Showing posts with label motorhead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motorhead. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cooking, Yet Again, With LSP

Glock & Salmon

What, you cook with LSP? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! You say incredulously. But it's true, a lot of cooking goes on at the Compound because the Team's got to eat and they want to improve their marksmanship. That's where quail and venison come in.

Everyone knows that quail and venison make you a better shot, it's settled science, but how do you cook these two aids to ballistic excellence? It's not hard.

Quail & Sig

Make yourself a Glock and Salmon starter, then get some quail that you or one of your pals has shot. Salt and pepper the diminutive birds, fill their cavity with a lemon wedge, then wrap them in bacon. Put the finished result on a baking tray and preheat your oven to 500*. That's right, get that oven hot.


As you master this tricky task, skin some potatoes and carrots, put them in pots of water and boil them. It's easy, when you know how. Veg on, wait for a while, there's no rush, then put some spicy venison sausage into an iron skillet and apply heat. 

Oven Ready

About 30 minutes from the time you put the veg on, put the quail in the oven for 12 or 13 minutes, no longer. Take the birds out, cover them with foil and let them rest; they're just fine, don't mess with them. As they're finishing off, mash the potatoes, remove the sausage from the skillet and make some gravy in it. I like chopped garlic, white wine, chicken stock and flour. That's one way to do it.

A Knife And Some Garlic

Simmer the gravy and enjoy the aroma, reflect upon the perfidy of Shillary and the GOP establishment, whatever, play some Motorhead; if needs be, reheat the veg. Then put it all together. Two birds a person, extra bacon on the side, sausage, veg and gravy.

Then eat your scoff like a hero and congratulate yourself on a job well done. You'll shoot better the next day, it's been proven, settled science. And that's cooking.



Sunday, March 20, 2016

Palm Sunday Prepper

"I've always been a prepper, because I've always been prepared, but some of these guys are too narrow. Their plan lacks perspective... I turn up at their fort with a canon and I start pounding that compound with hot shot. What then? Yeah, maybe they run out, perhaps they sally forth. I want that, I want them in my kill box." (From An Operator in Texas)

Don't get me wrong, I think it's right to be prepared but some ways make more sense than others, which is how the conversation flowed after Palm Sunday Mass #2.

"So how's the 'community'?"
"You know, there's a lot of people out there prepping for the least likely of all scenarios."
"Like the Hillary campaign getting honest?"
"Yeah, or an asteroid hitting the earth, whatever."
"Or some TAC guy turns up and starts shelling you with a trebuchet."
"Right. They're all concentrating on these never-gonna-happen outcomes."

Until, of course, that they do. But seriously, what's wrong with getting back to basics? Learning, for example, how to hunt, clean and cook your own food? Knowing, if you don't already, how to shoot, or being able to live because you sensibly know how to grow food and had the foresight to ensure that you'd have water if the grid goes down? 

And on. The point being, go off and learn all the AR 15 drills you can, and more power to you; become an ace shot, why not? Stockpile ammo, even, but more importantly, learn basic self-sufficiency. 

There just might come a point when that'll stand you in good stead, and it's a virtue in itself. 

Except, of course, when it comes to God. Then it's just wicked pride.

Prep On,


Friday, February 26, 2016

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trump Call -- Stop Muslim Immigration

He's been called a demented shark and the latter day reincarnation of Pompeius Magnus, but is Donald Trump a Nazi for calling for a pause to Muslim immigration? The MSM thinks so, they're apoplectic, the Democrats aren't far off, and the GOP establishment fearfully scorns him.

Jihad Killers

But here's Naomi Ragen; granted, she has a dog in the fight, but maybe we all do. She thinks the Donald is a "moron" by the way:

And so if you welcome them into your country, and give them good jobs and educations, and you throw them baby showers, and allow their foreign born fiancées K-1 visas to enter the country, they will add to their anger their contempt because you are weak and foolish and don’t understand that they are at war with you and want you dead.
And your politicians, who are still getting advice from CAIR, will outlaw guns to make it easier for them, because they don’t need licenses for guns, believe me. But you will.
And the states who had the guts to stand up to Obama’s flooding the U.S. with “refugees” will all back down, the way Texas has. After all, why would you want to fight against a nice Syrian family – two lovely parents, two lovely grandparents, two little kids? And why wouldn’t you give a visa for the lovely fiancée of the environmental health specialist from San Bernardino with their lovely, dimpled six month-old baby? Why?
So you will. And in return you are going to get San Bernardinos all over the U.S.A.

More Rainbow Muslim Immigration, Please

 You can read it all here, and ask yourself. Muslim immigration, what could possibly go wrong.

Beat back the Jihad.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Ithaca Whine

Residents of Ithaca, in upstate New York, have been disturbed by a strange, high-pitched whine, that seems to come from nowhere and makes it impossible to work, or even think. 

"All I can hear is this whining sound," said one one disturbed Ithaca resident,"It gets so bad I can't even hear myself think, it's like tinnitus but worse. I had to call in sick to work today. We call it The Whine."

Whining in Ithaca

Some have accused the government of causing the mysterious noise, but anomaly hunting experts have revealed its cause, rich kid students, at Ithaca University.

Add caption

"At first we thought it was a DAARPA mind control project," said one investigator, "but it's just whining from the students. It gets real noisy!"

Ithaca locals have had to buy ear defenders to protect themselves from The Whine. Will someone put a stop to it? Please?

It costs $58,798 a year to send a kid to Ithaca. 


Friday, October 16, 2015

The Government is Your Friend

I heard an interesting thing at the ecumenical men's prayer breakfast this morning. The pastor who gave the message, which was good, said at one point that we die when we've reached the right level of spiritual achievement, or maturity. "I don't want to have to live to be 100 to get there!" he said jokingly.

He was implying that God takes us to Himself when the time is right, and I questioned him about this. "What about the 18 year old Confederate soldier who dies at Gettysburg. Did God kill him, or did Satan, in the form of a Yankee?" Or more seriously, "When a baby is killed in the womb, is its life ended because it's reached the level of spiritual development that God intends for that child?"

But let's not be too quick to judge. Death is a catastrophe and against God's will, but it's overseen by Providence and, ultimately, redeemed by the sacrificial death of Christ. With that in mind, I can think of several, perhaps many, who seem to have died at the right time.

Does that sound somehow gloomy and morbid? Well, consider this popular opinion, Viz. The Government is your friend.

No. It's not.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Black Gun May Day Mayhem!

It was a beautiful sunny morning in Texas, crisp and bright, so I thought I'd better make good use of time and head down to the range with a collection of black guns. Don't get me wrong, I like wood and steel, I prefer it even, but these were the guns I wanted to shoot today.


So I did. The AR's performed flawlessly, which pleased me, because I had a hand in building them. It's always good when something you've worked to create works well. The rifle variant is well-capable of MOA awesomeness, which is exactly what I was hoping for. The Ruger American .17HMR shot well too, producing the best group of the day, 3 rounds in the same hole. Then it was pistol time.

.17 HMR

I'll be honest. I wasn't too pleased with my pistol performance during LL's visit, and I wanted to fix that. "I know," I thought to myself, cleverly, "If I get a Blackhawk Serpa holster, I'll shoot my .45 like a pro." 


The Serpa's a good holster, no doubt about it, it holds your sidearm in a vise-like, mechanical grip, and has a smooth trigger finger release. The paddle system hugs your hip too; it isn't going anywhere. Get a Serpa, just be sure to properly index your trigger finger as you draw your weapon from the holster, otherwise you might shoot your foot off. Bad result.


But, did the holster make me a better shot? No. It didn't, and I had to shoot off a box of cheap Federal ammo at 25 yards before I got in the swing of things. 

Message to market. Neat kit is no substitute for rounds down range. There's a moral in that, if you care to draw it.

Typical Texas Range Scene

Have a great May Day evening and remember, May is Mary's month.

God bless,


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Iron Horse

Since this is becoming a transport focused forum, it's only fair to say that my old pal, Lukeya, isn't just keen on trains, he also likes bikes, and has a nice-as-you-like Norton Commando. 

LL has a motorcycle too, a Ducati Diavel, which some believe to be only marginally slower than chain lightning.

Fredd also had a bike, the iconic Kawasaki 750 triple, and believes that riding it was a lot like having a timber wolf, for a pet.

"So," you ask, "Where's your motorcycle, so-called 'LSP,' if that's your real name, which we doubt."

That, readers, is a very good question.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Marie Harf Epic Fail

There's a cancer eating away at our world, the deadly, contagious disease of Violent Extremism. Luckily, the University of Virginia is on the case in the form of Marie Harf, who shills for her Harvard overlords.

We can't "kill our way" out of ISIS savagery, she says, instead we've got to get down to the "root causes" of Islamic Violent Extremism that obviously isn't Islamic. Root causes like "lack of opportunity for jobs."

Before you cough up your Ash Wednesday Clam Chowder, take the time to read this, from the Atlantic. Seriously, worth the time.

I disagree with his Salafist antidote, but like the good analysis of the causes that Ms. Harf so epically fails to note. Causes that are, in the end, inherent with Islam itself. Or, to put it another way, why should the followers of the Prophet be expected to behave differently than the Prophet himself?

Good question and, Ms. Harf, you fail.

ISIS continues to laugh.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Tale of Skulduggery and Vice

By now we all know that the Suffragan Bishop of Maryland, Heather Cook, is looking at a 20 year stretch for killing a man in a hit-and-run. We know, too, that she had a prior DUI in 2010, along with narcotics possession (and vomit on shirt etc.). Messy, and I hope she can put her life back together and find redemption; I hope the same for Palermo's family.

Eugene Sutton

But did the Bishop of Maryland, Eugene Sutton, and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, know about Cook's DUI/Narcotics bust before she was consecrated, and did they hide this information from the selection process.

And then, when media heat was turned on the diocese, did Sutton hire a "communications consultant," Meredith Gould, who just happened to be the wife of his Canon for Evangelism and Ministry Development, Dan Webster?

Katharine Jefferts Schori

It seems that he did and you can get the drill-down, in all its malfeasant detail here, at Race Radio and the comments section of the Baltimore Brew. And by the way, the same Dan Webster, who is married to Meredith Gould, PR spin to the Diocese of Maryland, apparently said this, when he was Communications Director of the Diocese of Utah:

"It is about power and control. It is about 'doing it my way.'”

I really hope he didn't say that and if he did, that it's out of context.

That is all,


Sunday, October 19, 2014

What Difference Does it Make?

So what difference does it make? 

Good question.

Ask the monkeys.

And Ambassador Stevens.

And our friends in Saudi, Qatar and Raqqa.

In case you're wondering, our soldiers fighting Ebola in Liberia won't get hazmat suits. After all, what difference does it make?

Ask the monkey.

God bless,


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Iron Horse, Real Horse

Iron Horse, Real Horse

Found myself scouting about the used car shops the other day, checking out 4x4 pick-ups, when I saw a chopper nonchalantly parked up in a place of its own. It reminded me of Nam, Chelt'Nam, that is, the town's bikers and, of course, "Iron Horse" by Motorhead. But all that was a very long time ago.

Now I get to go on a real horse and find myself returning to basics - spent the morning walking JB around obstacles and over ground poles, with special emphasis on circling to the right. She's forward now, so it seems time to concentrate on control, which'll make a good base for going very fast and jumping over things. That's my plan, anyway.

She managed three successive flying changes the other day; people tell me that's very impressive and it indicates high athletic potential on JB's part. I wish that I'd asked for them deliberately...

Stay on the horse,