Friday, June 9, 2023

Fish On


We have choices in life, contrary to Marxist determinism, and such is the beauty of free will. For example, you can sit staring at a screen in slack-jawed trad consternation or you can go fishing. I chose the latter option and pointed the rig at Lake Whitney.

This was once a reef in a vast inland sea

There it was, shining and hazy under a hot Texan sun, but would there be fish and would they bite? I cast off with worms to find out and... nothing, apart from a lazy little Gar who swooped down on my worm, held it in its beak, swam away at leisure for about 60 yards, ate half the worm and dropped the rest. He didn't even run, and who can blame him, it was hot.

Behold Leviathan and the mighty Brazos

Soldiers Bluff being a bust I headed across the dam to try my luck from the pier. Slow going at first but then I spotted them, two stationary Bass on a ledge next to the dam's wall. Off goes the worm, cast a little ahead of the fish, followed by a slow retrieve onto their position. Boom! Strike!

Nice little Drum

A couple of minutes of diving, thrashing, rod double action later up comes a very decent fish. Good fight and back you go, great result. So, send another worm into the depths, untargeted this time, a blind shot and another slow retrieve. And what's this, a tug, and another, hookset! It felt like a Black Drum and sure enough it was, not as cool as a Bass but still, plenty of piscine action.

That complete, it was time to head back to the Compound, mission accomplished. I file this exciting story under "Country Life in Texas."

Tight Lines,


Thursday, June 8, 2023

La Cruz de Borgoña


You see, all Spanish speaking people are culturally Marxist and vote Democrat. Here, just look at this.

Beautiful Eva Peron in case you missed it

I rest my case,


Corpus Christi Storm


Thunder rumbled like a celestial artillery barrage as the heavens opened and rain lashed down with cascading fury. Seriously, climate change got real and I had to pull over to the side of the road on the way to Mass. Clearly Hill County had forgotten to pay its carbon tax.

But maybe Bosque had because it was clear skies and sunny southern weather once you got over the dam which blocks the mighty Brazos, creating Lake Whitney. A great place to fish, for sure, and a good place to celebrate the Mass to boot, not far from one of Belle Starr's hideouts.

A typical Texas Storm

I keep meaning to visit what's left of her small 100 acre ranch, which once played host to the James Gang and other bushwhackers turned outlaw. All in good time, but in the meanwhile it's Corpus Christi, so here's a prayer.

Deus, qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabili Passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti; tribue, quaesumus, ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus: Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen.


And in English:

O God, who under a wonderful Sacrament hast left us a memorial of Thy Passion; grant us, we beseech Thee, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood, that we may ever feel within ourselves the fruit of Thy Redemption: Thou who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.


Powerful prayers and do you think that a nation, people or persons who openly mock God will somehow escape the storm of his judgement?

O Salutaris,


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

New Flags


There I was and there was the laptop. "Look here, silvery malfeasant, I've had enough of you." So I did an about turn and strode out to the Front Office, aka "Porch," and there was a great F 250 truck off the side of HQ. And two new flags, gleaming brightly.

I recognize that rig, I thought to myself, and walked off the storied porch to meet its owner. "Fr. LSP, I'd hoped you wouldn't catch me," said the flag benefactor beneath straw hat and mirror shades.Well hey, caught you out.

That in mind, why move into some hideous neo-lib suburb? Keen-eyed readers will note I haven't. "You know," I remarked to our flag friend, "Sometimes I fly the Bonny Blue instead of that." He looked at me and smiled, we were at one.

The Cause,


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Satan's Jewel Crown


All hail Emmylou.

Turn it up,


Conventicle of Satan


Just as we were starting to feel good about New York up comes this, the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine overlooking Harlem, all lit up for Pride. Go figure, this is the, ahem, church which hosted Elton John's 60th birthday bacchanal

What a celebration, featuring an $18K floral arrangement and a High Altar set up as a stage for the Scissor Sisters, what?, Sting and Paul McCartney. But that was then, 2007, today the cathedral's simply celebrating the deadly sin of pride with  a gay Evensong, an ice cream social, a panel discussion and a specially crafted rainbow celebration of Pauli Murray.

Who is this Pauli Murray? you ask in bemused wonder. Just a regular Communist, lesbian, civil rights activist and the first woman of color (WOC) to be ordained as a priestess in the Episcopal Church (TEC). 

She died in 1985 from cancer and TEC's made her a "saint," which says something about this catastrophically declining denom's  idea of sanctity. That in mind, reflect on the sepulchral hue of the cathedral's pride driven lightshow. Does it suggest heaven or the other place?

You be the judge,


Monday, June 5, 2023

New York City Eucharistic Procession

When you think of New York you probably don't think Eucharistic adoration, but that's exactly what happened on May 27 when some 4000 people processed through Times Square for two hours with the Blessed Sacrament.

What may have been the city's largest ever Eucharistic procession was led by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Espaillat of the Archdiocese of New York who told the faithful: “¡Esta es mi ciudad! ¡Esta es nuestra ciudad! ¡Esta ciudad es de Jesucristo!” (This is my city! This is our city! This city is Jesus Christ’s’!)

They in turn knelt and adored in the midst of Mammon. “I have never seen anything like that before, especially in New York,” commented Photojournalist Jeffrey Bruno on social media.

Yes indeed, especially in New York. The procession, with its remarkable witness to the Faith, was organized by St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church and the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Center. The next procession is scheduled for Sunday June 11 (Corpus Christi Sunday). I'd be there if I could.

Ave Verum Corpus,


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Divine Simplicity


God, say the experts, is simple, meaning he isn't a compound being made up of parts, you can't add or subtract from him, all that is in him is him. And so God loves, he is love. What does this mean? A lot, James Dolezal expounds the mystery:

First, it means we cannot posit a distinction between God and His attributes the way we might between a creature and its attributes. A man, for instance, may be wise, just, and powerful. But he is not identical with the wisdom, justice, and power by which he is such. Each of these is a part that contributes some form of being to him, and each is distinct from the man as a whole. He depends upon these qualities to be as he is. Because God is simple, this is not how He has His attributes. Properly speaking, God does not have wisdom, justice, power, and so forth—attributes really distinct from His being as God. Rather, God just is the wisdom by which He is wise, the justice by which He is righteous, and the power by which He is powerful, and so forth for all His other attributes.

Second, and more deeply, divine simplicity means that God is not composed of existence and essence. As with His attributes, God does not have existence or essence as principles really distinct from His being as God. Rather, God just is the act of existence by which He exists and the essence of divinity by which He is God. But this is not how it is with creatures. To be a human, for example, is to be a certain kind of creature. But no human being is humanity as such. Rather, each one possesses humanity as a principle determining him to be the kind of being he is. Moreover, being a human does not explain why any particular human exists. Rather, each man’s act of existence is a principle he possesses in addition to his essence. In short, it is not the essence of humanity to be. For classical theists, this is the proper locus of the Creator-creature distinction. Creatures possess existence as a gift (see Acts 17:25, 28; Rev. 4:11) that is really distinct from their respective essences, whereas God simply is His own existence, there being no composition of principles of existence and essence in Him.

All that is in God is God. He, being His own existence and essence, and so not derived from causes as are all other beings, is alone adequate to ultimately account for all that is caused-to-be. 

Reflect on this and worship.

Adoremus ad Dominum,


Remember This Shaitan?


Remember this mid-grade shaitan, Alexander Vindman? Sure you do, he went all whistlehoaxer on 45, and with his swinish visage sounds the voice of a Platoon Sergeant, a Gloucester, still clear after all these years, "Gentlemen, look at that, too fat to f***n fight! Get off my Square, you're tilting it!"

That in mind, it seems our chubby little porcuswine's had its greasy fingers in the lucrative pie. Here's Poso:

Dear readers, all two of you, is there something in the current proxy war that just... ain't right? Or would that be a crazed conspiracy theory? You be the judge.



Friday, June 2, 2023



What is a woman? Check out Matt Walsh's documentary while you can. Long, but right on, a Pride Month special.



Thursday, June 1, 2023

Naval Hymn & Pride Month


Attention, gentlemen and gentlewomen, the hateful, degenerate, pedophiliac, rainbow corporate stasi excrescence of Holy Pride Month is upon us. So buckle up, it's gonna be a long and nasty ride. What can we do, apart from boycotting Groom & Doom big box stores? Good question and perhaps this helps, via Wild:


Steady boys, steady, and I'll leave it at that.


Heart of Oak