Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sorry Commies, You Lose

Yesterday was Labor Day and the fish were staging a "go-slow" in solidarity with their Marxist comrades, the Dove. But one battle lost doesn't mean a war over, far from it.

Today we turned the tables on aquatic bolshevism, luring the scaly soviets out of their revolutionary committees with live worms, spinners and topwater lures.

That's right, a Heddon Tiny Torpedo which the voracious little bass couldn't resist. It'd been a while since I used one and they demand a bit of patience, the temptation being to try and set the hook as soon as the fish strikes. Big mistake, you'll snatch the lure out of the piscine communist's mouth.

Instead, let the aggressive revolutionary surge onto the lure, take it down into the proletarian depths, apply pressure and then reel the little commie in. Easy to say, hard to do because it goes against the quick and sudden hookset mentality that goes with a subsurface strike.

Still, I got in the way of it, casting off, letting the lure rest and then twitching it in to various rhythms. Speaking of which, fishing wisdom recommends you do your best to keep the lure as stationary as possible as you twitch it about. This apparently enrages the predatory nihilist bass who then launch themselves at their bourgeois oppressor.

Well it takes a lot of patience, so I emulated the method while changing it up with more aggressive retrieves and caught a lot of fish. They weren't huge but a fish is a fish and even a small bass striking topwater's a lot of fun. Great result.

Market-driven capitalism restored and the Red Menace put back in its box, I blessed a herd of horses and a barn. Then headed back to the Compound.

God bless,


Monday, September 3, 2018

You're Fired!

A Roman Catholic priest had the sheer, brazen, outspoken temerity to address the unpleasant fact that senior members of the Church's hierarchy are not only guilty of homosexual malfeasance themselves but worked hard to cover it up. Some say the problem goes all the way to the top.

Whatever, Fr. Juan Carlos Gavancho preached this in Santa Barbara and was promptly fired. Here's a snapshot:

The evil has found in the Church a hold. And it is natural for people to believe that there is nothing else to do in the Catholic Church. Maybe many are thinking of leaving the Church. After the terrible experience of 2002, with the abuses, many people left the Church. Now, another opportunity, many people are going to leave. I hope they don’t do, I tell them that they need to stay, that this is the Church of Christ. But if they do, believe me, I understand. Because it is very bad what we have allowed to take place in the Catholic Church in the world. Because this is not only America. In the world! Everywhere! Chile. Ireland. Australia. Everywhere.

If you are Catholic, and you love the Catholic Church, you cannot just say, “Well, let’s pray, let’s offer a couple of rosaries, and we’ll see what happens.” You cannot do that. You have to pray, but pray for truth. You need to pray so God can act. He has begun to act. Who may think that yesterday, that a former Vatican ambassador from the Holy See to the United States was going to write 10, 11 pages letter saying this — asking for the resignation of a pope?! Who may think that? If you had told me that yesterday morning, I wouldn’t have believed you. But that’s what happened.

So, what are we doing now? Where are we going from here? First of all, we must understand one thing. This Church, the Catholic Church, is the Church of Christ. It is the Bride of Christ. St. Paul is right when he said in the letter to the Ephesians, “He has cleansed the Church with His Cross, with His blood.” She is beautiful. We have betrayed her. This is not an abusive church. This is a holy church that has fallen into the hands of abusive, evil men, who are trying to destroy the Church from within, since they couldn’t do it from the outside throughout the centuries.

Well said that priest. You can read the whole thing at Fr. Z's blog and as you do, reflect on the fact that Fr. Gavancho's been booted from his church and Cardinal Whirl hasn't.

Reasons notwithstanding.

Out Demons Out,


Labor Day Fishing

It was beautifully cool at a refreshing 27 degrees, clouds were rolling in with the promise of blissful rain and the time seemed right to go Labor Day fishing.

So cast off into the depths with a tried and tested worm rig, twitch it along and wait for action. But there was no action, just the occasional turtle diving about and one or two sluggish, non-committal tugs at the line. 

A couple of boats pulled into the cleaning station and they hadn't done well either, not a good day for the guides, and taking that as an omen I upped rods and headed to another spot. Maybe that would produce the goods.

It didn't. The fish were obviously on strike, swimming out in solidarity with international labor. OK, several refused to be brainwashed by Boshevik agitprop and took snatching runs at the hook but only to fall back in red cowardice to the aquatic barricades. I couldn't close the deal.

Then it began to rain and catching fish didn't seem to matter any more. God had sent life giving water from the sky to ease and refresh spirits parched and arid from the never ending funeral rites of the most heroic patriot that ever lived anywhere in the world ever.

Uplifted by this gift from heaven, I left the piscine Marxists to their aquatic skulduggery and headed back to the Compound. But not to worry, this match ain't over.

Fish on,


Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Clean Gun Is A Happy Gun

Remember, if you don't clean the filthy beasts they don't work. To that end, here's a short inspirational video.

As you were, 


John McCain, A Tribute

As the greatest statesman America has ever known lay in somber state in the heart of the nation's capital, moving tributes poured in from across the vast continent he so selflessly served. 

Here at the grief-stricken Compound we take a moment's respite from our mourning to share some of these with you.

From Alberta, "Senator John McCain was a cross between Lady Diana and Winston Churchill. His America was always great."

From Detroit, "McCain's life was characterized by love, which is why he won the Civil War for the North and freed the slaves."

From Minneapolis, "John McCain was truly brave, he had no need of bombast or false rhetoric, his ideal was one of America carried ever forward and ever upwards. It is surely no accident he was the first man to walk on the moon."

From Washington DC, "He was a plucky, handsome, daredevil maverick. Yes, far from perfect but inspired by those ideals and principles that encompass the true genius of our founding as a nation. Armed with those he heroically built CERN with his bare hands and solved the riddle of nuclear fusion."

From Chicago, "John called us to be better than that, better than cowering behind a politics based on fear, full of phony controversies and manufactured outrage. That's why Senator McCain, American hero, founded Back Lives Matter."

From Los Angeles, "John was the best. Period. End of story."

This is but a small sample of the near infinite outpouring of grief that has seized North America and the world at the passing of this heroic Senator.

As you listen to Greatest American Hero on a continuous loop, remember the mighty stature of this remarkable patriot.

Facilis descensus Averno,


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Oh My, What A Downer!

Why, none other than Alexander Downer, the Australian Foreign Minister who tipped George Papadopoulos to the State Department as a Russian spy.

Surely it's a coincidence that Downer piled $25 million into the Clinton Foundation in 2006 and that the phony Steele Dossier and Land Down Under Report were compiled in London.

Don't say GCHQ/MI6 or to put it another way:

What it shows is that the real meddling wasn't the work of the Terrible Russkis; it was the doing of some of our closest allies, determined to get Hillary Clinton elected. The Australians were owed favors. Christopher Steele got money from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. So they all worked together to do their bit to get Hillary elected. It shows that the extent of Deep State isn't something confined to the U.S. It stinks.

Land of Hope and Glory,



Some say that if you shine a light into the dark recesses of the world you'll find insects.

But shining the light can be a risky business, not least when it comes to operation Crossfire Hurricane and the slow motion coup against a duly elected president. 

Go ask Adam Lovinger who blew the whistle on Stefan Halper and found himself suspended without pay from the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment.

Here's Lovinger's attorney:

“Yet, we were puzzled by the unprecedented ferocity of efforts to discredit Mr. Lovinger, including leaks from DoD of false and defamatory information to the press,” he said. “Our assumption was that the other contractor about whom Mr. Lovinger explicitly raised concerns – a close confidante of Hillary Clinton – was the reason for the sustained assault on Mr. Lovinger, and that certainly may have played a role.”
Bigley suspects it was more than the Clinton-connected contracts adding, “Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

Something rotten in the deep state of the Union? Surely not, Halper was only paid $1 million for his bit part role in the coup. A sum, curiously enough, similar to General Flynn's legal fees.

You can read the whole thing here and while you're at it ask where is any evidence, whatsoever, of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia?

I'm off fishing,


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Pope Implicated in Alleged Sex Scandal Cover Up

There's something about the rainbow riding antics of the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion that makes it a fair target. 

Is ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) lost in the icy void of deep space, is the CofE controlled by Mantis People and the Episcopal Church setting up Jesus Movement worship spaces on the Red Planet, all to the beat of heart warming liturgical dance? 

Good question but when it comes to the broader Church things get more serious. As in Pope Francis and other senior members of the Hierarchy allegedly covering up Cardinal McCarrick's gay sex abuse.

Here's Damian Thompson:

Pope Francis stands accused this morning (26 August) of covering up the crimes of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, one of the most senior and sinister sex abusers in the history of the Catholic Church.
The allegation comes from the Vatican’s former apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, who has called on the Pope to resign.
In a devastating 11-page written testament, Viganò says Francis lifted severe sanctions imposed on McCarrick for sexual wrongdoing by Pope Benedict XVI, the existence of which has not been made public until now.
Viganò writes that he told Francis in person in 2013 that McCarrick ‘had corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance’.
But, says the former nuncio, the new Pope decided instead to cover up for the retired Archbishop of Washington – and made him one of his most trusted advisers.

It's scathing stuff and Thompson gets right down to it.

But the document’s (Vigano's) detailed allegations cannot to be dismissed on grounds of bias. Either they are true or they are false. If they are true, then Pope Francis has actively promoted the career of a sex abuser, knowing of the allegations against him – and sabotaged Pope Benedict’s attempt to protect the Church from any further crimes by Theodore McCarrick.

You can read the whole thing here and here.

Pray for the Church,


Monday, August 27, 2018

Melania Mondays!

America's popular and glamorous First Lady got a boost from an unlikely source when none other than the notorious prostitute, Stormy Daniels, leaped to her defense.

"People should stop talking about her, maybe she’s happy," Stormy told the UK's Mirror newspaper, “Everything we say about her is a projection. Some people misplace sorrow and pity on another person.”

The celebrity adult entertainer was responding to attacks made on Melania by wacky, vicious and hated Omarosa, who claims in her book Unhinged that the First Lady is "counting every minute" until she can divorce the President.

In other news, Melania's getting ready to fly the flag in Africa, which she plans to visit in October. 

"This will be my first time traveling to Africa," said Melania in a statement, "and I am excited to educate myself on the issues facing children throughout the continent, while also learning about its rich culture and history."

Well done Melania for doing your part to make America great again.



Sunday, August 26, 2018

Well This Rocks And Then Some

Senator John McCain has died and so it only seems right to post this video, via Borepatch, to lift everyone's spirits. Do you remember how the media hated, scorned and despised McCain, who lost so disastrously to Obama? 

Now they're lauding him as an "American Hero." Such patriots. Other news outlets dubbed him "No Name."

Whatever, may he rest in peace,


Fixing Up The Compound

I won't deny it, having a Compound's awesome but here's the thing, if it's made of painted wood it has to be maintained. Otherwise, let implacable logic show, the paint peels off, the wood rots and the whole mighty edifice of the thing falls down.

A Typical Detroit Street Scene

Sure, ruins are nostalgic, melancholy tributes to past greatness and have their value, no doubt about it but you can't live in them. Unless it's Detroit, which is different.

Rig & Porch

With that in mind, we got the place repainted and the job's almost done but there's a glitch. A load bearing beam under the front porch has been eaten away by ants or termites and must be replaced. It's a problem here in Texas.

Nearly There

And it'll take a while because of our crew's work schedule. Well, the beast won't fall down in the next month or so and there it is. An historic Texan home saved from becoming an historic Texas ruin.

Speaking of ruin, there's a lot of yard signs everywhere announcing "Beto." What the devil's a "Beto", some kind of sandwich?

Looking forward to Opening Day,