Thursday, March 9, 2017

Witch Hunt!

America's truth seekers in the Democratic Party, along with the Washington Post and the New York Times, are engaged in the greatest witch hunt this country's seen since the storied days of Salem, or Senator McCarthy. That's right, the hunt for Russian spies, attempting to subvert our democracy.

Spies like General Flynn, Jeff Sessions and the President, Donald Trump himself; all tools of the Kremlin! But what about the Podestas? You know, Hillary's campaign chairman and his brother, Tony?

John and Tony may not be witches, although they're friends with one, Marina Abramovic, and their lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, only took in $20k a month, from March-September 2016, from Sberbank alone. All for lobbying the administration to put an end to Russian sanctions. 

You can read about it here and while you're at it, remind yourself of the Podesta Group's past business in the enchanted woods of Uranium One, Russian banks, the Clinton Foundation and Hillary herself.

Odd, isn't it, how the Russian witch hunt's died down in the last few days, and here's a thought. When you cast a spell, say it's against the Russians or Trump's administration, make sure it doesn't rebound and hit you in the face.

God bless,


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day!

It's International Women's Day, so here's a helpful meme.



A Visit To Ray's

Perhaps you've had all your teeth removed and look like someone's smacked you 'round the face a bit. Whatever, visit the gunshop and buy a mug, or a gun.

I couldn't manage a gun because they're too pricey at Ray's but I'm happy with the mug.

Gun rights,


Touring the Grounds

Word to the wise. If you're fixing to have all your teeth out, don't plan on chewing anything for a while.

Making high quality custom infovideos? Different story.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fly The Chopper, Syma S107g Review

Everyone wants to be a chopper pilot and I got my chance this February, in Aberystwyth, with Syma's small but maneuverable S107g Phantom. I was impressed, the little chopper was fun to fly and crash. So I decided to get one when I got back to LSPland.

One visit to Amazon Prime later and there it was, a brand new S107g blazing its way across country, all for the grand sum of $20. Pretty cheap for a helicopter, right?  A couple of days later it arrived at Dallas HQ in a suspiciously large box. Fortunately for all concerned, there was a Spyderco Persistence close to hand. What could possibly be taking up all that space, I thought in wonderment as I hacked at the cardboard with my trusty Spyderco.

A lot of ballast, well done Amazon for protecting the chopper in transit, and the S107g Phantom itself, securely packaged with its controller and a USB charging cable. What else?

It came complete with an infrared control system, Tri-band Technology (three control channels), a high grade metal body and a built in gyroscope, handy for keeping the craft stable in flight and that's not all. 

The "incredibly portable", well go figure, it's a miniature helicopter, S107g also has a "32-Level high precision speed controller, which automatically stabilizes the rotor blade system for steady lift off." And don't forget that the S107G's high precision propellers are powered by 2 solid motors with a third motor in the tail rotor. That's the marketing. Did it work?

Sure it did, like a treat, flying with surprising power for the whole length of its advertised 8 minute flight time. The diminutive Phantom took off, hovered, flew steady and darted about with surprising agility, thanks in part to an intuitive and light to the touch controller. Flying time over, the chopper charges by USB in 30 or so minutes and it's ready to get back in the action. Not a bad turn around for a helicopter and comparable to other models on the market. 

It's well made, too, out of metal, and has an impressive light below its nose, which flashes red and blue alternately. Useful for night flying.

So what's the verdict? Syma's Phantom works as advertised and it's a lot fun to fly, offering big bang or the buck. A mere $20 for the vast pleasure of flying your very own helicopter on missions across the house. Cheap at half the price and I'll say it again, the Phantom's well made, nicely put together and strong with it. But is it tactical? Sure it is, especially on night missions. Do women like them? I'd have thought that was obvious.

So, if you're in the market for an affordable, well made indoor helicopter that works and's a lot of fun, check out the Syma 107g Phantom. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Fly on,


Monday, March 6, 2017

Melania Mondays!

What's our nation's attractive, glamorous and popular First Lady been up to since the last exciting installment of Melania Mondays!?

Only looking stunningly good, opening the White House to tours and visiting sick children at Children's National in DC and Presbyterian in New York.

Melania isn't just the most beautiful First Lady this country's had, she's also compassionate and maternal. Think, we could have had a very different kind of woman in the White House.

The very same entity our corrupt, lying, faked up, elitist media pushed for so hard and failed so dismally at electing.

That woman lost, Melania didn't and she's busy looking good, caring for children and making America great again. Well done, Melania, keep it up!



Dental D Day

Today was D Day, dental D Day. As LL reminds me, don't put it off, take the war to the enemy, in this case, my teeth. So I drove across Dallas to get the malefactors pulled. 

Unlike the real D Day, this operation didn't hurt, and nobody got killed. In fact it seemed like a lot less hassle than a root canal, and there I was, 2 implants and a set of falsies later, ready to get back in the fight.

You know, the kind of fight that doesn't involve speaking, eating or anything much to do with your mouth. But hey, it had to be done otherwise tooth poison was going to get to the heart and bring this endeavor to an untimely end. To say nothing of the ultimate benefit of a functional mouth.

In other news, the tyranny of Blogger is about to be broken with big thanks to HS who's kindly arranged hosting and development for It's "live" so feel free to have a look, but bear in mind it's "under development." 

God bless,


Sunday, March 5, 2017


Presented without comment except to say that Barack Obama claims he didn't know what his friend AG Loretta Lynch and the DOJ were doing. Not that they were doing anything and even if they were, it's the Russian's fault because they STOLE the election from its rightful owner, Hillary, who was the most qualified person ever to be President. And now she's not, because of the RUSSIANS and their SPIES.

Yes, SPIES, like Donald Trump, General Flynn and Jeff Sessions. So it's a good thing they were tapped, even though they probably weren't and the BEST PRESIDENT EVER, Barack Obama, didn't know anything about it anyway, even if they were, which they weren't. Repeat Ad. Naus.

Note, in the absence of comment from the Compound, how DJT controls the narrative like a Boss, as the Democrats flail and spin in their risible attempt to make themselves look good in the face of their crushing election defeat.

God bless,


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cardiff Met University Goes Full Snowflake

World famous Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU) has gone full snowflake, forbidding teachers from using offensive words like "waitress", "sportsmanlike" and "housewife" in case some of the college's pathetically sensitive crybaby students get offended by such strong, aggressive, frightening language.

Here's a list of some of the banned words and their suggested alternatives.

Housewife = Consumer? Well that's alright then. Instead of being demeaned by looking after a household and children and contributing to a fundamental building block of civilization, namely the family, you can just consume things. Like a mindless drek at the behest of your Globalist NWO Overlords.

Or, to look at it another way, "What if a woman falls in love with a house and wants to marry it? Are we going to deny marriage equality for people who were born with a building centered sexual orientation? Certainly she would then be a 'housewife', and calling her a mere 'consumer' of the house would be insulting to her spouse."

Cardiff Met, you may rank low in the UK's University ratings, but you score high in Snowflake Land. Here at the Compound we award you a sturdy 8, yes, 8, coveted Rainbow Unicorn Awards.

Well done,



Friday, March 3, 2017

Hypocritical Lying Shills

Pelosi, Schumer, faux Russia hysteria hypocrites? No, never. That's why Pelosi lied about meeting with the Russian Ambassador.

And here's Soviet agent Schumer with Vladimir Putin, getting it on with the Krispy Kremes.

Per usual, Trump's taken to Twitter to expose the lying fauxtrage hypocrisy of leading Democrats when it comes to the faked up Russian witch hunt. You can read about it here and here.

In related news, is Pelosi possessed? 

You be the judge,


The Russians Did it!!

I thought it had maybe run its course and the bizarre the Russians did it! narrative was finally coming to an end, if only through inertia. Hillary lost the election because the Russians stole it could only run for so long, with so little proof, before it became so obviously stupid that it had to retire.

Then BOOM. It seems that General Flynn had the traitorous temerity to talk with a Russian Ambassador. Oh. My. God. He had to resign. And now it's Attorney General Sessions, who also talked with the Russian Ambassador. What? Top US Government officials are actually talking with the Russian Ambassador?!? They're obviously traitors.

Yes, Russian agent traitors who wrecked our democratic process by stealing, that's right, stealing, the presidency from its rightful owner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If it wasn't for them, their fellow travellers and their Kremlin puppet masters, Hillary would now have what's rightfully hers. She would be PRESIDENT. 

That's the subcurrent of subthought running beneath the hysterical Democrat Russian witch hunt. Leaving aside the irony of the party of unicorns, peace signs and gender fluids beating the anti-Russian war drum, ponder this.

Why aren't the same Press and Party that are whipping up a Cold War frenzy investigating Hillary's ties with Russia? You know, that awkward Uranium One/Rosatom deal which gave Russia control over 20% of US uranium.

It seems the Democrats and their MSM propaganda arm have two standards when it comes to Russia. One for Hillary and another for Trump and the team who beat her, and did they win because evil masterminds in the Kremlin rigged our election?

No. They won because people voted for Trump instead of the worst, most corrupt, scandal ridden candidate the Democrats could find.

Hubris may well have stolen the election from Hillary Rodham Clinton, but it sure wasn't Russia. Time to face reality, Democrats, and move on. You lost. 

Get over it.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Glitter Ash

Just when you thought Western religion couldn't get any gayer , along comes Glitter Ash. That's right, Glitter Ash, instead of the cis gendered, heteronormative oppression ash which churches typically use on Ash Wednesday. But don't take my word for it, here's Parity, describing the thinking behind Glitter Ash.

Ashes are a statement that death and suffering are real.Glitter is a sign of our hope, which does not despair.Glitter signals our promise to repent, to show up, to witness, to work.Glitter never gives up -- and neither do we.

Glitter signals our promise to repent. Unh hunh, sure, all the way to the nearest disco. Parity continues.

Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief, blending symbols of mortality and hope, of penance and celebration. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a season of repentance. During Lent, Christians look inward and take account in order to move forward with greater health. At this moment in history, glitter ashes will be a powerful reminder of St. Augustine’s teaching that we cannot despair because despair paralyzes, thwarting repentance and impeding the change that we are called to make.

Oh yeah, right, of course. Next time you see some dude wandering around wearing leather chaps and no trousers, with some glitter on his forehead, think of St. Augustine. And repentance, obviously.

Glitter+Ash exquisitely captures the relationship between death and new life. We do not live in fear of ash - of death - we place it on our foreheads for the world to see. 
How very beautiful. Glitter Ash is incredibly gay a symbol of resurrection and new life in the midst of death, as opposed to being an exercise in degenerate, narcissistic exhibitionism.

You can get your Glitter Ash here when it's back in stock.
