Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thank Christ For The Bomb

70 years ago today we unleashed nuclear heck on Japan, after that the Rising Sun didn't look so bright.

Call me an eccentric man, but maybe it's a good thing we got there first, as opposed to the Fuhrer, or Stalin, or the Emperor himself.

Some compare Texas in August to an oven. For goodness sake, it's only heat.

Riding tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Camille Paglia Rips Liberal Media and Celebrity Atheists

Have you noticed the liberal media's virtual blackout on the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal? Sure you have, and so has the notoriously pro-choice, atheist lesbian, Camille Paglia. Here she is:

Now let me give you a recent example of the persisting insularity of liberal thought in the media. When the first secret Planned Parenthood video was released in mid-July, anyone who looks only at liberal media was kept totally in the dark about it, even after the second video was released. But the videos were being run nonstop all over conservative talk shows on radio and television. It was a huge and disturbing story, but there was total silence in the liberal media. That kind of censorship was shockingly unprofessional. The liberal major media were trying to bury the story by ignoring it. Now I am a former member of Planned Parenthood and a strong supporter of unconstrained reproductive rights. But I was horrified and disgusted by those videos and immediately felt there were serious breaches of medical ethics in the conduct of Planned Parenthood officials. But here's my point: it is everyone's obligation, whatever your political views, to look at both liberal and conservative news sources every single day. You need a full range of viewpoints to understand what is going on in the world.

Paglia's no less scathing about celebrity atheists, like Richard Dawkins:

I regard them as adolescents. I say in the introduction to my last book, "Glittering Images", that "Sneering at religion is juvenile, symptomatic of a stunted imagination." It exposes a state of perpetual adolescence that has something to do with their parents-- they're still sneering at dad in some way. ... I'm speaking here as an atheist. I don't believe there is a God, but I respect every religion deeply. All the great world religions contain a complex system of beliefs regarding the nature of the universe and human life that is far more profound than anything that liberalism has produced. We have a whole generation of young people who are clinging to politics and to politicized visions of sexuality for their belief system. They see nothing but politics, but politics is tiny. Politics applies only to society.There is a huge metaphysical realm out there that involves the eternal principles of life and death. The great tragic texts, including the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles, no longer have the central status they once had in education, because we have steadily moved away from the heritage of western civilization.

"It exposes a state of perpetual adolescence." You know, like, let's stick it to the Man! 

Well said, Camille.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hillary and Huma

Hillary Clinton wants to be President. Good luck, America.

She also wants Huma, as her "Body Woman."

They have secret servers and private emails.

But you can't blame Huma.

She's with the revolting Weiner. Remember him?

Maybe he never existed, just like Benghazi.

Your pal,


Monday, August 3, 2015

Is This the Church of England?

Look, I'm not saying that this plucky little purple plush unicorn is for sure the Church of England, it might be the Diocese of Southwark, or the Bishop of Gloucester. Perhaps it's the diminutive ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada), or even the cash rich but numbers starved Episcopal Church itself. Maybe it's the Anglican Communion Office. Who knows.

You, the reader, be the judge.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pool Monkey

Sometimes it makes sense to go to the Verandah Club pool and relax. You can swim up to the bar and order food.

I understand their Lion Burgers are especially good. Two, please. 

In other news, some safaris are offering discounts on life-size monkey trophies. Some people think they'd make good money safes.

"So where's the money?" 
"In the monkey."



Friday, July 31, 2015


I took a break from ordering lion brisket burritos and went to the Meadows Museum, in Dallas. The Infanta Margarita featured largely. Beautiful.

The recruits thought some  Picasso sketches highly amusing. "Do you think he was drunk?" they asked. "I should imagine he was," I replied.

Note the Chains.

There's an outdoor sculpture exhibition at the Meadows, which reminds me of a young man who took apart a piece of metal in Hackney, thinking it was scrap, and then sold the pieces; a blowtorch was involved. Saying that, I like the wavy bronze installation in front of the place. Neat.

Rock On

At the end of the day we relaxed on the porch and watched the sprinkler, pretending it was raining. And that was just fine.

Is it Raining?!?

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill it.


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Pet Lion Sold For Body Parts!!

Everyone's favorite pet lion, Cecil, has been shot by a vicious white cash hunter, and sold for body parts. The world is enraged. Cecil's vital organs can be bought for just:

Liver:  $1000

Heart:  $1800

Lungs:  $1600

Intestine:  $800

Eyes:  $500

So go on, take your pick. It's just "tissue." And if you think our new normal resembles Soylent Green, but only a lot sicker, well, maybe you have a point.

And remember this, Soylent Green is made out of people.

Chow down,


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jade Helm

Multiple operators loaded up rods and rations into GWB's rig and headed off to a clandestine staging area, somewhere in Texas. Our mission? To catch Bass.

Arriving on target, intel reports proved true, the opposition had several things in their favor: snagging lake weed, searing heat, vicious fire ants and mud. Some would have given up and gone back to the creature comforts of base, we did not.

GWB advanced swiftly to contact, making bold casts to the center, left and then right flanks of the position. Four Bass down, I followed through to the center with a dark worm and reeled in Old Leviathan.

By then the sun was beginning to set over the lake and we hoped for a magic hour of jumping, fighting and biting Bass. This never came, but it was beautiful to be out at the lake.

Mission accomplished, we headed West, or was it East, back to HQ.

Fish on,


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Detroit Devil

In what promises to be the largest satanic ceremony the world has ever seen since the last Democratic Party Convention, Detroit looks set to unveil a life-size devil statue on Saturday.

Sponsored by the Satanic Temple, the 8-foot-tall bronze monument to the horned God, Baphomet, weighs one ton and is flanked by two children, staring adoringly at Satan's goat-head face.

Detroit's "unveiling" is a private, ticket only event, promising “a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery… Come dance with the Devil and experience history in the making.”

Pedophilia is commonly associated with devil worship, as is infant sacrifice. The Satanic Temple is an enthusiastic supporter of abortion.

And I know the devil worshipers are just wacky funsters having a provocative go at "The Man," but remember this, devotees of the horned, baby killing, child abusing Devil -- it's all fun and games until you wake up and find a demon gnawing on your face. Or you're in hell, next to Jimmy Savile.

God bless,


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Willie Nelson Rebuilt This

I went downtown to register my truck. There isn't much downtown, but there is a courthouse, which burned down in the '90s (1990s). Willie Nelson helped to rebuild it.

There's also a Confederate War Memorial, and guess what, no one's tried to vandalize it. Weird, eh? Maybe that wouldn't go down too well around here.

And that's just the way it is.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Anglican Gender Justice

Do you remember the latest headline-breaking news about the Church of England? That it had launched a bold new ecotheology initiative to reduce its carbon footprint? Well, that's not all.

Gender Justice Warriors

Courageous Anglican gender justice warriors met at a workshop in London in March to kick off an "international movement for gender justice."

Anglican Communion Office

According to Revd Terrie Robinson, Director for Women in the Church and Society (WITCHS) at the Anglican Communion Office, “The workshop was a constructive reminder that we will travel further in our efforts for gender justice if we travel together. Women and men have become trapped in distorted mythologies around power which erode the status and agency of women, deny men and women the benefits of just gender relations, and get in the way of development, health and well-being."

Distorted Mythology?

Vicious rumors that the Anglican Communion Office has been taken over by space aliens are just that, rumors.

Travel Together

Former oil executive, Justsin Welby, is Archbishop of Canterbury.



Don't get me wrong, shooting is great, but fishing is neat too. So I loaded up the truck with some rods and headed off to Lake Whitney.

The Lake's still high and right  out of the gate one of the team caught a Bass with a long tail worm on a Texas rig. Big excitement, which was tempered, a bit, by the young 'un dropping the fish before we could get a picture. It swam away to fight again another day. 

Then one of the boys fell in the lake and had to dry out in the sun while the other caught a fish with his cowboy hat. The hat was strangely waterproof; you can get them from Cavender's for $24. Keeps the sun off and doubles as a net, quite a deal.

Later on a  friendly fisherman gave us a couple of Perch to use as bait and that was fun but didn't result in any strikes. He'd been there since 5.30 am and had only caught Perch, 6 of them.

As midday came and went, and the sun beat down, we headed for the Compound.

Well done, Team, and you never know, maybe next time I'll catch something...