Monday, March 13, 2017

Jail Time!

It started off as a normal armed stroll to the local Pick 'n Steal, the famous Shamrock filling station that's founded by Irishmen and run by Nepalese. I like to walk the dog and get a coffee, it's like a ritual.

All went well, at first. I tethered the dog, got a coffee and paused to check my emails. Nothing unusual about that. Then BOOM. A Fedex guy strolled past the dog, close, and Blue Protector darted out and nipped his ankles, then darted back to heel.

Fedex man started howling and carrying on like he was about to sue the Svhamrock for a million bucks and never have to work again. He even had his trouser leg up, exposing a shin and a cowboy boot. The shin was slightly grazed.

"He bit me!" moaned Fedex while attempting to cry. I resisted the urge to ask how Blue Fang could have grazed his shin while nipping at his cowboy booted heels and asked if I could help. He didn't think I could.

Then the police arrived, two Tahoes worth, thank you very much, and an animal services pickup. I guess the desperately wounded Fedex dialed them in. Blue ended up getting busted and sent to gaol for 10 days, while they work out if he has rabies.

I wasn't expecting that outcome when I set off for the Shamrock. You can watch a recap of this remarkable adventure on video, here.

Mind how you go,


Melania Mondays!

Some people don't like Mondays, they want to shoot the whole day down. But we're here to change that, bringing you another uplifting installment in the popular series, Melania Mondays! So what's Melania been up to?

She's been rising in the polls, for a start. According to the left-leaning very fake news network, CNN, Melania has risen in the polls by 16 points since her husband's inauguration. That's right, 52% of Americans view the First Lady favorably as opposed to 36% at the inauguration.

However, according to the Clinton News Network, which unashamedly boosted Hillary in the election while pretending to be non-partisan and objective, Melania is less popular in her first year than Michelle Obama, who scored a whopping 93% approval with Democrats and 50% approval from Repubulicans.

As we saw in the election, false polls put forward by the corrupt, lying, elite media shouldn't be believed. All of them predicted a massive Trump loss. All of them were proved massively mistaken.

So here at the Compound we urge you to take CNN's statistics with more than a grain of salt. Michelle Obama, more popular than Melania?

Don't be absurd.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

US Air Force Goes Snowflake

Already famous for it's diversity and inclusion strategies, the US Air Force has now gone full snowflake, at least at Lackland Air Force base, where a senior officer has banned a list of bad words. 

Following the example of Cardiff Met, the following words are now forbidden:

You People
Sounds Greek to me
Blondes have more fun
Too many chiefs, not enough Indians

Lackland AFB is in San Antonio, Texas, a state which is home to an estimated 125,000 transsexuals. How many of these are employed by the Air Force is presently unclear.

Carry on,


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fiend From The Pit

It's common knowledge that exorcisms are on the rise and no wonder, what with the popularity of satanism and associated occultist skulduggery. How many of our ruling elite, like the Podestas, are involved? Some? Many?

Whatever the case, I thought I'd have to cast out an evil spirit at 6.30 am this morning, when Blue Malefactor began to bark like a fiend from the Pit. I wasn't too happy about that.

It rained later, just in time for the trip down I35 to the country compound. Great sheets of water fell from the sky, turning the highway into a kind of storm tossed canal for cars. Then, somewhere near Waxahachie, the rain stopped and the sun broke through the clouds. Beautiful.

They say that if you collect water in cisterns during the rainy part of the year, in Texas, you'll have water for the entire year. I could believe that, given the ferocity of the rain when it does fall and, given the stability of civilization, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in a secure water supply.

Prep On,


He Will Not DivideUs! Hunt, Capture and Aftermath

Millionaire Socialist Shia LaBeouf could run, but he could not hide from /pol/. Follow the epic saga of the hunt for the enemy flag, it's capture, replacement and the aftermath. 

As you do, bask in the warm glow of Shia's ignominious defeat.


Praise Kek!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Libs Drive Bishop North From Sheffield

It was like a miracle, an act of divine intervention in the affairs of men. Yes, a man who was opposed to the ordination of women was nominated to become a Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England.

Seriously, a traditional Anglo-Catholic, Philip North, was approved and ready to go as the next Bishop of Sheffield, even though he's against the ordination of women. Remarkable, and a true test of the CofE's commitment to tolerance and inclusion. 

The same tolerance, let the reader understand, which undergirded the small denomination's 2014 decision to allow women to become bishops. This, it was promised, would never prevent a traditionalist from getting one of the church's top jobs. No, from henceforth the Elysian pastures of England's State Church would be home to two integrities, one for and one against womyn priests.

Such a beautiful, irenic vision! You can almost see the unicorns frolic and gambol amidst the rainbows of the declining denomination's polity. And, speaking of rainbows, it was a crock all along.

Advocates of womyn priests were so enraged by North's nomination and caused such an uproar that North felt obliged to withdraw from the position. "It is clear," he stated, "that the level of feeling is such that my arrival would be counter-productive in terms of the mission of the Church in South Yorkshire and that my leadership would not be acceptable to many."

So, while the Church of England remains a place of "mutual flourishing" and respect for all, on paper, in reality it's a rather different thing. A place of flourishing for anyone, as long as they're on board with the great Gospel Mandate that never was, to ordain womyn. 

Good luck, CofE trads. And sorry, Philip, you deserved better.

Your Old Friend,


Reza Aslan, Cannibal

After eating human brains on his TV show, Believer, CNN's self-proclaimed religious scholar, Reza Aslan, is now a cannibal as well as a Muslim.

In a recent episode of his show, Reza got down to it with a Shiva worshiping Hindu sect, the Aghori. After eating half a human brain and drinking an alcoholic concoction from a human skull, the Aghori guru threw human feces at the liberal journalist and threatened to cut his head off. Perhaps the guru sensed that Reza didn't take the Aghori very seriously. If so, he'd have had a point.

Here's Reza's take on religion, in his own words:

Can you have faith without religion? Of course! But as the Buddha said, if you want to strike water, you don’t dig six 1-foot wells; you dig one 6-foot well. In other words, if you want to have a deep and meaningful faith experience, it helps — though it is by no means necessary — to have a language with which to do so.
So then, pick a well.
Different words, same thing.
My well is Islam, and in particular, the Sufi tradition. Let me be clear, I am Muslim not because I think Islam is “truer” than other religions (it isn’t), but because Islam provides me with the “language” I feel most comfortable with in expressing my faith. It provides me with certain symbols and metaphors for thinking about God that I find useful in making sense of the universe and my place in it….

So, Reza doesn't think any one religion or "well" is actually true, it's just that some are more suited to the way someone happens to feel than others. For Reza it's Islam, but not because it's "truer", it's just more comfy.

In other words, religion, for Reza, is a game, a metaphorical language game of pick 'n mix according to what makes you feel "comfortable."  How very enlightened and CNN progressive, until of course the rubber hits the road and you find yourself eating human brains out of a skull while a guru throws **it at you.

You can't blame the guru for wanting to cut Reza's head off. CNN's famously enlightened religious scholar was essentially mocking the Aghori faith, in the same way he mocks all faith by relegating it to a matter of opinion. But faith has to do with truth, about belief that's either right or wrong, regardless of how comfortable or otherwise it makes you feel.

Perhaps Reza pondered that as he ate his brains.

What a cannibal.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tea With LSP

Part of the problem with having your teeth out is that you can't chew anything until your gums have healed and the new gnashers settled. But you can sip, in my case, hot tea.

And apologies, "stars and bars" should be "stars and stripes" in the above infovid.



Witch Hunt!

America's truth seekers in the Democratic Party, along with the Washington Post and the New York Times, are engaged in the greatest witch hunt this country's seen since the storied days of Salem, or Senator McCarthy. That's right, the hunt for Russian spies, attempting to subvert our democracy.

Spies like General Flynn, Jeff Sessions and the President, Donald Trump himself; all tools of the Kremlin! But what about the Podestas? You know, Hillary's campaign chairman and his brother, Tony?

John and Tony may not be witches, although they're friends with one, Marina Abramovic, and their lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, only took in $20k a month, from March-September 2016, from Sberbank alone. All for lobbying the administration to put an end to Russian sanctions. 

You can read about it here and while you're at it, remind yourself of the Podesta Group's past business in the enchanted woods of Uranium One, Russian banks, the Clinton Foundation and Hillary herself.

Odd, isn't it, how the Russian witch hunt's died down in the last few days, and here's a thought. When you cast a spell, say it's against the Russians or Trump's administration, make sure it doesn't rebound and hit you in the face.

God bless,


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day!

It's International Women's Day, so here's a helpful meme.



A Visit To Ray's

Perhaps you've had all your teeth removed and look like someone's smacked you 'round the face a bit. Whatever, visit the gunshop and buy a mug, or a gun.

I couldn't manage a gun because they're too pricey at Ray's but I'm happy with the mug.

Gun rights,


Touring the Grounds

Word to the wise. If you're fixing to have all your teeth out, don't plan on chewing anything for a while.

Making high quality custom infovideos? Different story.
