Thursday, September 19, 2024



First it was pagers, those totally forgotten by everyone bar Hezbollah comms devices. There you are, in Beirut, fixing to page your ter pal and then, boom. Dam, who knew Mossad had rigged your pager to the Hezzy supply chain, but they had. Bad day for Hezzy, no doubt about it, but was it over, like Joe Biden or a bad Taylor Swift song? No, the op intensified.

Yesterday saw walkie talkies, cell phones, solar panels, radios, household appliances, you name it, all exploding on our Jihad pals in Lebanon. What can we say? A brilliant op, no doubt about it, and it reminds me, on a lesser scale, of a Sergeant back in the '80s.

Our convo went something like this: "There we were. We knew the shooter's location and his weapon. All we had to do was swap out his ammo with rounds that'd explode in the chamber. Boom, job well done. But command said no."

I guess that Irishman got lucky, Hezbollah? Not so much. RWA comments: "The way this operation combines truly malicious cruelty and personalized precision is real art, perfect terror attack. The demoralization alone must be worse than the kinetic impact."

Quite. Leaving aside the knotty issue of the safety of your electronic devices, will they explode if you post a mean tweet, what's your take on Israel's latest Lithium Offensive? Mine is this. If I were Israel facing an existential threat (Thank God you're not - Ed.) I'd go full on defeat the enemy, no holds barred. Pagers, walkie talkies, smart fridges, EVs, phones, tablets, wifi speakers, you name it, all fair game.

Point being, if you're in a state of war, see Israel Oct 7, do it to win. That said, does Operation Pager cross the line into unjust war and ethically invalidate itself. I don't think so, but you might. Feel free to disagree.

Advance to Contact,



Hoss said...

I have no problem with it. All in all, it's pretty ingenious.

The Night Wind said...

Israel is a Left-Wing Techno-fascist police state. They have confiscated churches and turned them into 'gay hotspots.' They invented the technology for the Vaxx Passports. One can't even own private property in Israel and nobody but those loyal to the Regime have anything approaching Constitutional Rights. Klaus Schwab called them a 'model democracy', which speaks volumes in and of itself.

Israel has been committing acts of terror even before and ever since they became independent. We point the finger at China for fighting actual Jihadists among the Uighurs and Rohingyas; yet we turn a blind eye to Israel engaging in the most barbaric ethnic cleansing and genocide since the Khmer Rouge. As for the exploding communications devices, mostly innocent civilians were injured or killed. If Iran had done something like this, we wouldn't praising their 'ingenuity'

I really despise this Double Standard when it comes to Israel. They interfere in our elections while we point the finger at Russia. They have dual-citizens in our government---don't even have to register as foreign agents---but we keep pointing the finger at China. They have government contracts selling stuff like this kind of Black Budget weapons and surveillance software used to spy on us and to single out and proscribe anti-Israel dissidents. No other country could get away with any of this.

Anonymous said...

China, of course, has put spies in governors and senators offices, bribed the turtle, and has and is shutting down Christian churches and Falun Gong, engages in organ harvesting from its minorities and those in political disfavor, and pushes drugs (fentanyl) to American youth (not an exhaustive list of offences). So the preponderance evidence shows China to be a much greater threat than Israel.

However, I'd like to also point out that the Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, is a major part of the reason that Gaza is still not 100% under Israeli control after almost a year. I have a hard time believing that a German army division of 1938 would have taken more that a couple of months to completely subdue Hamas in Gaza and establish order. So, if any moral downside is associated with these latest attacks on Hezbollah, they should be attributed to the Mr. Galant, not Israel as a whole.

The Night Wind said...

Anon: Whether what you say about China is true or not; the point is that Israel shouldn't be getting a free pass---let alone encouragement---for doing the same or worse things.