Showing posts with label religious freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious freedom. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Look How Great Everything Is!


Some Fool

What's your favorite thing about the way we live now, apart from adorable Shibas? Maybe you love waiting in line for gas and paying moar for food. Then again, perhaps you're excited about Wooden Top, John Kerry, being back on the national stage. 

Others love our open southern border, war in the Middle East, mandatory mask wearing and DC being turned into an armed camp to protect our beloved leaders. Who, you know, are so popular they need razor wire protection. That's why they got so many votes.

Our Beloved Leader

The list goes on, but seriously, are we in the grip of some kind of collective psychosis? A weird insanity where having a border makes you Fascist, believing in biological gender makes you a bigot, where wearing a mask, from a box which specifically tells you that the products therein don't protect you from viruses, protects you from viruses.

Apparently we are, to say nothing of our churches shutting down unlike, say, Costco, because worshiping God isn't "essential." And that's just it. The Church, writ large, should have acted as a beacon of light and truth over the last year, guiding and facilitating the most essential thing there is, the worship of God. But no. 

A Fierce Shiba

With notable exceptions, such as the Polish pastor in Calgary who was arrested the other day for holding services, the Church has been silent or complicit in what amounts to a corporate sponsored Cultural Marxist putsch. Go figure, it's been evident for decades that our heirarchs either support this or are too scared to speak out clearly against the current ideological and emotional ascendancy. 

Let's see what comes out of the other end of the meat grinder. My prediction, for what it's worth. A lot less lib churches, they shut themselves down and they'll stay shut, and those who actually believe, across the denoms, will stay standing and grow.


Church aside, who knows. But at least we can all agree that it's a beautiful thing to see our beloved rulers protected by razor wire in CAMP WASHINGTON DC.

Kyrie Eleison,


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Satanic Abortion

What happens when you perform a satanic ritual before your abortion? According to the Satanic Temple, you're exempt from pesky pro-life laws like waiting periods, mandatory counselling and sonograms. And that would be because you're exercising your religious freedom under the RRFA (Restoration of Religious Freedom Act).

Some argue that sacrificing a baby for personal gain is a satanic ritual in itself, but here's what the devilish Temple instructs:

Prior to receiving any anesthetic or sedation, look at your reflection to be reminded of your personhood and your responsibility to yourself. Focus on your intent. Take deep breaths, and make yourself comfortable. When you are ready, say the Third Tenet and Fifth Tenet aloud. You may now undergo the surgery. After the surgery is completed and any anesthetic has worn off, return to your reflection and recite your personal affirmation. Feel doubts dissipating and your confidence growing as you have just undertaken a decision that affirms your autonomy and free will. The religious abortion ritual is now complete.

What are these "Tenets" and "personal affirmation"?

Tenet III. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. 
Tenet V. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 
Personal Affirmation. By my body, my blood. By my will it is done.

Note the condescending fact-checky, settled science of the satanists, they're all about "scientific facts" instead of, presumably, the ignorant superstition of people who believe abortion's something to do with killing a human being. That being the case, you'd think they'd welcome sonograms, but no.

Then there's the Affirmation, "By my body, my blood. By my will it is done." It is done, locked in, final, your irrevocable and bloody choice. You can almost hear the iron portcullis of Hell thunder into place.

I know, the Satanic Temple doesn't really worship Satan. For them, it's all just a witty SJW, sub-Crowleyite larf aimed at taking out perceived Christian bigotry. As in, "Let's use the RRFA to enable abortion, hahahaha!"

How very clever, until the demons you don't believe in drag you screaming into the Pit.

Out Demons Out,


Friday, May 22, 2015

Drone Power!

I drove to Fort Worth today, to listen to several excellent presentations on Religious Freedom, but more on that later. When I returned to the bucolic pastures of rural ministry, and put the kettle on to make a refreshing cup of hot tea, I heard a loud knocking on my door. Who was it?

A lady in a pink nightdress and a large white sun hat, pounding furiously on the front door of my Command and Control Center. What did she want? I asked myself, inquisitively.

To talk, of course, about being spied upon by the City Drone Force (CDF).

"I can tell the difference between a firefly, a star and a drone!" she declared. "How's that?" I replied, and found out.

Fireflies make erratic upwards movements, stars twinkle, and CDF drones move in a straight, dronelike line. Flat against the night sky.

Speaking of drones, Ramadi is in the hands of Islamic savages, and Obama is obviously a Napoleon, or a Rommel, a Rainbow Rommel, that is. If you want some sober-minded analysis, check out LL's site.

God bless,


Friday, April 3, 2015

A Thought for Good Friday

Here's a thought for Good Friday, from David Virtue:

"This is all happening during Holy Week. Think about that. Sin is being rapturously endorsed by a rapidly disintegrating culture that is no longer Protestant, let alone Christian. It is happening even as the Savior of the world sets his sights on Calvary to die for a lost humanity. Our Lord will be raised up on a cross with nail pierced hands and a sword will be thrust into his side; he will bow his head and die for the sins of the world. Think about that.

"If you don't think your freedoms are being trampled on in America, you are worse than stupid."

I agree with that.

God bless,