Monday, October 5, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Riding Logic

Hugely enjoyable morning's ride practicing "flying changes", which is when a horse changes leads at the canter or gallop without transitioning down to a trot. All very equestrian and, for me, a lot of fun, helped in part by Wilhelm Museler's book, Riding Logic. There's an awful lot to take in but Museler's Teutonic precision is softened by his occasional romanticism. Here's an example, in which the author warns us not to jump horses too young:

"...their legs are tired and they just do not want to jump. These are truly sad creatures, the ones who are victims in their adolescence to man's unthinking vanity and selfishness!"


" must be treated with tolerance or one will turn it into something worse than a dead machine."

So, treat the horses right.



Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Light

A good armed stroll about the countryside but my shooting was pretty desultory; still, it was good to pull the trigger and hear the shotgun do its thing. The cows, Polled Herefords, seemed mostly oblivious.

After visiting with parishioners I got on the dirt road and headed for home. By the time I got to asphalt the sun was huge and seemed to fill everything with a fiery golden mist. So I put the LSP Technical on autopilot and took a picture, which doesn't do the thing justice but gives a glimmer.

I tell you, it was hard to see - very "Golden Void" and "Warrior on the Edge of Time." Certainly made up for sub par shooting.

I understand that The Sun has come out against the Labour Party. Go figure.

Space is Deep,


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Well Done That Man!

After my final Mass of the day a parishioner gave me battered old brown briefcase. I said, "Thank you very much!" and took it home. Inside was a...

.38 Special and...

A box of ammo.

Result! As SBW used and might still say.

I love Texas, my Missions and their people.

Good shooting.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Vicarious Hunting, Part I

Many thanks to the Provincial Secretary of the Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) for this Elk bow hunting guest post; he was fortunate enough to get out to Southern Colorado for the experience and if I said I wasn't a little envious I'd be lying, which is a sin, so...

We left Texas at 4:30 a.m. Sunday. On the drive up P. and I partook of the Blessed Sacrament as there was no opportunity to attend Divine Service, but I had brought my pyx. We followed D. and D. as they were pulling a travel trailer. We arrived at Forbes Park, Colorado about 4:30 p.m. On arrival, we rendezvoused with B. and J. at the campsite, unpacked our gear, and got the tents pitched. Called it an early night – 10,00 feet above sea level takes some adjustment.

Monday we awoke to the yapping of young coyotes. It was a very eerie sound. After a hearty breakfast, we went up to the salt lick and hung our stands. The remainder of the day we rode around and continued to get acclimated to the altitude. I had not come prepared to hunt. I didn’t bring a bow, I brought a camera. I was prepared to watch and enjoy the action...

At full dark, we went down to the meadow in the truck to look for wildlife. We stopped at the meadow at the prairie dog town to enjoy the splendor of the starry sky. What a sight! From horizon to horizon, we were captivated by the glory of the heavens. We went on and at the next meadow we spotlighted a herd of cow elks numbering about 40 head. As we rounded the corner by the prairie dog town heading back, our headlights captured a magnificent 6x6 bull elk. He was obviously looking for the ladies in the next field over. He was tremendous!

Despite early promise the Elks didn't cross the sights of the bows - but deer did (Ed):

...On the down side of the mountain we stopped to investigate a wallow that I had looked at last year. Sure enough, we found much evidence of recent elk use. As we headed down the back side of the mountain we also came across more tracks of elk, deer, and even that of a possible mountain lion in the mud from the previous day's rain. When we arrived back at camp, three and a half hours after our departure, we discovered that J. had downed a ten point mule deer buck still in velvet. They had field-dressed the deer and packed up the meat by the time we returned. In fact, J. and B. had had to leave for the airport right after the had taken care of stowing the meat.... (to be continued)

That strikes me as a tremendously good time - though I have to admit that I would have wanted a bow as well as a camera, not that I really know how to shoot either.

God bless and good hunting.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Saint Lawsuit

I know its strange, but the more pelosian The Episcopal Church becomes the fewer people it attracts and the less money it has. Has for what? For suing departing Dioceses and Parishes of course and make no mistake, that can be pretty costly. So to make ends meet TEC has enlisted the help of St. Ives, advocate and patron of the poor. Here's an excerpt from TEC's latest begging letter sent to law-firms in the hope of enlisting money to take Christians to court:

"The recent 76th (2009) General Convention allocated $3 million for legal assistance to Dioceses... A substantial amount has already been expended... in support of Diocesan property litigation.

In order to reduce the pressure on a budget already strained... the St. Ives Fund was established... We are asking for your support of the St. Ives Fund."

You can read the whole thing at Stand Firm along with an interesting link to the financial disaster that property litigation has brought to the Diocese of Colorado. But who knows, maybe St. Ives is going to turn it all around for his newfound LGBT, abortionist supporters? Somehow I doubt it.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Dies Irae

I came across a description of late seventeenth century Pennsylvania life on Woodsrunner's blog. Daniel Pastorius (founder of Germantown, Philadelphia) writes:

"They (American Indians) listen very willingly, and not without perceptible emotion, to discourse concerning the Creator of Heaven and earth and His divine Light, which enlightens all men who have come into the world and who are yet to be born, and concerning the wisdom and love of God, because of which he gave his only-begotten and most dearly-beloved Son to die for us. It is only to be regretted that we can not yet speak their language readily and therefore cannot set forth to them the thoughts and intent of our own hearts, namely, how great a power and salvation lies concealed in Christ Jesus. They are very quiet and thoughtful in our gatherings, so that I fully believe that in the future, at the great Day of Judgment, they will come forth with those of Tyre and Sidon and put to shame many thousands of false nominal and canting Christians."

I found that pretty humbling and something of a warning. You can read the whole thing here, if you like.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Churches I Like

Edicule and dome in the Rotunda, Church of the Holy Sepulchre

I love the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem because I believe its the authentic site of Our Lord's Crucifixion and Burial; also because the Byzantine architecture of late antiquity soars - the dome pictured appears to float, which is no mean feat and right ethereal. You'll meet monks there, begging for money; give it to them, far better value than various other taxes.

I know it sounds 'sexist' but the women of the parish(s) don't want to pay these anymore and talk angrily about 'secession'. They're very fierce and radical.

Keep the Holy Places safe,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Horse & Snakeshot

Had a really enjoyable ride, which seemed to include cantering around tractor tires and three tall plastic bollards, or pillars, then sitting and posting trot followed by more cantering without the discipline of the 'bollards'. Huge fun and yet another positive movement forwards in The Plan of going at a furiously fast pace across country and jumping over obstacles. Not there yet but making steady progress.

After Horse it was time for Gun, so I went to the Stock Tank for some impromptu ranging about at 50 yards. Good shooting was interrupted by a snake that foolishly made its way across the tank. They're dangerous things so I shot it as it left the water on the target side of the tank; it flailed about for a moment then died.

Speaking of which, the once flailing Weathermen (Weather Underground) didn't die, as I'd thought for years. No, they continued to make their mark in Chicago, not that that has anything to do with the current administration and radical, bomb throwing Marxism.

Have a great Sunday and good shooting.


Friday, September 18, 2009

More Birds, Less M.O.D.

Hunting Mourning Doves

Walked the tree lines mid-morning in search of birds, flushed several, missed and was surprised when a second group of three or four of the airborne acrobats cunningly flew over me from behind. I was busy reloading and missed the shot, exciting though to get some wing shot action right out of the gate, as it were.

Continued to a small copse in the middle of a large neighbouring field, thinking, "Ah hah, that looks like the sort of small copse they'd like to loaf about in," and sure enough they did. Got off a couple of successful shots then moved down towards the tree line at the bottom of the field - no shortage of flyers but all out of range, so no joy. Then back to the truck to clean the birds and scout about for more - but there didn't seem to be much action and I headed for home. That seemed to stir them up by the score from their lairs at the side of the road, which I cunningly hadn't hunted. I'll know next time (tomorrow); tree lines, small copse, edge of the fields by the road.

On a completely different theme, check out Michael Yon's excellent reporting from Afghanistan, where he's been embedded with various units until the MOD pulled the plug. One thing that struck me, amongst many, was how under resourced the British troops seem to be. I'd say if you're going to fight a war, you should do so to win - otherwise don't fight at all. Just a thought.

God bless,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Church of Space Pelosi

Rare LSP Bullseye

After a hearty but probably unhealthy lunch of bacon and dove my mind veered towards religion and the civil war that's going on in North American Anglicanism. What's happening is that traditional dioceses and parishes are leaving TEC (The Episcopal Church) and TECis suing them for their property and assets.

That would be fine except that TEC doesn't have any laws in place (Canons) prohibiting dioceses from leaving, which isn't surprising because its a voluntary association - at diocesan level. A judge realised this yesterday in Texas and you can read his comments here, and detailed commentary here. But the question is, why would TEC appeal to their laws, or 'Canons', when they're silent on the subject?

Some think its because they've made the fundamental mistake of believing their own marketing, other experts posit a different reason. Its because they're 'pelosian' space aliens; you see, they just don't think as we do.

Well, time and the Courts will tell. I'm for the Diocese of Fort Worth and the other seccessionists; why should they be forced to be part of a Union run by creatures from another planet? Check out Black Widow's blog for a similar argument.

In similar vein, you'll notice that the People's Republic of Camden has banned Christianity. Lets hope that doesn't happen here in the U.S.; next thing you know they'll ban prayer in school and start issuing Moslem postage stamps. Just you wait and see.



Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twilight Of The Birds

Sunset over the killing fields
Tragic metaphor for the Anglican Communion?

Managed to get out with a gun and have a go at the birds. There weren't many flyers and I missed rather more than I hit; still, got enough for a decent dove snack tomorrow. And all that's more than fine by me because I love shooting - hit or miss - and I love getting out in the country. I find there's a freedom in it. Anyway, hope to revisit the fowling grounds on Friday for more dove and maybe a rabbit or two; saw lots this evening but held off.

On another theme, my philosopher friend GWB alerted me to Wittgenstein's contempt of Mahler; who'd have thought it? Here's what he said:

“If it is true that Mahler’s music is worthless, as I believe to be the case, then the question is what I think he ought to have done with his talent. For quite obviously it took a set of very rare talents to produce this bad music.”

I don't have a dog in the fight, so to speak, because I don't listen to the despised Mahler, but I like the quote. Just think, you could swap out 'Mahler' and 'music' for 'The Archbishop of Canterbury' and 'theology', or 'Ragsdale' and 'ethics', or 'ACORN' and... etc.

Good shooting.