Showing posts with label send Hillary to jail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label send Hillary to jail. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lock Her Up!

A friend sent in this helpful infographic. As you enjoy its wisdom, reflect on the Women's Marches that are going on around the known world in protest against Donald Trump. 

One of them is taking place in London and a member of our UK Bureau had this to say.

The largest landlord in London in terms of area and value of property is the Emir of Qatar.

So who do you protest against?
1. An absolutist monarch, who runs his country according a Salafist interpretation of Sharia Law, with 1.5 million people living in slavery and where women have to wear  the hijab.
2. Donald Trump.

For London feminists  the answer's easy. Donald Trump every time, because he's so much more evil than the radical Islamist Emir, that great respecter of women's rights and freedom. Go on, ask one of Qatar's female slaves and see what they tell you.

Oh, you can't, they're not allowed to speak.

Feminists, you're risible. As for Hillary, Lock Her Up.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

In The Hall of The Turkey Grill

We were looking for hogs, somewhere in West Texas, in a Pinzgauer, eyes peeled and guns hot. Off to the left, slight movement, not pigs but turkey, three or four of them, a couple of hens and a tom. Out! sight on the birds. 

Quick, they're starting to fly. Crack, someone's got a shot off. Feathers drift in the near distance and we move forward to see if the bird was down. It was.

stand on a stool or something, LSP

Shot with a Winchester 70 30-06, of all things. Good work. Back at the ranch house we breasted the bird and that was that, it went into the freezer. Until last night.

The Turk found itself in a dutch oven, potatoes went into another oven and a Glock somehow made its way onto the mahogany. Did the Turk taste good?

Sure it did, and the firearm proved itself a stable home defender. You better believe no one crept in under the perimeter. And that was that.

Feast on,


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Horror!

If you're not already following Godfrey Elfwick on Twitter, you might want to. In the meanwhile, have a blessed Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.