Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tight Lines

Some of the people who read this inconsequential mind blog catch mighty salmon, others fish for trout in clear mountain streams and lakes. Great result and more power to you, but for me today it was mostly perch. Here's a sample.


I lost count by the end of it all and most weren't very large, more in the bait fish range than anything else. Still, ferocious little snappers and fun to catch, so there was plenty of action, which I like. In fact, it's mostly what I'm there for, but the whole package is good. 

There you are under a big Texan sky, outdoors in land that's only been settled for what, 150 years? maybe less. To your right, limestone bluffs rise above the water, and on the other shore trees and brush stand like an impenetrable wall in the heat haze as big birds circle above, vultures. 


It's not truly wild but isn't so very far off. Apart from the cleaning station, of course, which has a civilized tin roof, running water and cutting boards for the guides to clean striper. A good place to fish because the water's chummed.

Mind you, perhaps a boat would be a better place to fish from and I waved to the passing Trumpist Navy as its various ships passed my position. 


"Hey, lookit this monster!" I'd call out, holding up a small perch. Big ribaldry, "That a bait fish?" roar of twin Mercureys, "Should be!" But they weren't, all went back, as did a monster carp/buffalo which slipped the hook before the photo op. Big fish on a light rod. Fun.

So that was all good. In other news, the UK's setting up a Diversity and Inclusion Directorate to make sure soldiers don't say rude things about trannies or POCs. It costs £500,000 including it's Director's £110,000 salary and hopes to recruit more transsexuals and POCs into the armed forces. 

A Rainbow Pony

Wow, you can imagine the Taliban running in fear from the UK' s new Rainbow Wymxn of Colour Regiment (RWCR). You canting, pandering, risible fools. 

More on this exciting story as it unfolds. In the meanwhile, former and serving members of the United Kingdom's armed forces, feel free to comment. The floor is yours.

Tight lines,


Monday, September 7, 2020

Prowl To The Light

Yesterday was good, our new(ish) bishop, Ryan Reed, visited the Missions and all went well. No mask skulduggery, no hand sanitizer malfeasance or anti-social distancing. We just worshiped God and had a good time during and after. You know, like Christians.

Church People Having Fun

Speaking of which, I briefed the bishop, a retired infantry officer, before the Masses, "Just so you know, these are MAGA congregations and not into Covid panic." He liked that, "I figured," and went on to confect the Sacrament of the Altar not once but twice, there being two Missions separated by a horse ride, 20 miles appx., to see to.


At the reception afterwards, I amused myself by giving the black power salute along with the popular chant, "Black Lives Matter!" and "I can't breathe!" The church people, an educated crew, responded in kind. Big fun.

Ahem, lose the 12 for dove, fool

But that was then, this is now. Labour Day sees us prowling the Compound and walking to the light -- planning dove hunts, fishing on the lake, long range shooting and frying up steak. Yes, steak. Such is privilege, white or otherwise.

Have a great Labor Day and God bless you all.

Your Pal,


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday Sermon

Here's a Sunday sermon, but not from me, I'm too busy sharpening  quills, dusting off ammo pouches and polishing .45s. Regardless, this preacher says you can't be a Catholic and vote Democrat. 

I'd agree, just substitute Christian for catholic, are the two synonymous? and there you go.

You CANNOT be a Catholic -- or a CHRISTIAN and vote DEMOCRAT.



Burning Ring Of Fire

It's all very well to argue about which is better, Pen or Glock, when you're not not up to the extreme kind of violence needed to use either in self-defense. That said:

LL, who's a solutions provider, recommends a pen that's also a pistol. Good call! Very DLC. Anon, who knows a thing or two, says you need to train, train, train. Listen up:

The mob is acting in the confident knowledge that ‘the law’ (establishment, media, etc.) will allow them free reign. The diners are reluctant (even those too few who are capable) to react offensively in the sure knowledge that ‘they’ will be arrested.
The predictable outcome is that: 1) the mob ‘will’ escalate (as the Stanford experiments demonstrated) until someone is seriously injured or killed ; and/or 2) the victims will contain somebody, or more likely a group, who are both physically and (more importantly) mentally capable and who feel their life (or those of loved ones) are at risk, they have no options left, and who then react.
People, thankfully, are not generally capable of deliberately severely harming others. You need to either be ‘an exception’ (ie. mentally ill) or be ‘conditioned’ to do so (not surprisingly the ‘scrappers’ and ‘brawlers’ of adolescence, “guilty M’Lord”, already partially conditioned are much more easily trained). The mobs are not just working through that conditioning process, but are being allowed, even encouraged, to do so consequence free.
Are you, and all the rest of the ‘normals’ out there, ready and willing to face that demon? Ask any military vet, whose been ‘up close and personal’, and they’ll tell you, you really, really aren’t (yet). (Are you, not just willing, but capable of emulating a particular favourite [and toasted in the mess on more than one occasion] of that Ranger who, in an ultimate life/death struggle, stabbed the insurgent to death with ‘his MRE spoon’? It's not the weapon, it's the man wielding it.).
It’s why young Mr. Rittenhouse impressed me so much. The aplomb, the deliberate assurance of a much more experienced man in a definitive ‘it’s raining a$$holes’ situation, indicates to me he’s one of Heredotus’ 1%. Most will not react even close to so well … without a lot more training.

The aplomb, the deliberate assurance of a much more experienced man in a definitive ‘it’s raining a$$holes’ situation, indicates to me he’s one of Heredotus’ 1%. 


And right on, Anon. (Less brackets, please. Thx. Ed.) Point being, it's very easy to posture and grand stand against iniquity of any sort, but unless you're prepared to work that out at a personal level, and make the protest real, it's worthless, fake.

Your Pal,


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Is The Pen Mightier Than The Glock?

We're just hanging around at the Compound and wondering, is the Pen mightier than the Glock? Good question, let's do a quick thought experiment and see where it takes us.

You're in a restaurant in Rochester New York, enjoying Italian fusion cuisine with a twist, having a good time. Life is good after months of lockdown. Then, suddenly, as if out of the very aether, up comes a mob of rampaging undergraduate Marxists.

They're overturning tables, screaming, bullhorn in your face. Yes, you, you systemic racist Nazi, are guilty of eating out while white. So what do you do? Pull out your Glock and shoot the nearest Bolshevik or, and here's the rub, pick up the pen your lefty waiter's ironically delivered to you and stab the commie in the neck?

I'd argue that the Pen, in this instance, is paradoxically mightier than the Glock, even though it's an ostensibly lesser weapon. Granted, more bloodthirsty than a pistol, but seemingly less so. More to the point, you might not have a Glock or even be allowed one in Rochester. Different story with a Pen. Every restaurant has one, delivered right to your table, unlike pistols, which aren't.

In similar vein, you may have noticed that 45's banned racist critical race theory training in the federal alphabet. No longer, we hope, will Marxist 5th Columnists be paid on the taxpayer dime to teach government employees that they're guilty of "whiteness," and have to be "dismantled" along with the country they serve. No more racism masquerading as tolerance, by Executive Order.

Trump did this at the stroke of a Pen, without firing a single shot. I rest my case, feel free to disagree.

Gun Rights, 


Friday, September 4, 2020

Democrat Strategy General

Tennessee? Make that Texas, but just a musical interlude. Don't say Church of England.

MAGA 2020,


Repent You Sinners

There you are, rioting, opening up a trans bathroom, tearing down a statue of George Washington and screaming out for America to repent of its systemic evil. It makes you feel good, you're living the revolutionary dream without actually helping anyone at all.

C.S. Lewis spoke to this at the beginning of World War II, when privileged undergraduates were calling on the Sceptred Isle to "repent" of the war. Via First Things:

Men fail so often to repent their real sins that the occasional repentance of an imaginary sin might appear almost desirable. But what actually happens (I have watched it happening) to the youthful national penitent is a little more complicated than that. England is not a natural agent, but a civil society. When we speak of England’s actions we mean the actions of the British government. The young man who is called upon to repent of England’s foreign policy is really being called upon to repent the acts of his neighbor; for a foreign secretary or a cabinet minister is certainly a neighbor. And repentance presupposes condemnation. The first and fatal charm of national repentance is, therefore, the encouragement it gives us to turn from the bitter task of repenting our own sins to the congenial one of bewailing—but, first, of denouncing—the conduct of others. If it were clear to the young that this is what he is doing, no doubt he would remember the law of charity.
Unfortunately the very terms in which national repentance is recommended to him conceal its true nature. By a dangerous figure of speech, he calls the government not “they” but “we.” And since, as penitents, we are not encouraged to be charitable to our own sins, nor to give ourselves the benefit of any doubt, a government which is called “we” is ipso facto placed beyond the sphere of charity or even of justice. You can say anything you please about it. You can indulge in the popular vice of detraction without restraint, and yet feel all the time that you are practicing contrition. A group of such young penitents will say, “Let us repent our national sins”; what they mean is, “Let us attribute to our neighbor (even our Christian neighbor) in the cabinet, whenever we disagree with him, every abominable motive that Satan can suggest to our fancy.”

"Contrition" as a virtue-signaling cover for personal failing and hatred. As it was in 1939/40 so today, but arguably amplified. And while we're at it, how much of their not inconsiderable, corporate given fortune have BLM poured into ghetto communities? How much of their billion dollar hoard have the black Marxists used to help poor black people? A lot, some, nothing at all?

Good question and while reflecting on the answer, I'd say Lewis is right on the money.

Your Pal,


Thursday, September 3, 2020


Hair? Well yes, especially if you're legendary Millionaire Socialist Nancy Pelosi. She needed a special treatment from her stylist and got it, despite hair salons being shut down by Democrat edict in the Golden State. One rule for our ruling #MillSoc elite and another for all the serfs, eh?

But before you can say stunning hypocrisy and all pigs are created equal but some pigs are more equal than others, Savage Angel Kayleigh was on it, on loop:

Tucker wasn't off the X-Ring either:

Note how Pelosi, caught red-handed in skulduggery, malfeasance and outright appalling optics went straight on the offence, accusing the salon owner of "setting her up." She, Nancy, the actual criminal, is the victim and the wicked hairdresser's the aggressor.

Whoa, Nancy, ten out of ten for sheer, brazen, talons-out aggression. Do we see a pattern emerging in the Democrat playbook? Commit a crime, get accused of it and then furiously transfer blame to the innocent party. In this case hairdressers, in others, the police or President. 

It's probably in Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, if you care to read it. Whatever the case, word to the wise. 

Speaker of the House, think twice before you tangle with hairdressers, they have weird and dangerous power. That's why I use barbers, if you can find them these days, which isn't easy. And stay tuned for a red flip in California come November.

Off topic but should Kayleigh McEnany become Honourary Colonel of everything? After Melania, obviously.




Thunder rolled across the sky like the opening barrage on the Kursk salient as lightning cracked and exploded, shaking the Compound's ancient timbers with primal sound and fury. Then it began to rain.

A typical Aberystwyth Street Scene

No, not Aberystwyth or Oxford drizzle, but real rain, big rain, Texan rain. And with it the temperature plummeted from high 90s to low 70s in a matter of minutes. Lone cowboys caught in the open froze instantly, "snuff" still their mouths, half drunk cans of Coors Lite turned to ice.

Well look at that, it's Oxford and it's raining

The storm's subsided now and this small rural farming community rejoices in the newfound cool of the morning. Thank you, God, for sending us rain and a respite from living in an oven. And yes, it may be a small victory in our bitter war against The Weather, but every advance counts.

From the Front,


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ballad of a Gunfighter

Via Feral Irishman. Make of it what you will.


The Democrat Playbook - City of Brass

With LL I think this as pertinent as it ever was, perhaps more so. The City of Brass by Kipling:

In a land that the sand overlays – the ways to her gates are untrod –
A multitude ended their days whose gates were made splendid by God,
Till they grew drunk and were smitten with madness and went to their fall,
And of these is a story written: but Allah Alone knoweth all!

When the wine stirred in their heart their bosoms dilated.
They rose to suppose themselves kings over all things created –
To decree a new earth at a birth without labour or sorrow –
To declare: “We prepare it to-day and inherit to-morrow.”
They chose themselves prophets and priests of minute understanding,
Men swift to see done, and outrun, their extremest commanding –
Of the tribe which describe with a jibe the perversions of Justice –
Panders avowed to the crowd whatsoever its lust is.

Swiftly these pulled down the walls that their fathers had made them –
The impregnable ramparts of old, they razed and relaid them
As playgrounds of pleasure and leisure, with limitless entries,
And havens of rest for the wastrels where once walked the sentries;
And because there was need of more pay for the shouters and marchers,
They disbanded in face of their foemen their yeomen and archers.
They replied to their well-wishers’ fears – to their enemies laughter,
Saying: “Peace! We have fashioned a God Which shall save us hereafter.
We ascribe all dominion to man in his factions conferring,
And have given to numbers the Name of the Wisdom unerring.”

They said: “Who has hate in his soul? Who has envied his neighbour?
Let him arise and control both that man and his labour.”
They said: “Who is eaten by sloth? Whose unthrift has destroyed him?
He shall levy a tribute from all because none have employed him.”
They said: “Who hath toiled, who hath striven, and gathered possession?
Let him be spoiled. He hath given full proof of transgression.”
They said: “Who is irked by the Law? Though we may not remove it.
If he lend us his aid in this raid, we will set him above it!
So the robber did judgment again upon such as displeased him,
The slayer, too, boasted his slain, and the judges released him.

As for their kinsmen far off, on the skirts of the nation,
They harried all earth to make sure none escaped reprobation.
They awakened unrest for a jest in their newly-won borders,
And jeered at the blood of their brethren betrayed by their orders.
They instructed the ruled to rebel, their rulers to aid them;
And, since such as obeyed them not fell, their Viceroys obeyed them.
When the riotous set them at naught they said: “Praise the upheaval!
For the show and the world and the thought of Dominion is evil!”
They unwound and flung from them with rage, as a rag that defied them,
The imperial gains of the age which their forefathers piled them.
They ran panting in haste to lay waste and embitter for ever
The wellsprings of Wisdom and Strengths which are Faith and Endeavour.
They nosed out and digged up and dragged forth and exposed to derision
All doctrine of purpose and worth and restraint and prevision:

And it ceased, and God granted them all things for which they had striven,
And the heart of a beast in the place of a man’s heart was given. . . .

               .          .        .          .          .           .          .          .          

When they were fullest of wine and most flagrant in error,
Out of the sea rose a sign – out of Heaven a terror.
Then they saw, then they heard, then they knew – for none troubled to hide it,
A host had prepared their destruction, but still they denied it.
They denied what they dared not abide if it came to the trail;
But the Sword that was forged while they lied did not heed their denial.
It drove home, and no time was allowed to the crowd that was driven.
The preposterous-minded were cowed – they thought time would be given.
There was no need of a steed nor a lance to pursue them;
It was decreed their own deed, and not a chance, should undo them. 
The tares they had laughingly sown were ripe to the reaping.
The trust they had leagued to disown was removed from their keeping.
The eaters of other men’s bread, the exempted from hardship,
The excusers of impotence fled, abdicating their wardship,
For the hate they had taught through the State brought the State no defender,
And it passed from the roll of the Nations in headlong surrender!

Some scorn Kipling, not least the admirable GK Chesterton, but he wasn't infallible, unlike the Church he defended. Regardless, Kipling's surely prophetic.

Swords Up,


On This Day

Japan formally surrendered to the allies on September 2 1945, bringing an official end to World War II and hostilities in the Pacific. The surrender ceremony took place aboard the USS Missouri.

I like this, from Vice President Mike Pence:

On this day 75 years ago, World War II officially ended & today we honor the millions of Americans who served this Nation from the battlefield to factories across the Country. We will never forget the courage, strength, innovation & sacrifice of America’s Greatest Generation.

Pray we don't have another war in the Pacific.

God bless,