Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Trump Goes 2020

You may disagree and that's fine, there's no "rule," think what you like, but I thought Trump pretty much knocked it out of the ball park last night. And to be fair, the Democrats have created a minefield for themselves.

Such as the great Russia Hoax coup conspiracy, Hillary's 33,000 missing emails, the hate-filled attack on Kavanaugh, open borders migration vote grabbing masquerading as compassion and, perhaps above all, failure. 

The Democrats represent an established political status quo which oversaw the deindustrialization of great swathes of America and the subsequent impoverishment of the people. Trump hit on it, 60,000 factories shuttered since 2001, the date China joined the WTO, and with it the loss of at least 6 million jobs. Well done, trade deal geniuses.

Democrat solution? More of the same in an ever brighter rainbow flag. You might not have any jobs, proles, and we've become South America's welfare system, but think. At long last you can, finally, throw off the chains of cisgender oppression and use the trans bathroom at Harvard while beating women at track like the man you are! Sorry, woman. 

And Trump's a Russian spy who's literally Hitler, so forget about all the industry we shipped out of the country to make us rich while you live in the ghetto. Where you can get an abortion.

It's just not a great platform and Trump gave it a beating while playing to his strengths: jobs, manufacturing, rebuilding the military, not fighting endless wars, securing the border so we actually have a country, tax cuts, deregulation, putting America first in trade and not being ashamed of Christian values and the country itself. LL puts it well here.

Of course Satanists hate all this and haven't lost any time deploying their magic power to hex the President, so maybe it's a good thing last night's rally featured a prayer:

Paula White: “Father you have raised President Trump up for such a time as this… Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus. Let the counsel of the wicked by spoiled now according to Job 17. I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy. Destroy and divide their tongues, Oh Lord.




Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Fathers Day Washout

It was a simple plan, elegant even. Say Mass at the Missions, expound on the Trinity and then drive back to the Compound for an afternoon's Fathers Day grillout with the Recruit. What a great plan, then it fell apart.

The kid got roped into working for an elderly churchperson. Well done, charity is key, and there went the lunch component, but not to worry, adapt and move the grilling forward to the evening. Pleased with the evolving genius of the plan I watched clouds move in from the West, storm clouds, dark and ominous.

Boom, deluge, and that was the end of that. We consoled ourselves by sitting on the porch as lightning cracked, thunder rolled and rain poured down with all the fury of an enraged god, the Weather God, our ancient enemy.

Still, it was neat to watch the storm from the safety of the compound's porch. Like being on the bridge of a ship, I always think.

Try Not to Lose Your Lunch

In other exciting news, Groper Biden's apparently well ahead of 45 in the polls which is why the toothy politician's attracting such, ahem, massive crowds. Who knows, maybe Michelle will lurch out of left field and boost the Party's fortune. Think, what chance would Old White Privilege himself have against a transsexual woman of color? 

Candace For Press Secretary

Perhaps Trump would do well to counter this not inconsiderable threat by taking on Candace Owens as Press Secretary, as opposed to Stephanie Grisham. Just a thought.



Sunday, June 16, 2019

Heathen Banding - Holy Trinity

Here we are, on the day of the Feast of the holy and undivided Trinity itself, so how to make sense of it all, how can God be three persons in one divine nature? 

Well, you couldn't make it up, especially if you wanted to start a religion and make some loot and that, for me, is a powerful proof of the revealed nature of the thing, its veracity.

Regardless, perhaps Frank Sheed lifts us up to the brink of mystery. From Theology For Beginners (do yourself a favor and get one, it's free): 

So God utters a word – not framed by the mouth, of course, for God has no mouth. He is pure spirit. So it is a word in the mind of God, not sounding outwardly as our words sound, akin rather to a thought or an idea. What idea produced in God’s mind could possibly be God? Christian thinking saw early that it could be only the idea God has of himself.
…the idea that God has of himself cannot be imperfect. Whatever is in the Father must be in his idea of himself, and must be exactly the same as it is in himself. Otherwise God would have an inadequate idea of himself, which would be nonsense. Thus, because God is infinite, eternal, all-powerful, his idea of himself is infinite, eternal, all-powerful. Because God is God, his idea is God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God.”
…Father and Son love each other, with infinite intensity. What we could not know, if it were not revealed to us, is that they unite to express their love and that the expression is a third divine person. In the Son, the Father utters his self-knowledge; in the Holy Spirit, Father and Son utter their mutual love.
Their love is infinite; its expression cannot be less, Infinite love does not produce itself finitely; it can no more produce inadequate expression than infinite knowledge can produce an inadequate idea. Each gives himself wholly to the outpouring of his love for the other, holding nothing back – indeed the very thought of holding back is ridiculous; if they give themselves at all, they can give themselves only totally – they possess nothing but their totality! The uttered love of Father and Son is infinite, lacks no perfection that they have, is God, a person, someone.

Make of this what you will but be very sure you don't go against it. That way leads to madness and destruction.  

In the meanwhile, heathen banding on the wall, if we could be bothered to build it. Chop, chop.

Your Friend,


Saturday, June 15, 2019


We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity tomorrow and contemplate the revealed life of God as Father, Son and Spirit. A trinity of persons in unity of substance. I like this reflection from Fr. Crouse:

To know God as absolute Being, absolute Knowledge, and absolute Love, [Father, Son, Spirit] is to be spiritually reborn: it is to know ourselves as encompassed and upheld by Providential care, and thus it is to see our own lives in a new spiritual perspective. It is to lose ourselves in the worship of a goodness and a glory infinitely beyond ourselves, infinitely beyond all earthly things, infinitely beyond all worldly pretensions and pettiness. It is to see our troubles, our frustrations, our disappointments, our ambitions and achievements, all in a new spiritual perspective, "high and lifted up" -- a radically different perspective, the perspective of eternity. 
But perhaps we ask, with Nicodemus, "Is this really possible? Is this really practical? Can a man be born when he is old? How can these things be?" Nicodemus was a sensible man, no doubt: a Pharisee, a leader of the Jews, and he couldn't let go of his supposedly sensible, practical perspective. Jesus warned him, and Jesus warns us: unless you are spiritually reborn, you have no part in God's kingdom. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." It is what we worship that makes us what we are.

It is what we worship that makes us what we are. There's wisdom in that, to say nothing of the Holy and Undivided Trinity.

God bless,


Friday, June 14, 2019

What Dhimwits

Here's Blue Martel relaxing on an attractive Moslem rug, he's obviously not Islamophobic. Neither is Ss. Matthew & Luke Darlington, which offered to veil its crosses and a picture of Christ so that local Muslims could pray in the church without being offended. 

Offended by what? Christianity, of course, which this church used to represent. Christianity is the world's most persecuted religion. Too bad that places like Ss. Matthew & Luke are part of the problem.

Here at the Compound we call them dhimwhits.



Thursday, June 13, 2019

War Drums?

Did Iran, perhaps via its Houthi proxies in Yemen, attack two tankers in the Gulf of Oman this morning? US and Saudi officials have suggested they did but if so, why; to provoke a crippling war with the US?

That doesn't seem to make much sense, perhaps the villain is another "state actor" altogether.

I don't know about you but going to war on behalf of the Wahhabi meteorite guardians doesn't sound too appealing. Didn't they have something to do with 9/11?



Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Same Old Rock

Backyard Mexicans are playing New Country, peacocks shriek and Blue Fowler's after a chicken that's hiding under the back deck. You can't blame the bird for trying to escape the music, fortunately the dog's not lithe enough to get at the feathered asylum seeker.

Speaking of which, the wall's still not built and a few hundred thousand illegals cross the border every month, overwhelming towns like Uvalde. Democrats don't seem to mind, they see votes, while others wonder if the refugee asylum seekers should be bused to sanctuary cities. If you want it, pay for it, sort of thing.

Who knows, maybe Trump's threat of tariffs will scare Mexico into securing its border, we can but hope and wonder. Meanwhile, our Big Tech Commie Overlords are busy censoring everyone into oblivion. 

But surely the toothpaste's outta the youtube and all the sadly deplatformed unpersons will move to other media. Then Whatsapp can try and sue them for hate speech like trannies going after a baker. Good luck with that.

On the religious front, Rome's produced a document affirming biological gender. This, according to the Vatican, is a God-given fact of biology. Men are, well, men, and women are women, as opposed to being gender fluid sexless drones of the NWO hivemind. And of course the venerable if shrinking Diocese of Durham and ACoC disagree, they're busy celebrating the rainbow.

Unlike the Anglican provinces of Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria who obstinately refuse to bow to Illuminati cash and attend the godless Lambeth Conference next year. Who knows, they're doubtless scared of being gored by the vicious horns of Canterbury unicorns, to say nothing of the thudding varicolored hooves of the ACC.

In related news, a Church of England Vicar had to resign from a school board for objecting to trans sex-ed by, ahem, "Mermaids," and a couple of Brazilian lesbians killed their son because he was a boy. They tried to transsexualize the unfortunate 9 year old first, and you can read the whole disturbing thing here.

Perhaps you think that somehow wrong because you're shackled to oppressive, patriarchal, fascist ethical theory. Not to worry, you can pinpoint the problem and work on a solution with this useful Intersectionality Score Calculator. Check it out. I scored a rather respectable 8. You have a go!

Over the rainbow,


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Blood And Soil - Don't Bring Harry

Detail aside, the Greens are winning massive marketshare in Germany and that's great, check it out. Crazed, mystic blood and soil Tuetons launching on some kind of shamanic Aryan quest to bring the whole heimat under the sway of Ygdrasil?

Hated Markle

With apologies to our friends in the Prussian Officer Corps, we've beat you back twice and we'll do it again. Sorry, so called "Meghan," but there it is.

The People Rise Up

In the meanwhile, craven leftists attempt to pretend that they're somehow about "the people." Like #MillSoc D-List celeb Meghan Markle; don't bring Harry.  



Saturday, June 8, 2019

Rural Rebound?

Anyone who's driven through upstate New York, Montana or the corridor of asset-stripped destruction that is the Dallas/Waco thoroughfare will know that all's not well with rural America. Hillsboro, Texas is a case in point.

Once 20,000 strong, this town's lucky to muster 8k today and all because our friends in the NWO, Illuminati elite shipped cotton away to India in a frenzy of bottom line bully profiteering. So, no jobs in the rural haven? Move to Dallas or Waco, and off they went. Then what.

Dallas becomes a congested nightmare and housing prices go through the roof such that only our socialist millionaire globalist overlords can live above the common horde, or can they? Not really. The roads are awful, you're surrounded by the common people you hate and despise, and everything's appalling. 

I know, it's all calm and soothing at the horrific neo-tudor monstrosity you call a "club" and pay 20++ grand a year for the privilege of using, but then you have to get on the tollway and reality sets in in. 

Despite all your cash you're living in some kind of bad, low class dream. I mean, really. What's the point of all that loot when you have to share the traffic jam with all the proles you hate?

Solution. Move to the country. Housing's stupidly cheap, you can work from home, insofar as you do work, and the standard of life's so much higher. 

Hey presto, Das Kapital's injected into what's left of the community your crew helped to destroy and once rural ghetto becomes mighty fancy.

And that's not bad, these country towns need cash. But here's the thing, where will all your servants stay, seeing as they won't be able to afford to live in the towns you've colonized; in house?

For what it's worth, I predict unrest.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Where Is That Great Leviathan?

The Compound's training schedule isn't complex, no, far from it. In between group readings from Maritain, Gilson, Aquinas, Mascall, Berdyaev, the awesome Ratzinger, Farrer and so many more, we go fishing.

X in search of, sort of thing, and that's what we did today, headed out to Lake Whitney dam and tried our luck against the ferocious prehistoric ambush predators, Gar. Well it wasn't easy. Sure there were plenty of fish but they were shell shocked by the current.

You see, thanks to climate change it's been raining, turning Texas into a cross between an Amazonian rain forest and a floodplain. We caught the floodplain today and that meant no catching, the fish were all rolling on the current and not biting.

Still, good to get out in the sun by the water and enjoy the mighty Brazos. It was better once, before the dam and the lake, but that's a different story. 

In the meanwhile, Blue Nugget looks on. Hope, all two of you readers, springs eternal.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Well Done Boy

I know, it's been a protracted deal and you've probably had enough. But hey, whoever said it'd be easy. That in mind, the eldest LSP boy swore-in yesterday and now belongs to USGOV.

Random Waylon

Well done, "Nodal Systems Networks" and all of that, following Basic at Benning in August. In the interim we mark time. How, riding, shooting, fishing, hunting? 

Suggestions please.
