Saturday, October 5, 2019

Church of England Captured on Film

There it is. You step out on the back porch for some coffee and "quiet time" and what do you get? Yes, the Church of England.

There she was, climbing up my window,  a ferocious predator. I had to ask, is this the whole denomination or just its leader?

Lambeth Palace declined to comment. In the meanwhile, rumours of Mantis People, Mantids, taking over the venerable CoE are just that, rumours.




LL said...

Church spy, trying to figure out what’s really going on at the compound.

Kid said...

We used to buy these to eat the aphids off the rose bushes.

RHT447 said...

Often as not, the females eat their male partners. Maybe AOC could adopt one as a mascot.

LSP said...

Whoa, LL, an insect spy drone. I hadn't thought of that.

LSP said...

Ferocious little beasts, Kid.

LSP said...

RHT, just laughed!

Save The Planet Eat The Children.