Friday, December 11, 2015

Putin Gives 12 Year Old Girl Adorable Puppy

Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, made a 12 year old girl's dream come true, when he sent her an adorable husky puppy as an early New Year's present.

Little Olga Marushenko wrote the Russian President, saying that she dreamed of having a puppy and promised to work hard at school if she got it.

“I promise to take good care of the puppy because it’s my big dream - to own a husky. And I promise to study hard,” wrote the 12 year old in her letter to Putin.

The letter touched the President's heart and he ordered the head of the Republic of Khakassia to give Olga a husky puppy.

Vladimir Putin is a dog lover and owns a grown up Karakachan Bear Dog. He has commanded Russian forces in Syria to "immediately destroy"any threats.



Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gwyneth Paltrow Illuminati Dupe

File that under Entertainment.


El Nino Calls Out ISIS

Notorious weather bandit and cartel kingpin, El Nino, has threatened ISIS leader, Al Baghdadi, after ISIS interfered with a drug shipment.

“You [ISIS] are not soldiers. You are nothing but lowly p*ssies. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation."

Al Baghdadi

“My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a wh*re that tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their heart and tongue torn from them.” El Nino said in an email, reported.

El Nino is on the run, after escaping from a maximum security prison in Mexico, and is popularly known as "Shorty."

It seems a new front has opened in the war on ISIS, but who will win? Shorty, or Baghdadi?

The bets are on,


Dallas Peace Temple Funds Terror Shocka

The Dallas Central Peace Temple, in Richardson, has been named an "unindicted co-conspirator" in America's largest ever terrorism financing trial.

Via Breitbart -- "A north Texas mosque, near the home of “Clock Boy” Ahmed, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in United States history. The judge found there was ample evidence that the mosque, the Islamic Association of North Texas, assisted the Holy Land Foundation in funding millions of dollars to a Palestinian military terrorist organization [Hamas] that has killed Israeli children."

A mosque? Funding terrorists? What can we say.



Texas Gold

We don't know where we'll end up, under the Divine Providence, in the grand lottery of life. Some find themselves in Detroit, others languish in Hipster Hackney, or Aberystwyth, which is a small crabbing community on the Welsh coast. Some, the lucky ones, land in Texas.

A Typical Texas Street Scene

And I'm not complaining; it has guns, horses, dogs and porches, it has Karen's Authentic Mexican Food, and the people are friendly too, mostly. It also has big skies and a sense of freedom, provided you don't mess up and live in Austin, but even that den of iniquity is better than Washington, Chicago, Philadelphia, or the so-called state of Delaware.

So count your blessings if you live in Texas, and thank God for His beneficent mercy. Rumors that the local Shamrock Pick 'n Steal filling station, in this agricultural haven that I'm writing from, sells watermelon flavored "blunts," may, or may not, be true.

God bless,


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

What with Daesh and associated misrepresenters of Islam, like Ummah Merkel and the RAF, perhaps you've forgotten it's Bushcraft Wednesday. So here's some Bushcraft wisdom, to set the record straight.

Black Powder Rules,


The RAF Goes To War Against ISIS, Chocks Away!

Not to be outdone by the German Luftwaffe, the fabled RAF has gone to war against ISIS, bringing fury, pandemonium, outrage and anguished hand-wringing to Britain's peace-loving populace. But perhaps the Eurolib, shariasymp left don't have to worry. According to the bellicose Daily Telegraph:

Britain’s full might consists of 16 strike aircraft, only ten of which can actually drop all the weapons we possess. In the six days and seven nights since MPs voted to authorise action on Syria, we appear to have carried out two raids and dropped a grand total of 14 bombs.

Rumors that the RAF only has 20 bombs in its arsenal and that its 16 "strike aircraft" are vintage Sopwith Camels, are unconfirmed. 

Chocks Away!


Radical Islamists And The Women Who Love Them

Good luck Germany. Your Leader is a dhimwhit.

ISIS laughs.


The Essence of Islam

Everyone's scratching their heads and wondering about the essence of Islam. Is it a violent war religion that drives its adherents to go out and kill people at pop concerts and Christmas parties, or is it a philosophy of peace?

Jeh Johnson, US Secretary of Homeland Security, has come to the rescue, speaking at a mosque in Virginia.

"...The overwhelming, overwhelming majority of American Muslims, and Muslims worldwide, are men, women and children of peace, who seek to live their lives in peace, and want nothing to do with terrorism. Anyone who does not understand this does not understand Islam. The very essence of the Islamic faith is peace. The standard greeting As-salamu alaykum is 'peace be upon you.'"


Now we know, the very essence of the Islamic faith is peace. I guess that's why Mohammad was such an advocate of non-violent resistance against, I don't know, the Khaybar Jews, for example. It's probably why he defined non-Muslims as living in the House of War and never led an army in his life. Ever.

The Prophet x10

Jeh, for your invincible dhimwittedness, you get an outstanding 10 out 10 coveted John Lennon Heads.



Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Germany Fights ISIS


Trump Call -- Stop Muslim Immigration

He's been called a demented shark and the latter day reincarnation of Pompeius Magnus, but is Donald Trump a Nazi for calling for a pause to Muslim immigration? The MSM thinks so, they're apoplectic, the Democrats aren't far off, and the GOP establishment fearfully scorns him.

Jihad Killers

But here's Naomi Ragen; granted, she has a dog in the fight, but maybe we all do. She thinks the Donald is a "moron" by the way:

And so if you welcome them into your country, and give them good jobs and educations, and you throw them baby showers, and allow their foreign born fiancées K-1 visas to enter the country, they will add to their anger their contempt because you are weak and foolish and don’t understand that they are at war with you and want you dead.
And your politicians, who are still getting advice from CAIR, will outlaw guns to make it easier for them, because they don’t need licenses for guns, believe me. But you will.
And the states who had the guts to stand up to Obama’s flooding the U.S. with “refugees” will all back down, the way Texas has. After all, why would you want to fight against a nice Syrian family – two lovely parents, two lovely grandparents, two little kids? And why wouldn’t you give a visa for the lovely fiancée of the environmental health specialist from San Bernardino with their lovely, dimpled six month-old baby? Why?
So you will. And in return you are going to get San Bernardinos all over the U.S.A.

More Rainbow Muslim Immigration, Please

 You can read it all here, and ask yourself. Muslim immigration, what could possibly go wrong.

Beat back the Jihad.


Go Shooting, in Texas

It's all very well to have firearms and some say that CHL holders have a duty to carry, but what's the use of that if you can't hit the side of a barn door with your weapon? With this in mind, I headed out to a friend's farm for some target practice.

First off, I wanted to see if a Glock 21 was effective against a cow skull. Guess what, it was. A small green paper eco-terrorist didn't do much better, either. Take that, green terr, and idolatrous heathen cow skull.

Then I clambered up on top of a derelict piece of agricultural machinery with an AR, and shot eco-terr #2. My groups, such as they were, were falling low right, which I blame on sloppy trigger pull and the sight's zero.

Don't Use This as a Helmet, Jackass

I shot better against an old metal bucket, curiously, but obviously need to put in some more range time to tighten things up.

Word to the wise. Don't use a zinc bucket as a helmet, it's not going to protect you, and the same goes for cow skulls. Sure, strap one on in the hope of terrifying your enemy, but don't be surprised when it fails to stop a bullet.

I love getting out in the clean country air and shooting.

Gun rights,