Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Black Cavalry

There I was in the front office, some call it a porch, when a troop of cavalry trotted by. Black cavalry, a stirring sight.

There were a few outliers, some ambled along at a walk.

Others at something like an extended trot.

And others again at a bareback hand gallop.

I like everything about this and file it under "country life in Texas."

Ride on,


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Open Borders Begin At Home

Like charity itself, open borders begin at home.

That's why it's important for you to show your open heart with an open door.

Anything else would be Fascist and Nazi, right? So turn the key and open your door!

But seriously, since when did a country having a border and being, you know, a country,become Fascist? Would that be before or after the Democrats wanted to buy millions of potential votes and someone(s) decided to go for broke in the search for dirt cheap labor?

Then again, perhaps it's all down to deleterious effect of magnets on the brain.

You the reader, be the judge,


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th! Civil War Special

Here at the Compound we're wishing everyone a happy 4th of July, even as the Second Civil War rages around us. 

Pause for a moment in your celebrations to reflect on the pain, agony and grief of the conflict as revealed in this short selection of letters from the front.

Yes, war is hell. Don't forget to raise a glass to our heroes while BBQ sizzles on the grill.



Monday, July 2, 2018

Melania Mondays!

Unlike the rest of the country and normal people everywhere, the Democrat controlled media doesn't like America's popular and glamorous First Lady. The media prefers a different person, and here it is.

This represented the feminine aspect of the country's leadership for 8 years, but not anymore. Melania's in charge now and she's been busy.

Trolling the press.

Giving hope to children.

And hosting Queen Rania of Jordan.

Well done, Melania, for doing your part to make America great again and I think we're all agreed that you deserve every cent you get from photo royalties.



Friday, June 29, 2018

Check Your Privilege

There was a time when this simple mind blog was all about shooting and riding, fishing hardly ever got a look-in. That's because I hardly ever fished. Then everything changed.

Perhaps it was the cost, cheaper than bullets, perhaps it was making up for lost time or maybe it was the sheer, addictive, primal thrill of the drag playing out as some leviathan hits your line. And hey, they're all monsters when your setup's light.

Leviathan Hybrid

Today was no exception, 100* heat at a mystery lake in North Central Texas, and the temperature's no obstacle. Out goes the line, a perch rig, thank you very much. And sure enough, it caught a few Bluegill, some the size of dinner plates.


It also caught a monster mudcat, which fought like the force of nature it was. Massive fish on a light hookup, big fight. All of this to say nothing of a largemouth bass and its massive hybrid cousin.

Decent Little Largemouth

Great fun; good work, perch rig. And with yet another encounter with the piscine adversary it was time to head for home and the Compound.


Did I check my privilege? Oh yes, every step of the way.

Fish on,


Thursday, June 28, 2018


As all the world knows, Justice Anthony Kennedy's resigned from the Supreme Court, leaving the way open for another Trump appointment.

And lib heads are fragmenting into spaceborne shards of enraged impotence at the spectacle of SCOTUS being pushed potentially forever beyond their degenerate culturally Marxist grasp.

Sorry, Frankfort School, you lose this round. And nearly forgot, does anyone remember THE CHILDREN fauxtrage, no? Neither do we.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lynch Goes MAGA?

Has a member of the Hollywood elite broken ranks ranks and gone MAGA? Well, kind of. 

David Lynch, of Twin Peaks fame has gone on the record saying that Trump could go down as one of the "greatest presidents in history," although he identifies as a libertarian.

A Typical Trump Snow Globe

“[Trump] could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history," stated Lynch, "because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”

Twin Peaks

Lynch went on to tell the Guardian that the current crop of US leaders were like "children" who "couldn't get anything done."

“Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”


Like children, deranged, low IQ children? Surely not.



Monday, June 18, 2018

Melania Mondays!

It's a rare week that doesn't see America's popular and glamorous First Lady attacked by New World Order, leftist shills and this week's no exception.

Disgraced millionaire socialist and former comic, Kathy Griffin, net worth $20 million, lashed out at Melania on Sunday, saying "F*ck you, Melanie" and calling the First Lady a "feckless complicit piece of sh*t."

Melania's offense? Stating through her spokeswoman that, "Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families & hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws but also a country that governs w/heart.”

Well said, First Lady, it'd take "both sides of the aisle" to change the Flores Consent Decree and you can read about that here.

In the meanwhile, imagine the outrage if any celebrity had used Griffin style language to attack Michelle Obama.

Thank you Melania for providing our nation with an alternative to foul-mouthed MillSoc stooges like Kathy Griffin.



Sunday, June 10, 2018

Follow The Flag Catch The Fish

Orders are simple. RV (Rendezvous) with friendly forces at a 
secret location, deep in rural Texas. 

Then follow the flag.

And when you do, you catch fish.

There's a moral here, if you care to draw it. In other news, the Grand Commander's accused Canada's Suprema of being "weak" and "dishonest." Other's say there's a "special place in hell" for "backstabbers."

Don't say Little Potato,


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Monday, June 4, 2018

Melania Mondays!

Here at Melania Mondays! we're saddened by the spectacle of the lying, corrupt, self-serving, venal, hypocritical, elite mainstream media's unrelenting attack on America's popular and glamorous First Lady. 

This reached new lows today when David Frum, Senior Editor at the Atlantic, hypothetically stated via social media that Donald Trump had punched his wife. Frum's aggressively sly tweet was slammed by Melania through her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, as "disgusting."

Frum's disgusting tweet is part of a larger media campaign of smear and innuendo, suggesting that the First Lady had disappeared from public life following her kidney procedure on May 15 because of family and personal turmoil.

Melania spoke to that on her twitter account, saying that she's "feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the American people."

Part of this work involves hosting a reception for Gold Star families at the White House this evening. The First Lady commented:

Gold Star families have lost an immediate family member who was serving during wartime, and they are a unique and distinct category of individuals who should be cherished. These families have endured the ultimate in pain and sacrifice on behalf of our country, and I am honored to have spent the evening with them. My husband and I commit to always pay tribute to our active service military, veterans, and the families who love them.

Note to media, your unending attacks on Melania only serve to expose you yet further as agitprop shill drones of the LeftDem Hive Mind. The First Lady, on the other hand, only looks better and better.

Well done, Melania, for doing your part to make America great again.



Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Still Beating The Drum

After a morning visiting the sick, I stopped off at Lake Whitney dam to test the waters. These were clear(ish), and apparently devoid of any fish. 

The occasional Water Moccasin slithered across the still surface of the pool, ignored by floating turtles, and that was that, no evidence of fish at all.

Still, I had the pier to myself, no pressure, and that's no small thing. There it was, the great edifice of the dam and the Brazos, winding its way through Texas to Waco and beyond under a big sky. A tranquil scene, and I cast off more for the contemplative reflection of it all than anything else.

Say your prayers, consider the upcoming Feast of Pentecost and the nature of the Holy Spirit, who we're told is the personification of the love between the Father and the Son. Take a break from the turgid skulduggery of the world and unwind overlooking the river.

Good call, right? No, it wasn't to be. The pool looked empty, like the pews of the venerable if shrinking Church of England, but it wasn't, it was full of voracious Black Drum. No kidding. I'd no sooner cast off with a famously scientific split shot, #6 worm rig than Drum were plowing into the line. 

Up came one, up came another, and another, and on we went for an hour or so. Good action and good sized fish. Finally the worm battalion were down to their last two conscripts, which I threaded onto a sharp, #6 baitholder.

The Tebbit

Within seconds something big was on the line. A Gar? A Striper? A Dolphin? Lord Tebbit himself, protesting against the rainbow riding iniquity of Bury St. Edmonds' Deanery?

No, just a monster Black Drum. He thrashed, flailed, dived and pulled but nothing worked, the fish was on and up it came. 

And that, international readership of this popular mind blog, is just the way it was.

MAGA and Fish On,