Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone Arrested

In a daring predawn raid against a 66 year old man, heavily armed FBI agents arrested Roger Stone in the latest phase of Mueller's ongoing  Russian collusion investigation. 

Following his release on bail, Stone made the following statement:

This morning at the crack of dawn, 29 F.B.I. agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles with their lights flashing, when they could simply have contacted my attorneys and I would have been more than willing to surrender voluntarily.
They terrorized my wife, my dogs. I was taken to the F.B.I. facility, although I must say the F.B.I. agents were extraordinarily courteous. I will plead not guilty to these charges. I will defeat them in court. I believe this is a politically motivated investigation.
I am troubled by the political motivations of the prosecutors, and as I have said previously, there is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself. I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated.

Stone's been indicted on 7 charges, including obstruction of justice and making false statements. He has not been charged with colluding with the Kremlin or "trafficking" materials to a "hostile foreign power."

In other words, Mueller's investigation has yet again failed to produce any evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion, despite two years worth of trying and millions of dollars spent in the effort. But it has, yet again, persecuted someone in the process of the investigation itself.

And it's a very real persecution, dawn raid Stasi style, to say nothing of the bankrupting cost of defending yourself against the Deep State machine. Stone fears, understandably, that he might find himself at the bottom of the American gulag archipelago.

In the meanwhile, the actors behind Uranium One, fraudulent FISA warrants, disappearing Strozk/Page texts, Fusion GPS, bleachbit, Benghazi, missing emails by the thousand, smashing Blackberries and on, go unpunished.

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Podestas, Hillary and the rest of the crew are all at liberty. No 6 am knock on the door for them.

So what are we, some kind of banana republic? 

You be the judge,


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How To Join The Hollywood Elite

I know, you've been wondering how you too can join the Millionaire Socialist, celebrity elite rulership of this NWO satrapy called "North America." It's not hard, just follow the infographic. Here it is.

Then think of all the money you'll have. While you're at it, look at Debra's eyesAdrenachrome? Surely not, that's a myth, just like Marina Abramovic, Podesta, ritual occultism and the DNC. 

Millionaire socialist Debra Messing's net worth is a paltry $20 million. Imagine what Debra and her friends think of you, on your pathetic little salary.

Justified and ancient,



Why did Kathy post this?

And then delete. Was it somehow #NotOK?

Hail /pol/,


Tucker Carlson Slams Celebrity Left Hate Mob

Via Zerohedge, Tucker Carlson slams famous libs for urging  the doxxing, assault and murder of Covington Catholic kids. You can watch the whole thing here.

In the meanwhile, the students' high school was closed because of violent threats from deranged leftists. Neither the school nor the Diocese of Covington has retracted statements condemning the students, despite video evidence showing they were attacked.

In other news, Ocasio "Sandy" Cortez has told us that the world will end in 12 years because "climate change."

I ask you, has Satan driven these people insane?


Sunday, January 20, 2019


You'd think that a Roman Catholic diocese would support its faithful young people. Young people who cared enough about their faith to attend the March for Life in DC and were then attacked by leftists and vilified in the media.

Their crime? Just being there and daring to advertise their pro-life support of a pro-life president. Easily enough to set a crazed Indian drummer, some blacktivists, the ComDupe MillSoc press and, drum roll, the Diocese of Covington against them.

Far from supporting their own, the diocese slammed the teens and threatened expulsion for "behavior" that's opposed to "the Church's teachings." What, like standing up for the sanctity of life?

We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic high school students towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person. The matter is being investigated and we will take appropriate action, up to and including expulsion. We know this incident also has tainted the entire witness of the March for Life and express our sincere apologies to all those who attended the March and those who support the pro-life movement.

But the kids didn't do anything wrong, they were attacked. Attorney Robert Barnes has offered to represent them for free if they decide to sue the New York Times and I hope they do.

In 2005, the Diocese of Covington agreed to pay up to $120 million to clergy sex abuse victims, mostly teenage boys but girls featured too.

Make of that what you will, I'm too angry to comment further. But know this, Diocese of Covington and all your apostate friends, we scorn you. I'm putting it politely.

Your Friend,


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Gillette Razor Run

Via Always on Watch.

You what? Razor run?

All hail Romford,


Government Shutdown - The Poetry Continues

As the government shutdown continues so too does its poetry. Yes, the Muse has not been idle, far from it, as readers capture the joy, the tragedy, the soul of this moment in time. 

Call it poetry from the trenches, call it what you like, here at the Compound we're delighted to bring you these lines.

Existenz From GWB:

I have come! I have come! I may not abide.
I have come e'er the dawn, O beloved, my shutdown to hide
In your gospelling glooms - to be
As a McConnell in heaven, the shutdown
MY shutdown, and the sea MY sea.

The Egyptian strikes:

There was an old witch from DC
Who had it in her mind to flee
From responsibilities she deemed to trite
When on the bus she did see to her fright
The fury of the great maga so bright
To end her flight in disgust
And be thrown under the bus
and Shiff for brains did alight
With his eyes popping out of his head.

And Ed cuts to the chase:

Of the two furloughed I know
One is an FAA inspector/manager
The other a forensics investigator
Not a good sample of the type to RIF.

Then there's this, from Manhattan Infidel. Is the best wine saved 'til last?

Something there is that doesn't love a wall.
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
Pelosi's botox face.

And this:

A shudder in the loins engenders there 
The beautiful wall, the burning roof and tower 
And Agamemnon dead. 
Being so caught up, 
So mastered by the brute blood of the air, 
Did Pelosi put on his knowledge with his power 
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?

So moving! Here's a closing haiku.

Build a great big WALL
Make it of concrete and steel
Gillette is banned.

Will the shutdown continue, as a harbinger of the Age of Aquarius, filling our hearts with joy and uplifting the soul to transcendence? That remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, Pelosi's still flying commercial.

Thank you, Mr. President,


Friday, January 18, 2019

Government Shutdown - The Poetry

It is shut down now
And you weep and gnash your teeth?
The bird sings with joy.

What better way to capture the pathos, the triumph, the victory, the sheer poetry of the Government Shutdown than in verse? Perhaps the haiku says it best:

Climb aboard the bus!
But the flight is cancelled.
Yes there is a God.

And from Kid:

I love tree barks most
I love ants climbing tree barks
Scr*w the democrats.

So haunting! LL, inspired by the muse, wrote these trenchant lines:

Hillary is Satan's Valentine,
Her husband Bill takes ANYTHING that walks on two legs.
They are model Democrats.

And one reader sent this:

When the Government is all shut down 
And Jupiter aligns with Mars 
Then walls will guard the borders 
And MAGA will steer the stars.

Beautiful, isn't it. Do you have a Government Shutdown poem? Please don't be shy, send it in.

Age of Aquarius,


March For Life 2019

Upwards of 200,000 and possibly more attended the 46th annual March for Life in Washington DC, filling the Mall. They were addressed by Vice President Mike Pence:

We gather here today because we know we still have much work to do. We urge you to stand strong. Stand with that love and compassion as you stand for life, and know that we will stand with you until that great day comes where we restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law.

Pence went on to introduce President Trump, who gave a video address stating:

We are supporting the loving choice of adoption and foster care, including through the support of faith-based adoption services. And I am supporting the U.S. Senate's effort to make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion in spending bills. 
Today I have signed a letter to Congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I will issue a veto. And we have the support to uphold those vetoes. 
Every child is a sacred gift from God. As this year's March For Life theme says, each person is unique from Day One. That is a very important phrase. Unique from Day One. And so true. 

Well said, Pence and Trump, and in stunning contrast to the previous administration, which enthusiastically advocated killing babies in the womb. I'll call it as I see it.

How can any Christian, perhaps especially catholics, continue to support a party which platforms on infanticide. All in the name of demonic self-will, deceitfully masquerading as freedom and healthcare.

The modern abortion movement was founded on lies and its patron anti-saint Margaret Sanger famously shrieked out "No Gods, no Masters!" On the contrary, she and her heirs have a God and a Master but don't kid yourself for an instant that such a beast lives in heaven.

There will be a reckoning.

All for life,