Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blue State, Heather Cook

I was woken up this morning by a strange rustling, as though something was being shaken. I thought, half-awake, that a squirrel had gotten into the house. But no, it was just Blue, shaking my duffel and staring at me.

I looked at him and he looked at me and then proceeded to wag the arm of my coat, which was hanging off the back of a chair. I got the message and a cup of tea (hot) and Morning Prayer later, there I was, walking the dog in the semi-freezing drizzle of the new Ice Age, brought on, ironically enough, by Global Warming.

Typical Global Warming

Roosting dove flew out of the trees along our path with a great sound of wings and it was good to be in this country town.

Heather Cook

In other news, the scandal-plagued assistant Bishop of Maryland has been indicted on 13 charges, ranging from automobile manslaughter to negligent driving. I feel sorry for her, much as I scorn the monstrous regiment of priestesses. I feel more sorry for the man she killed.

It's all Bush's fault, of course.



Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Behold Your Masters!

What do our Overlords think of us? Here's Conrad Hilton, on a plane, telling the world, and flight attendants, what he really thinks.

"If you wanna square up to me bro, then bring it and I will f***ing fight you."
"I am going to f***ing kill you."
"I will f***ing rip through you."
"I will f***ing own anyone on this flight; they are f***ing peasants."
"I told all of them I could get all of their jobs taken away in less than 30 seconds." 

Young Conrad ended up falling asleep and getting handcuffed to his seat, but not before attacking a flight attendant and bragging about his wealth and power.

"I could get you all fired in 5 minutes," said Conrad, "I know your boss! My father will pay this out. He has done it before. Dad paid $300k last time."

So what does this young member of the Ruling Elite think of us, the "peasants" that he "owns"? That's easy, he hates us, but the real question is, are his views indicative?

You be the judge,


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Episcopal Church Loses in South Carolina


Breaking news via Stand Firm. The Episcopal Church has lost it's lawsuit against the traditionalist Diocese of South Carolina. Here's an excerpt from the ruling:

1. The Plaintiffs are the owners of their real, personal and intellectual property.
2. The Defendants have no legal, beneficial or equitable interest in the Plaintiffs’ real, personal and intellectual property.
3. The Defendant TEC, also known as The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America and Defendant The Episcopal Church in South Carolina and their officers, agents, servants, employees, members, attorneys and any person in concert with or under their direction or control are permanently enjoined from using, assuming, or adopting in any way, directly or indirectly the names, styles, emblems or marks of the Plaintiff as hereinafter set out, or any names, styles, emblems or marks that may be reasonably perceived to be those names, styles emblems or marks. 
4. The Dorchester County clerk is directed, upon the filing of this order, to refund the sum of $50,000.00 to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina.
5. The Defendants counterclaims are dismissed with prejudice.


Congratulations to Bishop Mark Lawrence and the faithful Anglicans of South Carolina. Let's pray for a similar decision in Texas.

God bless,


Monday, February 2, 2015

A Nightmare of Twerking Robots

Some think that Katy Perry's performance at half-time is indicative of something badly wrong. Here's this, from ZeroHedge:

"As a political psychoanalyst I find the Super-bowl halftime show the best concise index of how psychotic American culture is becoming from year to year, and the 2015 version signaled a complete break from reality, a nightmare of twerking robots in a hall of mirrors, as if America had utterly surrendered its tattered soul to some rogue motherboard pulsing deep within Dr. Evil’s subterranean palace of sin."

A nightmare of twerking robots in a hall of mirrors... pulsing deep within Dr. Evil’s subterranean palace of sin.

I like that,


Sunday, February 1, 2015


Everyone's watching the Superbowl, but I find myself thinking about demons. Some people think that they don't exist, others think they're hiding in plain sight.

Perhaps it's worth considering what a society that was influenced by the Devil and his apostate angels would look like. I'd say that one of its hallmarks would be infant sacrifice. Read the literature and correct me, but it does seem to be a constant.

With that in mind, consider the 1 million plus that's given in the US to Planned Parenthood by the government, per day. If that's not satanic, what is.

Enjoy the game,


Saturday, January 31, 2015

New World Order, We Apologize

Team LSP has an apology to make. We may have given you, the reader, the idea that the Church of England is hell-bent on creating a new super race of androgynous, talent pool, shill puppets for the New World Order. 

Some people have even accused us of accusing the venerable CofE of being a party to sinister eugenics experiments, euphemistically called "bishops," which will be the forerunners of a new race of genderless, Illuminati clone slaves.

If we've given that impression we apologize.

Rumors that interpretive liturgical dance featured at the consecration of the Bishop of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich are entirely without foundation.

Or are they?


UK Government to Create SSuper Race?

According to the BBC, the U.K. government has backed a plan to alter the DNA of babies, using a new in vitro fertilization technique involving three people; two parents and an egg donor.

The new three-way IVF treatment will be used to weed out diseased mitochondrial DNA from future generations.

What could poSSibly Go. Wrong. With. That. See you in Brazil, with the reSSt of the boys.

Well done, Great Britain.


Friday, January 30, 2015

The Horror

At last, it's happened. The Church of England has finally consecrated it's first ever Boy Bishop. Libby Lane, a 48 year old clergyperson from Manchester, has finally been made Bishop of Stockport.

Ole Rascal

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, was delighted at Lane's promotion to being a top decision-maker in the Church of England.


"It is high time we had women bishops," stated Sentamu, who is known as Ole Rascal, "I have been praying and working for this day. In a few years' time when more and more women will be bishops, I predict we shall be wondering how we ever managed without them."


One person objected to Lane's consecration, saying that it "was not in the Bible." 

The Church of England is setting up a "talent pool" to reverse its alarming decrease in attendance. 

Good luck,


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Go on, Go Fishing

I went fishing on our retreat at Lake Dallas. Did I see any fish? Sure I did, a lot of them. Did I catch any?

No. I did not and I blame the Administration for that. But I had fun trying.

And now I'm missing the Lake, and becoming increasingly interested in Lemuria.



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lake Dallas Retreat

Every year the clergy of the Diocese of Fort Worth go on retreat. It's a silent affair, which I like, though there's plenty of opportunity to "frat" with your friends after Compline and I like that too.

Bishop Sutton's our retreat conductor this time around and he's given an excellent series of addresses on the "nuptial nature of the church." All good stuff and it's good to learn something, which isn't always a given on a retreat.

With a view towards learning, I've brought along a few history books. How many worlds have there been before our own? I guess I'll find out when I reach my intended goal of being an expert on ante-diluvia and the forgotten civilizations and races of prehistory.

But now it's time to go to the chapel of this Jesuit retreat house on Lake Dallas and say some prayers, as well as reflecting on the Church as Bride of Christ.

I'll review the above books later, stay tuned.

Atlantis Rising,


Monday, January 26, 2015

Edgar Allen Poe and the Blessed Virgin Mary

Everyone's heard of Edgar Allen Poe, the famously troubled 19th century author who wrote the Pit and the Pendulum, The Raven, The Premature Burial and much more. It's perhaps less well-known that he wrote a "hymn" to the Blessed Virgin Mary, with reference to the Angelus. Here it is:


At morn–at noon–at twilight dim–
Maria! thou hast heard my hymn!
In joy and woe–in good and ill–
Mother of God, be with me still!
When the Hours flew brightly by,
And not a cloud obscured the sky,
My soul, lest it should truant be,
Thy grace did guide to thine and thee
Now, when storms of Fate o’ercast
Darkly my Present and my Past,
Let my future radiant shine
With sweet hopes of thee and thine.

I like that, and if you think the Mother of Our Lord is Semiramis, you're a fool.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thugs v. Hippies, in Austin

If you live in Austin, which is the Capitol of Texas, chances are you're a hippy, or you know one, or both. That's just the way it is in Austin.

Typical Austin Street Scene

Austin, for hippies, is one big adventure playground; but be careful, Hippy. Take a few steps across the line that is I35 and your thieving ways  may not go down too well. Have a look at this video and see if I'm not right.

Hippy Running From Thug

Others are more prosey. Here's Katie Friel, writing for Culture Map Austin.

"It's almost Shakespearean that this fight happened where it did, barely a block east of I-35. This traditional barrier of Austin's white versus black — of 'us' and 'them' — has, in recent years, become the heart of gentrification in Austin. This corner sets the stage for a disturbingly violent act, charged with anger and full of hateful language. And it isn't just the violence that is disturbing, but the way we seemed to perpetuate this violence by sharing it on social media with the same unwavering words: 'thugs' versus 'hippies.'"

Sink Me, the Monkey has it.

Thugs v. Hippies? I'd say that the long-haired layabouts in the video got off rather lightly, and that the Thugs showed uncommon restraint.

Now I'm not a betting man, but I'll wager my fighting monkey against any 5 of your priestesses that the thugs have it, any day of the week.

Fight on,