminati stooge of the globalist New World Order and for being an English, ahem, Lady.

Nobody Cares

The well preserved popstar is famous for her opposition to President-Elect Donald Trump. However, as one UK based expert put it, "Nobody cares."

What a clown.

Kick out the JAMS.



drjim said...

WELL past her "use by" date....

GruntOfMonteCristo said...

Well, clowns are supposed to be funny... Or is she trying to be a "clown" in the "Like a Virgin" sense?

LL said...

She's a witch, can't she turn herself from a human being into s slug or some other garden insect? The sooner that happens, the better.

Dr Jim is right. She needs to put a new bushing in the part. Take a picnic ham, shove it in, and pull the bone out of the center. That would fix her up and make her useful again.

Adrienne said...

I thought she was horrible from day one. Now she's just old and horrible.

LSP said...

Drjim, I think you're right. Note -- Sean Penn didn't take her up on the offer of remarriage, and who can blame him?

LSP said...

That, Grunt is a great mystery...

LSP said...

The way I see it, LL, is that you're all about solutions.

LindaG said...

Never cared that much for her music. Or her. She is free to move and denounce her US citizenship. But then she'd owe some other country taxes. I bet she doesn't pay much here.

Anonymous said...

Her so called clown act is just appalling. As for offering a sexual act for those people who vote for Hillary...Maybe we should thank her? It's an ingenious way to scare off voters. Well done you, "lucky star"!

Jules said...

I think all those blow jobs she took on for free seem to have filled her cheeks out and sent her mad. She looks ridiculous as a clown. Shame on you, Madge, I thought you were good at dressing up. English lady? Pfffft! HA! I've seen better ladies hanging out at Primark with a giro. However, lets give credit where it's due, the frock in that "English Lady" picture is very fetching and much more appropriate than her comical Andy Pandy get up. Anyway, enough of this because ....NOBODY CARES.

Fredd said...

Although she was born in Detroit, I believe she talks with an English accent now. We Yanks are no longer her cup of tea, and now apparently we humans aren't, either.

LSP said...

Jules, I have to agree with everything you say.

Then there's the house. I think I need that as UKHQ.


LSP said...

Such an, er, Lucky Star, BW...

LSP said...

Good call, Linda.