Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What Difference Does it Make?

So what difference does it make? 

Good question.

Ask the monkeys.

And Ambassador Stevens.

And our friends in Saudi, Qatar and Raqqa.

In case you're wondering, our soldiers fighting Ebola in Liberia won't get hazmat suits. After all, what difference does it make?

Ask the monkey.

God bless,


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Putin, the New Talleyrand?

Thanks to Drudge, everyone knows that Tony Brenton, former UK Ambassador to Moscow, doesn't see Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, as a land-grabbing, latter-day Hitler, but as a new Talleyrand. Here's an excerpt from his article in today's Telegraph:

"The 'we must stand up to Putin as we did to Hitler' line is pure schoolboy politics. Putin, of whom I saw a fair amount as UK ambassador to Moscow, is not an ideologically driven fanatic, but much closer to Talleyrand – the calculating, pragmatic rebuilder of his country’s status in the world." 


You can read the whole thing here, but if Putin is a new Talleyrand, what does that make Obama? You know, the first LGBTQ President who's developed this smart strategy to defeat ISIS by, er, arming ISIS.

Pyramid Power?

Senior Defense Industry analysts have speculated that Beyonce, Jay Z and Obama himself, are in a bizarre "love triangle."

Perhaps the President's distracted.

Kick out the Jams,


Monday, November 5, 2012

Jay Z and Beyonce Illuminati Shills?

Rumors are rife that fun-loving mega stars, Jay-Z and Beyonce, are  Illuminati shills for the New World Order.

They're telling us to vote for Soros backed puppet, Barak Hussein Obama. So is "The Boss", Bruce Springsteen.

So go right ahead, buy the hopium. Obey your masters and remember, you'll be richer because you'll be taxed more.

Kick out the jams.