Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve Ice Age Eschaton

Thanks a lot, so-called General "Flynn," if that's your real name, which we doubt. Thanks to you and the Russians we're entering a new Ice Age and no, this isn't Oymyakon, it's rural Texas and there's ice on the rig.

In fact there's snow, drifting wildly against Blue Icebreaker's leash on the front office porch. I know, it's badly in need of paint and that should have happened by now; who knows, maybe it'll all be over by Spring. In the meanwhile, c'mon, Lupe, finish the job.

Ice, paint and snow aside, there's a roast in the oven and Yorkshire Pudding batter chilling in the fridge. Our plan is to eat like warriors. But in the meanwhile, where's that good old Global Warming?

Have a blessed and happy New Year.

Rave on,


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Peak Absurdity?

Via ZeroHedge: 

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’

Leaving aside the glaringly obvious fact that Islam isn't a race, what can we say?

ISIS laughs,


Monday, February 29, 2016

Millionaire Socialist Buffoon

Millionaire socialist celebrity, Leonardo DiCaprio, lectured the world last night about the dangers of Global Warming, after finally winning an Oscar

“Climate change is real. It is happening right now," said the star of the Revenant, "It is the most urgent threat affecting our species. We need to work together and stop procrastinating.”

DiCaprio has a personal interest in Climate Change, after the weather forced polar bears off of melting ice caps and onto the Revenant movie set, where they turned brown and "took" the rich Hollywood movie star.

Shocked audiences watched in horror as the rich young socialist was taken by a bear, all because of anthropocentric global warming brought on by out of control CO2 emissions from DiCaprio's private jet.

Leonardo, you were great in the Wolf of Wall Street and the midget scene was pretty neat, but you are still a millionaire socialist buffoon. 

Just another soldier in the war, the War on Weather.


Monday, December 21, 2015

The Right Gun For The War on Weather

Here at Team LSP we like to think of ourselves as solutions providers, a one-stop-resource-shop, ranging from theology to weaponry. That's why we went to a noted defense systems consultant, asking for his advice on the best gun to take to the War on Weather.

A Unicorn on a Rainbow, With Clouds

Our search parameters weren't easy. The weapon had to pack enough power to take down a cloud, but be accurate enough to shoot a sunbeam, or knock a unicorn off a rainbow. Not easy, you'll admit, but whoever said life would be?

MacMillan TAC 50 Bolt Variant

Fortunately for all of us, there's a solution. A .50 BMG precision rifle, supported by the Tracking Point aiming system.

Guiding it's projectile unerringly onto target, the Tracking Point assisted rifle is capable of neutralizing the most elusive threats the Weather has to offer, and because of pinpoint accuracy, it can do so with minimum collateral damage. And make no mistake, the mighty .50 has plenty of punch.

Girls Love .50s

There you have it. Problem? Solution, which is what we're all about, here at the Compound, helping you to win the firefight against our common enemy. 

Tracking Point sighting systems don't come cheap, but neither does war, on the Weather.

Semper Ubique,


Winning The War on Weather

We're locked into a vicious, no-holds-barred War on Weather. El Nino is on the loose and running wild, sometimes it rains, or even snows, at other times it's hot; sometimes it's sunny, at other times it isn't. Our adversary is cunning, and no one knows for sure when, where and how the Weather will attack. And that's why it's important to be prepared.

Part of that means having the right kit to do the job, and here at the Compound we recommend as an invaluable toolkit for all those who have dedicated their time, resource and yes, lives, to this struggle against our implacable enemy. is especially useful to those of us who live in areas of the world which are hot, such as Texas, California, or Australia, in all those many places where the sun hasn't yet been defeated by our rulers' Coalition of the Willing.

With that in mind, Team LSP is delighted to offer you this important resource, and we're sure that you'll find it as useful as we have, in the fight we all share, the War on Weather.

Arduus Ad Solem,


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Storm Clouds

I went to Walmart to conduct some business, and by the time I left storm clouds had rolled in, like a metaphor for Western culture itself.

Perhaps you remember the lyrics of a '70s pop song, "Your future dream is a shopping scheme"? For "shopping scheme" read "strip mall," and it looks as though those are about to get washed away in the flood of peak retail meets static and declining wages, monster debt and the voracious maw of Big Government. I guess they'll be replaced by Dollar Stores, tire shops and Quinceanera vendors.

But maybe that's OK, maybe a society that's lost touch with reality, to the extent that it thinks gender is a mental construct, can go on forever until it rests in a golden trans utopia of frolicking rainbow unicorns. Who knows, perhaps a culture that actively encourages and subsidizes killing children in the womb, to the tune of $1 million a day, won't somehow commit demographic suicide.

Then again, others believe that as it was in days of Belshazzar, the writing's on the wall.

Mene, Mene,


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Meet Your Overlords

Wikileaks has revealed that Green Elite Overlord, Leonardo DiCaprio, flew by private jet 6 times in 6 weeks last year. Each flight cost tens of thousands of dollars in jet fuel, luxury and millionaire socialism.

Some have accused this progleft NWO shill of hypocrisy. Well that's weird.

You can read all about it here.


Friday, February 27, 2015


Maybe it's the cold, maybe it's something else, like the destruction of Apostolic Order in the Church of England, but whatever the case, there's a lot of elf chatter going on at the moment.

Matters came to a head in Iceland, where a new road project was blocked due to concerns it would destroy an elf, or "huldufolk," habitat, including an elf church. Local authorities were unwilling risk the elves' "displeasure" and halted the construction. 

"Mainly they're a peaceable breed but if you treat them with disrespect, for example by blasting dynamite through their rock houses and churches, they're not reticent about showing their displeasure," stated Emma Kirby, for the BBC.

According to surveys, 62% of Icelanders believe in elves, Here in the US, construction of the Keystone pipeline has been vetoed by President Obama.

No one knows for sure how many elves live in America.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blue State, Heather Cook

I was woken up this morning by a strange rustling, as though something was being shaken. I thought, half-awake, that a squirrel had gotten into the house. But no, it was just Blue, shaking my duffel and staring at me.

I looked at him and he looked at me and then proceeded to wag the arm of my coat, which was hanging off the back of a chair. I got the message and a cup of tea (hot) and Morning Prayer later, there I was, walking the dog in the semi-freezing drizzle of the new Ice Age, brought on, ironically enough, by Global Warming.

Typical Global Warming

Roosting dove flew out of the trees along our path with a great sound of wings and it was good to be in this country town.

Heather Cook

In other news, the scandal-plagued assistant Bishop of Maryland has been indicted on 13 charges, ranging from automobile manslaughter to negligent driving. I feel sorry for her, much as I scorn the monstrous regiment of priestesses. I feel more sorry for the man she killed.

It's all Bush's fault, of course.



Friday, January 7, 2011


Ventured into the frozen wilds of the North to visit with family in Calgary over the New Year; neat views over downtown in a 'skyscraper on the edge of the world' kind of way. The city has an efficient light rail service, complete with futuristic platforms...

 Well Done, Light Rail

and a new building called 'The Bow', which rises above the place like a giga-NSDAP ministry on steroids. The cranes on the top of the thing give an idea of scale.

 Triumph of the Will

After a couple of days the weather cleared and the sun glinted off a light dusting of high altitude global warming. I found it beautiful but then again I don't have to live with the stuff; what a fierce climate - respect to the people who pioneered the place. Made of stern stuff.


Back in Texas now, which is, of course, great but I'd recommend Calgary. The city is booming thanks to oil and gas, the people are friendly, there's a 'High Street' with pubs - result - and plenty of decent places to eat. The Rockies are near too, if you've a mind to go ice-climbing/skiing/snowboarding and during the summer there's no shortage of rodeo amusement.

There are drawbacks - the place is expensive, but you'd expect that from a boom town. Visit if you can, it's a singular city.

Happy late New Year & Epiphany,


Friday, February 12, 2010

Shoot the Snow

It began to snow, which prompted the question,

"What you gonna do LSP, shoot the snow?"

Resisting temptation to put rounds down range, I got on the highway,

and drove to Dallas, which had a record 12" of the "white offender".

Remarkable weather for Texas and caused, evidently, by "warming". Last year, when it was colder, we were having BBQs on the back lawn. Well, its hotter now, so we can't.

Have fun in the snow.