Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

But what's this? Rain!

Woke up to the sound of roosters crowing but only just because they were nearly drowned out by the noise of thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Those of you who are familiar with Texas will know how exciting that last part is. We don't get "sky water" very often, altogether different from, say, Wales, or Oxford. 

Just some guns and a cloak of invisibility

Off to the Dallas compound now. Have a blessed Christmas and hope like fury that Santa gives you an "assault rifle" and a "deadly" handgun before our caring friend, the State, bans them.

Extradite Piers Morgan,


Merry Christmas!

A strange thing happened after saying the first Mass of the evening. I went to visit a parishioner's friend, just to say a cheery Merry Christmas and she asked: 

"Where are you from?"
"England," I replied.
"Yes, I can see that. But where from?"
"I love London. My friends say 'where do you stay when you go to Europe?' I tell them 'London, of course, it is the best of those cities.'"

I agreed because I was being polite and thought she was right. But where did she stay when she went to "Town"? She liked the Dorchester, understandably, and I told her that I saw Mr. Cash there once, in the restaurant. He was wearing black, predictably. She liked that and told me a story about a Roman Catholic priest who took his dogs to Mass.

Nothing too weird abut that, you think. Just another snobby LSP conversation. But not so fast. As I was leaving, my friend showed me the garage, which was large. And just as well, because it held about as many vintage Rolls Royce motor cars as I've ever seen. A lot, and all of them immaculate.

This happened in Slap-Out Texas, aka Hubbard. 

Who knew?

Merry Christmas,


Friday, December 21, 2012

Mystic Tamale Perfection

The Shaman

Last night I had the best tamale ever and I don't say that lightly. But don't take my word for it, here's my philisophical friend GWB's take:

If you don't like tamales, you might be a hippy, a devil worshipper, or a Democrat. Or you may never have had Oso's tamales. Oso means "bear" in Spanish, and this bear has had a storied career as a pugilist in Mexico and a barback in some of Dallas's best speakeasies. But now he has reached the apogee of his evolution and has become a maker of tamales. His tamales induce a clarity of vision and purpose in the diner, a steely-eyed resolve to meet life's challenges, and a sense of hopeful expectation about the future of humanity. They are mystic perfection and look like this.


Happy Advent,


If you're in Dallas and fortunate, or maybe worthy enough to be presented with one of Oso's tamales -- do not, do not, scorn the offer. LSP



Expecting the worst, I stepped out on the front porch to face our collective Long Count doom. Lacking  dispensation from proper ecclesial authority I wasn't armed. Then I heard it, a gentle clucking; the chickens were loose.


In related news, Senator John "Swiftboat" Kerry looks set to become Secretary of State.

Preppers? Vindicated.


Return To Sender

I haven't commented on the recent shooting tragedy, except to urge your prayers for its victims, but I will say this.

Please, someone, anyone, for all our sakes...

Send. Him. Back.

That is all.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Man Down

When a priest dies you hold a Requiem Mass, Pontifical if possible, but there's a "pre-funeral" rite before that. A group of clergy meets at the funeral home where the body is laid out. They recite various prayers, including the Litany of the Dead and the Absolution of the Dead. The body is then washed, after which a priest recites psalms, beginning at the 1st, while his colleagues clothe the body in Mass vestments. When this is done, all recite Psalms 147-150 and conclude the ritual. Preferably this should end with the coffin being sealed and brought to the church for a Vigil service. The Requiem follows on the next day.

I did that on Friday, along with two others and in case any of you are planning on doing this any time soon, I'd recommend four persons; three to vest the body and one to act as Officiant.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. J.R. Baker SSC and, of course, the victims of the shooting in Connecticut.



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Russian Bear

Make of this picture what you will. It's from Russia, obviously.


Climate Change

well are you going to ride or not?!

Today, in Texas, the climate changed. There was a frost! Remarkable. Perhaps it was due to global warming, caused by the warmist establishment's furiously overheating computers. 

air pollution

Possibly it was down to the friction of hot money passing through corrupt hands. Who knows, it could be brought on by Solar Flares and "bush fires" in Washington State, or Planet X and the improbably named Anunnaki. Maybe all of those things.

anunnaki demon creature fighting off a couple of sumerians

But one thing's for sure, we need rain here, and I look at the dust being driven by the wind and think apocalypse. What if the dust just caught fire

woe to the inhabitants of Jerusalem

That would be the Second Advent.



Sunday, December 9, 2012

Grow the Mission

I baptized a baby today at one of the Missions, the baby daughter of Miguel and Theresa Solis, and the church was awash with children. I love that. Miguel had asked me earlier if it was alright for his family to bring enchiladas for everyone to eat after Mass. I told him it was strictly forbidden, as a rule, but we'd "make an exception this one time..." So a good feast was had by all.

Now, normally I'd go for a ride or a shoot to celebrate the Baptismal mystery but have to drive to Dallas, annoyingly.

God bless,


Friday, December 7, 2012

Remember Pearl Harbour

Perhaps we don't make much of the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, when the Japanese gambled on going to war with America.

Bad mistake. Several years later the "rising sun didn't look too bright." 

May all who died in that attack rest in peace and let's pray it doesn't happen again.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Piers Morgan. Loser. Fact.

thoroughly unpleasant

Sensible people are in favor of 2nd Amendment rights. Piers Morgan, the hated Illuminati CNN host, isn't. Here's his Twitter exchange with Carol Roth, via ATS:

The 2nd amendment was devised with muskets in mind, not high-powered handguns & assault rifles. Fact.

It was devised 4 people 2b able 2 protect themselves w same type of weaponry used by those from whom they might need protection

Where exactly does it say that in the Constitution - must have missed it?

Right next to the word "muskets"


Well said Carol. Put that NWO shill back in his box and on the way home to England, where guns are banned and there isn't any violence. In other news, a range somewhere is offering targets of Simon Cowell for shooters to practice on.

That range is flourishing.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Act of Valor

I'd hoped to write a book review this evening but ended up watching Act of Valor.

Now I want to get hyper-fit and become a SEAL Team padre. And jump out of planes and get an Eotech for the carbine.

gratuitous saddle shot

Too old though, fortunately enough for the spec ops community...

Ride tomorrow, looking forward to that.