Monday, July 1, 2019


One of the best things about being an Illuminati Master is you get to go on guided Striper tours. And that's what we did, rounded up some NWO elite and went fishing.

Before you could say Davos the fish were biting. Boom, in comes a Striper like some kind of CDS gone wrong. And then... nothing much, almost as though the algos were taking it easy.

Then BOOM again. Rod goes double once, then twice, then... pick it up and reel the monster in. No kidding. Reel. It. In. And that's not easy when a ferocious Striper's making like some kind of ferocious shark. Gave me blisters.

I tell you, big fun. And tasty too, Striper makes for good grilling and guess what? Unlike the rest of your food you know where it comes from.

Destroy the NWO and fish on,


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stand Off Sunday

It was a good morning at the Missions, no doubt about it, not a liturgical dancer in sight, no one calling the Holy Spirit "she," not one single priestess for miles around. I know this shocks you, but how very awesome and we returned to the Compound in high spirits, only to find a stand-off.

That's right, a stand-off between Blue Territorial and a Cat. The Cat was taking it easy, relaxing in the shade of the porch, and this fascinated the ferocious dog. He wanted to get at the Cat but couldn't, because of a leash. 

So he settled down and stared at the invader, who didn't seem to care in the slightest. You know dogs, maybe if I look at it long enough I'll get it, but he didn't and that seemed exciting to him. He sat and stared, got up and grinned, tried to speak to the Cat and failed, not having vocal cords, and sat back down again to stare at the kitty.

Who got bored of the performance when the sun hit her perch and ran off, leaving Blue Destitute devoid of cat company. And that was that. I enjoy having animals around and who knows, perhaps the Cat will be back. She can stay on the porch and no further.

In other exciting news, President Trump's been busy making peace with the Norks, much to the disgust of the warmongering Left. How did that happen? Do you remember how the Left used to be all about peace? But now they're all about war, Russia, Korea, Iran, you name it, let's bomb it.

Not dissimilar, when you think about it, to Obama who was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for keeping America in a state of constant war. Not that he was a mindless drone of the New World Order hivemind or anything like that.



Saturday, June 29, 2019

Maine Gets A New Bishop!

That's right, the simpering manly Thomas Brown who's theoretically married to former Methodist pastor Thomas Mousin. Brown was appointed to the Episcopal Church's top job in Maine at a special promotion ceremony last weekend, during which participants were captured on video calling the Holy Spirit "she."

In pretty much the same breath, the bishop figures and their newly elected colleague say they believe in "one, holy, catholic and apostolic church." Informed, apparently, by some kind of pagan goddess.

Leaving aside the rampant skulduggery, malfeasance and blasphemy in Maine's latest excursion into Episcopal degeneracy, we have to ask, will those who go against the Holy Spirit be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit?

The Diocese of Maine's Average Sunday Attendance has fallen from a pathetic 4,980 in 2007 to a risible 3,694 in 2017, a dismal drop-off of over 25%.

Perhaps Brown and his new rainbow deity will reverse this discouraging trend.



Friday, June 28, 2019

Trump is Apex Troll Putin is Cool

Yes, it's now clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that 45, President Trump, isn't just King of the Trolls, he's Apex Troll. But if Trump's an Apex Troll, Putin's cool, pitching common sense populism in the face of a globalist NWO elite that's ignored the people they rule in the interests of their own bulging pocket books. 

"The obvious problem is the gap between the interests of the elites and the overwhelming majority of the people," stated the Russian strongman in an interview with the Financial Times this week. President Trump, argued Putin, realized the imbalance and this explained his America First policies, to say nothing of electoral victory.

Putin, who only gets more cool by the day, went further, spearing the Illuminati dragon in the eye with the lance of truth. In the wake of NWO encouraged mass immigration "the liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population." Predictably enough, the lib elite are whining, "No! You're wrong!" Whatever, nobody cares, Illuminati overlords.

Here at the Compound we think that Trump and Putin are on the same page, putting their respective countries and people first in the face of an aggressive, satanic, transnational elite that cares for nothing beyond the confines of their already burgeoning bank accounts.

Lest you think that's some kind of exaggeration, consider the fury of the elites in question against both these leaders. 

We may thank God that Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the fake Indian are the best that our adversary the devil has to throw against the revolution.

Your Old Friend,



Here at the Compound we're delighted to bring you this exclusive photo of the winners of two nights brutal sparring in the Democrat Presidential Primary debates.

As the Corsican upstart once said, never interfere with an enemy while zhe’s in the process of destroying zirself on the jagged edge of  a broken rainbow.



Thursday, June 27, 2019

Castro Trans Abortion Baphomet

Everyone knows that the Democrats are the abortion party and the transsexual party. So why not combine the two into one compelling whole, which is just what Julian Castro did last night. Via the National Review:

“All of you on stage support a women’s right to abortion. You all support some version of a government health-care option. Would your plan cover abortion, Mr. Secretary?” asked MSNBC debate moderator Lester Holt.
“Yes it would. I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice. And what means is just because a woman, or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community — a trans female — is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exercise that right to choose. So I absolutely would cover that right to have an abortion,” Castro said.

Reproductive justice as opposed to, you know, that old fashioned reproductive oppression where women actually have babies. Those days are gone when Castro ascends to power and the poor, starving, exploited, transsexual masses will at last be able to get a taxpayer funded abortion.

So you're a woman who's become a man and you've run out of cash and you're pregnant. No fear, Castro is here, baby gone on the government dime. Or perhaps you're a guy who became a girl and thought it'd be neat to have a baby, only to get buyer's remorse when the pole dancing gig got shut down along with the bank account. Castro to the rescue.

And on. Leaving aside the bizarrely satanic aspect of people claiming they have a right, an inherent human right, to kill their children, we have to ask: Are these people insane? Good luck running on the trans abortion platform, Demoncrats.

This engaging mind blog never ceases to remind its large international readership that Baphomet is trans, as are 0.6% of the US populace.

As above? So very below.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Substitute Teacher

Just coz,


Law & Order in Rainbow Land

Speechless? Who knows, maybe the crims'll die laughing.

Your Friend,


A Country Stroll

One of the many benefits of living in LSPland is you get to go for gentle country walks through the sylvan boulevards of bucolic Texas. I do that every morning with Blue Pastoralia and it's become something of a ritual. Sometimes we walk by the Meth Shack on our way to the Pick 'n Steal (PnS).

Meth Shack Patriots

The Meth Shackers aren't usually up in the morning but sometimes you'll see them passed out and shirtless in the drive after a particularly hard and toothless night on the meth. Still, chances are they'll be stacking collectibles around the shack later in the day.

Stack 'er Up!

They find things on foraging expeditions, you see, and stack 'em up. Child's plastic car? Stack it on the roof and keep that yard in order. Speaking of yards, the Shack was hidden from view on one side by a vacant lot which had returned to nature, like ancient Rome in the 7th century. Then disaster struck.

Chop 'er Down!

Woodsmen turned up earlier this week and chopped down the meth jungle to make way for a new house. The Shackers aren't happy about this, not for a second, and look on in dismay as back hoes and chainsaws clear away assorted junk trees and trash. Who knows, maybe it'll be the shack's turn next.

Random skulduggery

And with that, we leave the Meth Shack and head to the Shamrock PnS for a strong cup of coffee. It's still run by Nepalese, despite being Irish, and Texan.

I file this exciting story under "country life."



Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019


You know me, so desperately reactionary as to think wimmin shouldn't be priests or soldiers or, in Hillary's case, presidents. But what about colonels?

Yes, honorary colonels of horse, like Empress Viktoria. Perhaps you don't think she looks smart and brave in her Deaths Head Hussar rig.

That would be your call and I disagree. Melania, by the way, is the honorary colonel of an irregular Texan cavalry unit. D'ye think that improves morale?

Right dress,


Sunday Sermon

Heard it before? Some messages are worth repeating.
