Showing posts with label McCarthyism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCarthyism. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Russians Did it!!

I thought it had maybe run its course and the bizarre the Russians did it! narrative was finally coming to an end, if only through inertia. Hillary lost the election because the Russians stole it could only run for so long, with so little proof, before it became so obviously stupid that it had to retire.

Then BOOM. It seems that General Flynn had the traitorous temerity to talk with a Russian Ambassador. Oh. My. God. He had to resign. And now it's Attorney General Sessions, who also talked with the Russian Ambassador. What? Top US Government officials are actually talking with the Russian Ambassador?!? They're obviously traitors.

Yes, Russian agent traitors who wrecked our democratic process by stealing, that's right, stealing, the presidency from its rightful owner, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If it wasn't for them, their fellow travellers and their Kremlin puppet masters, Hillary would now have what's rightfully hers. She would be PRESIDENT. 

That's the subcurrent of subthought running beneath the hysterical Democrat Russian witch hunt. Leaving aside the irony of the party of unicorns, peace signs and gender fluids beating the anti-Russian war drum, ponder this.

Why aren't the same Press and Party that are whipping up a Cold War frenzy investigating Hillary's ties with Russia? You know, that awkward Uranium One/Rosatom deal which gave Russia control over 20% of US uranium.

It seems the Democrats and their MSM propaganda arm have two standards when it comes to Russia. One for Hillary and another for Trump and the team who beat her, and did they win because evil masterminds in the Kremlin rigged our election?

No. They won because people voted for Trump instead of the worst, most corrupt, scandal ridden candidate the Democrats could find.

Hubris may well have stolen the election from Hillary Rodham Clinton, but it sure wasn't Russia. Time to face reality, Democrats, and move on. You lost. 

Get over it.