Saturday, April 8, 2017

On Guard

We're standing guard, here at the Compound, while the commentariat debates the latest Syria news. 

Was Trump making a power play to Chicom President Xi and the Norks, while temporarily sacrificing relations with Russia to win over the corrupt, lying, elite, hypocritical, venal, rude mainstream media and their establishment political patrons? 

Or was he simply shilling for the New World Order Globalists and their useful stooges in the Jihad? You be the judge. 

In related news, I'm pleased with the sofa I bought the other day in far, far north Dallas. It was cheap, easy to put together and it works. Good result and it replaces an ancient loveseat that had been taken over by Blue Upholstery.

Blue Sofa's not allowed on this couch, though he's welcome on the Moslem rugs. "Furniture's for humans, not for dogs," I tell him sternly, and he pads off to a large cushion in the dining room, where he bides his time. 

God bless,


Friday, April 7, 2017

Bombs Away, ISIS Laughs

In the wake of America's attack on a Syrian government airfield, Russia has declared that relations with the US are "crippled."

So too are the chances of a US/Russian alliance against Islamic terror. Rather than join forces against the head choppers, it seems that America and its President have opted to support Saudi Arabia and Qatar in their push to remove Assad, via the use of mercenary Jihadists. And US missile power.

Oh no, can't do that!

If we succeed in toppling the Assad regime then our friends in Riyadh and Doha can, at long last, drive a pipeline through Syria and break Russia's hold over European oil and gas.

Of course that comes with a price, yet more Jihad savagery, yet another country ruined by US foreign policy and the chance of war with Russia. Still, at least no one can accuse Trump of being a Russian spy, unless they work for one of our lying, mendacious, venal, corrupt, elite media outlets, like CNN.

In related news, a Mohammedan rammed a truck into a crowd of people in Stockholm. You'd think we'd team up with Russia to put a stop to this disease.

Apparently that's beyond us.

ISIS laughs,


Thursday, April 6, 2017

World War Three? Buy a Sofa.

As everyone knows, President Assad's been accused, yet again, of using chemical weapons in Syria and the US is being urged to go to war in Syria to put an end to such atrocity. Or to put it another way, we're supposed to go to war with Russia which obstinately persists in backing Assad to the frustration of Saudi and Qatari oil and gas concerns.

How odd that a new example of heinous Russian perfidy emerges just as the faked-up hacking narrative seems to have died a death due to a near total lack of any evidence whatsoever. Except for evidence, that is, of Democratic Party wiretapping.

Regardless, some think the chemical weapons incident is a false flag:

Just five days before the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, “The longer-term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,” implying a definite shift in U.S. foreign policy away from regime change in Syria.
Why would Assad put such assurances in jeopardy by launching a horrific chemical attack, allowing establishment news outlets like CNN to once against use children as props to push for yet another massive war in the Middle East?

Others smell a rat and offer helpful analysis here. Others again suggest that it's not logical to kill civilians in a town you're trying to liberate.

To escape from this foreign policy maelstrom, I drove to far, far North Dallas and bought a sofa. More on that exciting story as it develops.

God bless,


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Melania Mondays!

Look, don't scorn me, I know it's a Tuesday but it's never too late for Melania Mondays! That's why we're bringing you the latest in the life of America's popular and glamorous Presidential Consort. So what's Melania been up to? Only looking awesome for her official portrait.

What does the picture say about America's attractive First Lady? That she looks good, very good, and is in power unlike, say, Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. 

Art philosophers have been quick to point out the abstract nature of her portrait's background. This is telling. Melania rises above the ill-defined blur of the political swamp, unlike her rivals, who lost and lost hard.

Keen-eyed pundits have also noted the First Lady is wearing the important Koh-i-Noor diamond, and what can we say? If the stone fits, wear it. 

A Typical Millionaire Socialist

Sorry, Alyssa Milano et al, you've been upstaged for the jealous, hypocritical, canting, rude, vindictive, venal millionaire socialists, you are.

Well done, Melania, for doing your part to make America great again.



Sunday, April 2, 2017

Storm, Art, Flag, Bishop

The three or four Russian hackers that read this mind blog keep asking, "Tovarich, LSP, there are no posts! What is happening? Explain." Alright, I will.

Things have been incredibly busy at the Compound, with Lent talks, Stations of the Cross, an Episcopal Visitation, storms, flying the flag and making art.

It's a simple installation; a plain color field whose center is an absence, a void inviting projection as we journey downwards and beneath the image. Is it a reflection, a mirror, an image of the other or none of these things? It's called "X Ring," serious inquiries only.

Great art aside,  our enemy the Weather has launched a ferocious offensive, unleashing thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Our bishop braved that this morning to visit the missions; well done, Jack Iker.

It will probably storm again tonight and the Compound, like the prow or bridge of a ship, will stand tall against the fury of the elements.

Be safe,


Friday, March 31, 2017

Putin is so Awesome

“If we were to use traditional measures for understanding leaders, which involve the defense of borders and national flourishing, Putin would count as the preeminent statesman of our time.

“On the world stage, who could vie with him?”

Good question.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Drain The Swamp

Maybe it's because it's spring, maybe it's because the administration's effort to drain the swamp is filtering through on a personal level, but whatever the case, I figured it was time to clean up the Compound.

That meant moving chests of drawers, a piano, a table, a TV, and sorting out a guest room, the gun room and part of the living room. Quite a job, which involved getting a surprisingly cheap good deal of a table. A Mexican painter helped me move it off the rig and into the house; thanks, Lupe.

So the old, malfunctioning, self-serving, establishment was broken up and the trash taken out. Lo and behold, the Compound's a happier place. 

In related news, EU Boss, Jean-Claude Juncker, has threatened to break up the United States because of President Trump's support for BREXIT. 

You and whose army, Juncker, the American one you don't pay for?



Bishop Bruno Scares Lesbian Bishop Shocka!!

In a stunning revelation that shocked no one, the world's first ever openly partnered lesbian bishop (OPLB), Mary Glasspool, said that the Bishop of Los Angeles, Jon Bruno, "scared the shit" out of her.

Glasspool's remarkable statement came to light during testimony given at Bruno's trial for misconduct regarding the sale of St. James, Newport Beach. 


When questioned about her interaction with Glasspool, who "wanted a hug" in a woman's restroom, Canon Cindy Voorhees stated, “And then she [Glasspool] said, the bishop scared the shit out of her,” and that “she needed to get out of here and was just trying to make it through General Convention.”


The pioneeringly lesbian Glasspool left the Diocese of Los Angeles in 2015 following her opposition to Bruno's plans to sell St. James, and is new an assistant bishop figure in New York. Bishop Bruno, who has been described by some pundits as "a liar, a bully, and a cheat," is on trial for ecclesiastical wrongdoing, dubbed by some as "skulduggery and malfeasance."

Space Station

Experts are divided on whether Bruno's shadow was seen occluding the earth from the International Space Station.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hijab Feminist Dhimmwits

Have you noticed how the feminist left has co-opted the hijab, using it as a symbol of emancipated womanhood? USA Today, which by some strange miracle still exists, has:

Since the election of President Donald Trump, the debate around Islamic dress has taken a new turn: The hijab has emerged as a symbol of resistance to Islamophobia amid policies from the Trump administration targeting Muslim immigrants.

Well, there's nothing like a good dose of Sharia to get women's empowerment moving right along. But would that be before or after your husband beats you for dressing immodestly?

Well done, leftists. You are without question five star dhimmwits.



Out of Jail

It took a while but Blue Perpetrator finally got out of jail. In fact, the town's Animal Police Department (APD) dropped him off at the Compound yesterday morning. Thanks, APD, 'preciate it.

It must have felt good to be out of the cells and Blue Freedom leaped and bounded for joy on the porch before heading inside. 

He'd paid his debt and done his time, now he was enjoying the sweet air of freedom. We tested that this morning with a walk to the Pick 'n Steal. Would he nip at anyone's heels in a fit of overprotective loyalty?

No, he did not. He even ignored the bearded hipster in a ball cap and ironic shirt that went into the shop to buy whatever it is hipsters buy, "Sorry, fella, there's no artisanal coffee here in repurposed jute tumblers, and watch out for the dog."

Well done, Blue Jailbreak. Now you are free. In other exciting news, Compound HQ's about to get a repaint. About time!

God bless,


Monday, March 27, 2017

Apocalyptic Storm

I had barely settled in for a relaxing evening after the Sunday Masses and visiting the sick and dying, when a worried churchperson called, "There's a big storm blowing in. The weather people are saying there'll be hailstones the size of golf balls!" Undaunted, I stepped onto the porch to see the action.

Sure enough, lightning was flashing across the sky, filling the still sky with its sudden glare, as yet noiseless, but promising greater things. A good cue to get an umbrella and go on patrol. Half way to the town square it began to rain, slowly at first then in great, pounding sheets. Thunder ripped and crashed from the heavens, like the wrath of God itself.

I took shelter at the Shamrock Pick 'N Steal and watched the rain before wading through flooded streets to the safety of the Compound and its porch. Would the town survive?

It did, but only just and by the grace of God. You can watch an exciting video of this exciting tempest here.

Weather the storm,


Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Annunciation

It's the Feast of the Annunciation today and you can imagine Mary's conversation with Joseph, several months after her meeting with the angel.

"Mary, you're pregnant."
"Don't worry, the Holy Spirit did it."

What a brave young woman. She ran the risk of being stoned to death or, at the very least, being outcast from the community with no means of support. Fortunately an angel intervened again in the affairs of men, and put Joseph straight. Here's a prayer, taken from the concluding Collect of the Angelus:

WE beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we may be brought into the glory of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless,