Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Horror!

If you're not already following Godfrey Elfwick on Twitter, you might want to. In the meanwhile, have a blessed Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.


Monday, October 3, 2016

Guilty As Sin

That's our Hillary! I hope the author has 24x7 protection, he just might need it.

Assange is apparently out of range, for now. But what will Wednesday bring?


Rod & Gun

It was tranquil on the big pond and large Bass were surging just out of casting range, which got the adrenaline up. Would they come in to the bank, or stay where they were, voraciously feeding off swarms of fry? 

They stayed where they were, wisely, and I didn't catch anything, despite the enticing promise of a 10" Texas rigged red ribbon tail worm. A bird was keeping an eye on the fish too, from the vantage point of a pipe. 

After casting about, I drove off to some hay bales with GWB and we set up in hope of shooting some dove. Like the fish, they wisely stayed away.

Later, back at the Compound, I cooked up some Toad in the Hole and onion gravy and I tell you, it was right tasty.

In other news, Kim Kardashian, who is not a hobbit, has been robbed in Paris. Good work, Team.

Gun rights,


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Crossing The T -- For LL

USN Trans Team

In a bold new war-at-sea-winning initiative, the US Navy has issued directives requiring all of its sailors to be "trans trained" by July 2017.

Though details of the Navy's transgender behavioral training have yet to be released, images of the USN training team, or "Trans Team," are now public.

A USN Trans Team Member

When shown pictures of the Trans Team bunked up together in their racks, a member of the US intelligence community (IC), who wishes to remain anonymous,  commented, "Impeccable."

Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, stated at a Pentagon briefing that the Navy's transsexual sailors will help the "force" to "accomplish the mission."

Accomplish The Mission, "Gentlemen."

“This is the right thing to do for our people and for the force,” said Carter, “We can’t allow barriers unrelated to a person’s qualifications prevent us from recruiting and retaining those who can best accomplish the mission.”

The mission to do what?

Cross the T?


Fish on Friday #2

Farsighted readers of this mind blog will know that it's customary at the compound to eat fish on Fridays, which means go out and catch some fish, then cook them. And that's what happened.

At first the spillway side of the dam was empty and I had that tranquil moment of casting off into the depths of the pool in search of fish. Then a kid turned up with an assortment of rods and started fishing for Gar in earnest. I admired his enthusiasm and wished him luck. He was using baby Shad as bait.


Then two gentlemen tipped up and began working the pool. They seemed pretty serious, big nets, battle rods and the grizzled look of experience, which tokens fishing respect. They were using lures and cut bait, going after Striper.

So there it was, a skirmish line of fishermen  competing for the catch of the day. And here's the thing, the lures didn't work, the cut bait didn't work and neither did the Shad. But the Weightless Worm Rig (WWR) did, the fish liked it. Lots of them, to everyone else's washout.

Get The Kid on The Fish

After a while, the grizzled veterans upped stakes and headed off, leaving me and the Gar fisher; I turned him on to the WWR. Excited, he ran off and bought some worms and it wasn't long before he was pulling fish out of the water like a good 'un. I thought that was great and so did he, running around the pier with tremendous gusto. Go for it, kid. A happy moment.

Fillet That Fish, LSP

A crew of fishing technocrats from Vietnam (?) were next to arrive. Massive hyper-rods, long range casting floats, the whole array of fishing technology went into action against the submerged opposition. And... nothing. Meanwhile, the weightless worm riggers were reeling in the fun. There's a moral in that, somewhere.

Eat Your Scoff Like a Warrior

I gave our SE Asian friends the worm tip on the way out, they were grateful, and cooked up a fat Bluegill when I got back to the Compound. The rest of the fish are on ice.

Keep it simple,


Friday, September 30, 2016

Way To Go Ohio

You're probably waiting for Fish on Friday #2 and don't worry, it's coming up, but first I have to clean some fish and cook it. In the meanwhile, listen to The Pretenders and wonder why the Buckeye State is trending Trump

Maybe they want their city back. I hope they get it.

Way to go, Ohio.


Fish on Friday #1

It's Friday, and that means fish, the idea being to take a break from reading the Ante-Nicene Fathers on the nature of the episcopate and go out and catch some dinner. But as you await that exciting installment in the varied life of LSPland, here's an excerpt from St. Ignatius of Antioch:

See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is[administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude[of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. (Letter to Smyrna)

Note that, for Ignatius, bishops are seen as the successors of Christ and the presbyters or priests, as successors of the apostles. The bishop, surrounded by his priests, is the image of Christ in the midst of the apostles. 

We can only wonder what the martyr bishop, who was a disciple of the Apostle John, would say about his, ahem, successors in the episcopal college today. 

Fish on,


Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Final Frontier of Gayness

Via Anglican Samizdat: Apparently, there is a need “for the gay community to have a safe space in every corner of the universe.” To that end, a gay pride flag has been launched 31km. above the surface of the earth where the rising sun shone through it, illuminating the rainbow.

Archbishop Barry Morgan

The Archbishop of Wales, Barry Morgan, who is popularly known as Bazbot 5000, was last seen floating 1000ft above the Bristol Channel. 

A Typical Scene in the Welsh Church

Here at the Compound we have to ask, has the Welsh Primate reached the final frontier?

To the stars,


The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel

Take note, you heathen, it's the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel today. So here's a prayer:

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. 
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly host, 
by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits 
who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. 

God bless,


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Smart Vote

Presented without comment.

The Intelligent Vote

Carry on,


It's Bushcraft Wednesday! Forging The Spear

Bushcraft is just that, a craft, and like any craft it has its tools. Like spears. Think about it, you're looking at your bushcraft toolkit and ticking off the items. Large and small kniives, check; whetstone, check, snares, line and hooks, check; re-purposed single shot 12 gauge musket, check. But where's the spear?

You don't have one. Bad error. Do you go to Cabela's or Academy or Bass Pro, and give your money to "the Man" for some hyped up piece of outdoors industry gimmickry? No, that's not what bushcraft's about. You make one yourself. Hammer, forge and tongs.

Here at the Compound we hope you find this short infovideo as helpful as we do.

Rorke's Drift,


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lesbian Trump Supporter Slams Mook

Just when you thought that American politics couldn't get any more theater of the absurd, out comes this, Lesbian Trump Supporter Slams Gay Clinton Campaign Manager.

And she does, drawing attention to the fact that Team Clinton's received millions of dollars from Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, that take a rather, ahem, low view of rainbow riders. Who kill them, in fact.

I'd say she has a point, which would make Hillary's chipper little Mook a top level malfeasant.

But you be the judge.