Monday, July 22, 2024

Up Comrades UP


Rock on, and don't take no for an answer. While we're at it, dam Grant and Sherman. What devils.  Well, they went on to kill the Indian and the buffalo. Good work, satanists. Here's a short video:

Your Unreconstructed Pal,


Sunday, July 21, 2024



Crazed leftist Bolsheviks slaughtered these people, "until the floor ran slick with blood." Think about it, there you are, a Red Commie, and what do you see? A woman, her daughters and a man in a basement. You HATE them and stab and hack them to death. This is working class retribution. No, it is satanic hell.

The same devil-possessed persons tore with their nails at the icons and iconostases of Russian churches, like enraged beasts. They hated Christ and his image. They hate him today. They will do all in their power to abolish and destroy his body, the Church, the Mystici Corporis, from the face of the earth.

That in mind, how can Christians in good conscience count themselves as Marxists or Progressives or whatever the hell they're currently passing themselves off as. Cut it out.

Instead, believe in the revealed Word of God and the Faith once delivered by Christ to the Apostles and find life instead of death.





What a Two-Bit Fraud

At last, the most popular president in the 81 million vote history of popularity has stepped down. And all it took was a simple message of resignation from the race on social media, not even his they/them staffers knew. So clandestine, so professional, so not a coup and wow, it didn't even take a vote. And the people rejoice, check it out:

Unreconstructed, eh?


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Joke?


Some buffoon called "Don" Lemon said that Michelle Big Mike Obama is more attractive than Melania. Yeah, right, that's really true, "Don," and here's the thing. These people, our mendacious, corrupt, bought-and-paid-for, malfeasant, duplicitious, condescending media live in the land of gaslight absurd.

Biden? Sharp as as a tack. Oops. Melania? So ugly compared to beautiful Michelle. Old Joe who didn't even bother to campaign, the most popular president in the entire history of popularity. Trump? Clearly a Kremlin agent in the pay of GRU. And on.

For goodness sake, the sheer level of lying drivel being spewed at us by our agitprop press and beloved rulers has reached dropped-on-head-as-infant levels of Soviet imbecility. Have you ever seen anything like it, here in the West. I haven't, this is a whole new stage of weirdness. And where will they go, they being our unelected rulers whom we love so much.

Mitchell, as a swoop in save the party kinda deal, Kamala, the Whore, a corpse? Well, we've got one of those in the Oval Office right now. Who knows, all cards are on tha table. But I do know this, the Trump Train has momentum, energy, unity and common sense.

Reestablish the border, make our cities safe, bring jobs back to the country, boys are boys and girls are girls, no more drag queens messing with our kids, stop the neo-Maoist crazy, lower taxes, rebuild our manufacturing base, make everyone better off, not just our financialized millionaire class. And on.

Common sense, I'd say, but to the Left? NAZI, NAZI, NAZI. Unhinged or what, and that's just what you'd expect from persyns who think men can be women and vice versa, emph on vice.

Your Old Buddy,


Operation Golden Calf


A Typical Bunkhouse of Bishops

A guest post by your favorite and mine, the Dyslexic Deacon:

Archbuckaroo of Canterbury Justsin Wobbly is riding roughshod over members of the General Sodyn opposed to ‘Operation Golden Calf’ - his plan to turn Anglican pastures, lawfully the preserve of sheep, over to cattle.

In an interview for The Church Crimes he said unleashing Buckarette of London ‘Shotgun’ Sarah Doolally to stampede herds over all in their way was ‘a radically inclusive response to an urgent pastoral need’. Any surviving sheep, he promised, will be corralled and safeguarded by the Bunkhouse of Bishops - pending a final solution.

Shepherds are arming themselves and preparing for a long shoot-out.



Yours Evre,


Thursday, July 18, 2024

DEI Hard


People accuse Americans of being without humor, as though they were Germans.

Are you DEI Roof sure about that?

If so, you might want to recalibrate your red dot

Beware, all you Feds, the sloping roof!

And can we once and for all indict DJ Trump as the literal Hitler, Russian spy, agent of GRU, Fascist, assassination evader, enemy of democracy, totally Hitler, racist, transphobe, enemy of Gaia and diversity is our strength DEI... (breathless? Ed.) can we please indict this sociopath, bullet missing NAZI and have done with it? Please?

Because Kamala, I never jailed a black man Harris, is the next great hope for a free, beautiful, rainbow utopia in our storied land. And if you believe that garbage you'll believe anything, which, apparently, is on the ballot. Let's see how it flies, not that voting means much anyway, but still, money on the monkey, what?

Guinea on Trump, takers?

DEI Hard,


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Warty Overweight Joke?


oh my, you're almost NULAND UGLY, and that's saying something

SS diversity hire Cheatle's said her SS (Excuse me! Uncle Sepp) couldn't control the Trump shooter's rooftop because it was sloping. Presumably her DEI agents would've slid down the sloping roof and fallen to their deaths if they'd tried. Cheatle, apparently promoted from Pepsi to the SS by Jill Biden, has told the world that the "buck stops with me." Yet she refuses to resign. So here we are. And what does "are" mean?

Some kind of total incompetence met with malfeasance, skullduggery, deceit and demonic influence in high places? Perhaps, and scriptural readers will note the Apostles' warning against "spirits of the air" and "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Yes indeed. That's our fight. You will note Satan increasingly deploys defective staff; Biden's the latest and surely most obvious example. And, when his toys fail to perform he drops them, perhaps you'll have noticed this pattern at the risible presidential debate. So here's a question, and it's a serious one.

Why did Biden's handlers allow their puppet to ascend the stage? Why did they do that? No one in their right minds would've allowed that to happen, but they did. It's like, Trump didn't even have to say anything. Are we talking a coup or simply a rational meltdown in demonic ranks. Huh, I don't know.

On topic, the curiously named head of America's SS, the grotesquely ugly if massively rich Kimberley Cheatle, has a reported net worth of over $10MN USD, was paid >$1MN USD per year at Pepsi and now languishes, grievously onna lowball salary of $280k. But what shall it profit a possessed Clay Golem to gain the whole world and yet forsake it's soul? 

Exorcisms and nooses down the Mall, anyone?

Your Old Pal,


Bridge of Sighs


I've always loved this album by Trower, and maybe you do too. Here's the signature tune, turn it up if you like, I have:

Righteous as you like. Topical? Your call.

Rock on,


Monday, July 15, 2024


\Went to the lake today to fish, and lost count of the perch, fierce little beasts. Then there's this:


What's your take. Massive, egregious incompetence or something more sinister? Either way it's bad for CONUS looking forward. Just sayn.

Your Pal,