Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Power of Words

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Do you remember the old days, the days when we used to look at Russia with a kind of scornful wonder and say "they don't have freedom of religion, speech or press!" My, how that worm's turned here in America; post thoughtcrime on Facebook and get fired from your job, to say nothing of anything else. Still, words and the ideas behind them have creative power, whether for good or ill. Here's Dorothy Sayers:

This is the Power of the Word, and it is dangerous.  Every word—even every idle word—will be accounted for at the day of judgment, because the word itself has power to bring to judgment.  It is of the nature of the word to reveal itself and to incarnate itself—to assume material form.  Its judgment is therefore an intellectual, but also a material judgment.  The habit, very prevalent to-day, of dismissing words as “just words” takes no account of their power.  But once the Idea has entered into other minds, it will tend to reincarnate itself there with ever-increasing Energy and ever-increasing Power.  It may for some time only incarnate itself in more words, more books, more speeches; but the day comes when it incarnates itself in actions, and this is its day of judgment.  At the time when these words are being written, we are witnessing a fearful judgment of blood, (WWII) resulting from the incarnation in deeds of an Idea to which, when it was content with a verbal revelation, we paid singularly little heed.  

Which Ideas are (morally) Good and which are anti-Good it is not the purpose of this book to discuss; what is now abundantly manifest is the Power.  Any Idea whose Energy manifests itself in a Pentecost of Power is good from its own point of view.  It shows itself to be a true act of creation, although, if it is an evil Idea, it will create to a large extent by active negation—that is to say, by destruction.  The fact, however, that “all activity is of God” means that no creative Idea can be wholly destructive: some creation will be produced together with the destruction; and it is the work of the creative mind to see that the destruction is redeemed by its creative elements.


It is the work of the creative mind to see that the destruction is redeemed by its creative elements. 

Sayers, to my mind, wrote with remarkable and perhaps mystical depth and insight. You may disagree, and I'd defend your right to do so with all the guns and swords I tragically lost in last year's catastrophic boating accident. Regardless, let's rise to the challenge, and see that the destruction of the present time's redeemed.

I'd say it's badly needed. Open forum and here endeth the Lesson.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Market Analysis


I'll leave it at that.

Ad Lunam,


Church of Sweden Goes Tranny


Lutheran Sweden was, for a time, something like the sword arm of Protestantism, thanks in no small part to the remarkable Gustavus Adolphus. But that was then, this is now, and the Lutheran Church of Sweden's told the world that it's trans. 

That's right, an entire denomination's decided to become a blasphemous parody of a woman or, less typically, a man. You can read the whole turgid smuggery here:

“We write to you from a church that is also trans. A church is made up of people. People are different. We have confirmees, employees, churchwardens, elected representatives, non-profits, and other parishioners who define themselves as trans people. The church also consists of trans people. Therefore, the church could be described as trans.” 


I ask you, all four readers of this inconsequential mind blog, would Gustavus have died laughing or turned his sabre on the sex magicke occultists? I'd wager sabre. 

In the meanwhile, we're left with the spectacle of every single mainline prot denom going full rainbow. And, lest you think I'm somehow biased, Rome isn't far behind, just ask the German and Dutch bishop figures, to say nothing of our own apostates here in the US. 

Odd, isn't it, that people who no longer believe in biological gender are keenest to shut down their churches in the face of a deadly bioweapon that kills .02(?) of the people it infects.

Whatever, we can analyse this interesting phenom all night long, but let's not.  What we do know is this, the gates of Hell will not prevail. And remember kids, Baphomet's trans. 

Stand steady,


Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday Message


I was in the Compound's front office, aka "porch" when I read this, which echoed my thoughts entirely. It's presented here as a Monday Message, and a tip of the spear to LL for writing it.

Via Virtualmirage:

There are key illuminators to civilized society that can be counted on to guide or to fail to guide us upward (Matthew 5:14 – You are the light of the world). A number of them have gone out, possibly forever.

Universities were places of learning where ideas were tested, and even liberal arts had its place. Today everything is racist – everything – and students have different graduation ceremonies with tribe-over-whole. It allows people who may have not been that bright a chance to give a commencement address about how aggrieved they are.

Denigration of the Family as a key institution in society has become so routine that it’s not even news anymore. Pro-Choice is used to refer to prenatal infanticide. I heard the term “birthing person” used in place of “mother” the other day for the first time. What mother wants to be referred to a birthing person, and do you have to give birth to a baby to be its mother? There are a lot of adoptive mothers who are far more to their children than the one who gave them birth. It’s better if you are raised in a nuclear family but the FAMILY is the core of culture. As a child, sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don’t. Vogue calls childbearing “environmental vandalism.” They’re very woke over at Vogue.




Much has been said on this blog and others about how some of us feel that churches have let us down during the most recent plague. The government didn’t give us a voice. They worked to silence us – “wear your obedience mask, slave”. The media was silent except as an instrument of propaganda. There was a general hope that religious institutions would stand up to tyranny – crickets.

Elections…yeah. What about the republic (past tense) being the great balancing lever in society? Do you really think that the last election cycle was free and fair?

There has been general persecution of anything uplifting, of worth, of cultural value, and the government has been pushing the hateful narrative of the progressive movement. Corporations with vast wealth and power have formed a shadow government that is difficult to get your hands around. The carcass and the whore are barely figureheads. They’re jokes.


Well said. In the words of the satanist Manasseh, in Charles Williams' War in Heaven, "They build and we destroy." That in mind, we can add another line item to LL's list, the wholesale rejection of God, of Christ. He is inevitably replaced by demons, see above.

And now, by way of solace and Vespers:

Your Friend,


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunday Evening Morale Boost

Life for the Tzar! And life for the kid in Korea too. I'd like to thank you all for the prayers and intentions, it means a lot, and be sure I'll pass it on. In the meanwhile, you'll remember Russia's built a cathedral for the Armed Forces.

Can you imagine such a thing here or anywhere in the West? No, of course not. I ask you, who are the bad guys in this equation? Not the young patriots who signed up to serve their country and do something meaningful with their lives, that's for sure.

I won't bang on, you get the point.

God bless,


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Good News And Bad News


So what's it to be first, the good news or the bad news? Let's go with the good because this simple mind blog's all about boosting morale in these troubled and uncertain times. And the good news is this, there'll be two baptisms in Mission #2 tomorrow, which is a holy and blessed thing. 

It also confirms upward momentum in that rural outpost of God's kingdom, PTL. And don't worry, the goodness keeps flowing; the Specialist, my eldest, is "feeling better." Now for the bad news.

After getting the J&J vax, one shot, cheapest on the market, the kid got really sick and had to go to hospital. He got a steroid shot, which helped, and we spoke, "Everything's OK now, Dad." I posted it, pleased. But last night I discovered it wasn't OK.

Thanks to Instagram, I learned he'd been in hospital every day this week and there was the photo to prove it. Serious sickbed stuff, no kidding and I'll spare you the photo. A series of texts later, it seems everything's OK again and no one's died. Thank God.

And so we end on a good note, endeavoring to think positive, train hard and fight easy. But I tell you, the crooks, malfeasants, psychosociopaths, scam artists and virtue-signaling mountebanks have got a lot to answer for. Will we ever know the full-scale perfidy that's been played on our nation and the world at large? I doubt it.

In the meanwhile, say a prayer that John makes a full recovery.

God bless,


Friday, May 14, 2021

A Sign


There, right there in front of me was a sign. What did it mean, was it good or bad? The TLA (Three Letter Acronym) was obviously good, but what about the numerics? Good question, and I offered one up to the Archangel, defende nos, as I drove to Made-in-China-Mart.

Where, lo and behold, was yet another valu-pak of 12 gauge for the bizarrely low cost of twenty bucks. Buy. And hold. Here's another sign.

In related news, the Peoples Currency bounded up from its recent clubbing and's fighting in the .50s. Not shabby by anyone's standards, but let's see a breakout to the swinging .60s and beyond.

Your Pal,


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Look How Great Everything Is!


Some Fool

What's your favorite thing about the way we live now, apart from adorable Shibas? Maybe you love waiting in line for gas and paying moar for food. Then again, perhaps you're excited about Wooden Top, John Kerry, being back on the national stage. 

Others love our open southern border, war in the Middle East, mandatory mask wearing and DC being turned into an armed camp to protect our beloved leaders. Who, you know, are so popular they need razor wire protection. That's why they got so many votes.

Our Beloved Leader

The list goes on, but seriously, are we in the grip of some kind of collective psychosis? A weird insanity where having a border makes you Fascist, believing in biological gender makes you a bigot, where wearing a mask, from a box which specifically tells you that the products therein don't protect you from viruses, protects you from viruses.

Apparently we are, to say nothing of our churches shutting down unlike, say, Costco, because worshiping God isn't "essential." And that's just it. The Church, writ large, should have acted as a beacon of light and truth over the last year, guiding and facilitating the most essential thing there is, the worship of God. But no. 

A Fierce Shiba

With notable exceptions, such as the Polish pastor in Calgary who was arrested the other day for holding services, the Church has been silent or complicit in what amounts to a corporate sponsored Cultural Marxist putsch. Go figure, it's been evident for decades that our heirarchs either support this or are too scared to speak out clearly against the current ideological and emotional ascendancy. 

Let's see what comes out of the other end of the meat grinder. My prediction, for what it's worth. A lot less lib churches, they shut themselves down and they'll stay shut, and those who actually believe, across the denoms, will stay standing and grow.


Church aside, who knows. But at least we can all agree that it's a beautiful thing to see our beloved rulers protected by razor wire in CAMP WASHINGTON DC.

Kyrie Eleison,




Look, cryptically named 'LSP,' you can't hit people with an evil gang music sonic attack on the Feast of the Ascension, even if it does make for an interesting musical parable of civil war and associated wickedness. 

Thus spoke the voice of reason over morning coffee on the back porch and I hit delete, such is the miracle of technology. Then the kid called in from Camp Humphreys in Korea, where he's getting ready to leave for Fort Hood in a month or so.

Part of the "out processing" involved a J&J Covid shot on Sunday, which caused such an allergic reaction that he ended up in hospital. He's recovered, thank God, and it's more than tempting to go on a rant about the evil chicanery that's overtaken us in the name of health and safety. But I won't, here's a prayer for the day instead:

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


God bless,


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Socialists Are So Very Awesome


And here zhe is, the Great 0 zhirself.

One of the ways you can spot a socialist is by their multi-million dollar Martha's Vineyard mansions. Because, you know, global warming's gonna raise the sea levels which is why they're investing in coastal mega homes.

Don't say hypocritical, white washed sepulcher fraud. No, check out the Intrepid Reporter on the current rumblings in France.



Notes From The Front Of The War On Weather


It's May, here in Texas, and you'd expect the kind of light and heat which promises blast furnace, frontier intensity in a month or two. But that was before we went to war against the Weather. Maybe you remember how it started, in the days of the Great 0. It was called Global Warming back then, remember?

Our planet was heating up, the ice caps were going to melt, adorable polar bears would all die and Venice, London, Martha's Vineyard, New York, Aberystwyth and Hull (What? Ed.) were going to sink beneath the waves. Unless we paid more tax, a lot moar tax.

So we went to war against the weather and paid for it too, after all, wars don't come cheap. Just ask the French who patriotically embraced daring green taxes on "Le Petrol." But that was then, this is now. Fast forward to today and the North Central Texan Front of the war.

I tell you, it's not easy, because the enemy's smart, unpredictable, the climate changes. On a dime. And it's cold in Texas today, thunder rumbles  relentlessly like the guns of Kursk and rain pours down, threatening the flimsy architecture of today's corporate sponsored, rainbow hued Marxist utopia with collapse.

Regardless, we press on, resolute in the Great Patriotic War against our Old Enemy, the Weather.

Stand Firm,