Saturday, November 26, 2016

And... They're Back!

As America erupted in a frenzy of mall brawl shopping and Team LSP tended the grill, Satan Inc. was getting ready to pour yet more millions of dollars into Hillary's ego.

Fill The Ego!

Not content with her puppeteer losing the election, Hillary's proxy, Jill "spend those socialist millions" Stein, was ramping up to challenge the results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Despite there being no evidence of hacking or fraud other than, you know, Hillary losing the vote.

Nice Pizza, Hillary

Let's see what kind of ROI Hillary's deep pocketed investors donors get out of launching this next tranche of big money into the Clintonian bottom line. If nothing, will they want their money back?

As you ponder that, ask yourself whether Podesta's emails have anything to do with pizzagate pedophilia. Not that he's a Crowleyite ritual magicke occcultist or anything.


Reports of the Archbishop of Canterbury fighting over flatscreens at Walmart Black Friday Supersales in New Jersey may or may not be true.

That is all.



LL said...

Progs are like a persistent rash.

Anonymous said...

Their wickedness knows no bounds...

Anonymous said...

First Brexit, then Trump and now Castro - the Good Lord is on a roll.

Theodore said...

I know I shouldn't be surprised at what sore losers they all are, but I am.

On a positive note, the fires of Hell are burning a little brighter for the passing of El Presidente.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

Worse case scenario: Hillary starts to set up her own government and chooses cabinet members. The MSM will hail her, we will have two governments and civil war.

But on the bright side: Castro's still dead.

LSP said...

That's a good diagnosis, LL.

LSP said...

Stay away from that pizza, BW!

LSP said...

Who/What next, Anonymous? Maybe Tony "Blair" will be taken to meet its infernal Master. Please.

LSP said...

I guess he'll be there with "Che", TC...

LSP said...

Infidel, I like the way you end on a good note.