Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Head of Intelligence

Bark, Bark, Howl, Bark! It was Head of Intelligence, Blue Gehlen, giving his usual predawn stand to. You know, that eerie hour or two when you scan the perimeter, waiting. Or in my case, catching up on email and saying Morning Prayer.

This Dog Says Liturgical Experts Are Clowns

And none of your modern rubbish either; I use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Why? Because it's better than the newfangled, pitifully translated, soapy pablum that was foisted off on us by the liturgical experts. What a crew of clowns. Ignore them.

Then it was time to take my security chief on a quick recce patrol as the sun was rising over the church. 1st RV was at the local Pick 'n Steal, where everyone was buying Blunts and lotto tickets. I got a coffee and moved out to the 2nd RV, a chainlink fence by the Disciples of Christ church. 

Keep The Agency on a Tight Leash

Blue Gehlen resupplied on an old tootsie roll while I drank coffee, like a warrior. Then we headed back to the Compound; all in all, a pretty typical morning. Next stop?

Visit the flock and shoot pistols.

God bless,


Monday, December 7, 2015

FEMSOC Libs Go Full Burka

At Goldsmith's, who'd have thought?

The dismal spectacle of radical queer activists, feminists, and sundry other progressives, professing solidarity with Islamists is at once fascinating and enraging. Whatever kind of higher education survives in ISOC’s utopian caliphate, it’s certain that no feminist or LGBTQ+ societies will be permitted to exist.

Way to go, dhimwhits. You can read it all here.


The Christian Pacifist -- Dropped On Head As Infant


Some people think that Christians should be pacifists. They claim that the early church forbade its members from joining the military and that scripture does the same. So, for them, it's wrong for Christians to go to war, ever. To find out the truth, I called up the well-known linguistic philosopher, orientalist and naturalist, GWB.

"Maybe you think it's somehow 'acceptable' to wander around unarmed," I asked. 
"I'm armed to the teeth," replied my philisophical pal, "With love, and the imperative to think globally and act locally."
"Good strategy. In the land of the rainbow unicorn, and while you're at it, go right ahead and re-purpose some hemp."

A Typical Hornless Rainbow Unicorn,

But seriously, we don't live in a rainbow world of frolicking trans unicorns, despite the best efforts of our Eurolib rulers. We do live in a world that's increasingly full of bad actors, and it's our duty to defend against that. 

Any Old Iron

Christian pacifists take note. Not only are you ignorant of church history and scripture, you are also the sad victims of dropped-on-head-as-infant syndrome.

Your Friend,


With thanks to our friends at Sitka and Beretta.

Reverse The Curse

As we remember Pearl Harbor, some members of the intelligence community are urging us to "reverse the curse" of an administration that seems unable or unwilling to confront Islamic terror and has left America weak economically, morally and socially.

Perhaps you think that's an exaggeration. If so, ask yourself why our military's been tasked with fighting The Weather, putting women in combat roles and forbidden from destroying ISIS oil convoys.

ISIS Laughs

As you ponder that mystery, consider the record numbers of Americans out of work, the whining antics of our intellectual campus elite, and a government debt that sits beneath the economy like a bomb.

But hey, not to worry, our Vice President tells us that transgender discrimination is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. Unlike the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, which isn't.

Good luck, America.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Terror Masterminds

Feel safe? Neither do I. Via WRSA.

ISIS laughs.

Your Pal,


Hillary High on Fog of War

Reports are in that Hillary Clinton, Democrat frontrunner and member of the country's NWO ruling elite, is in the grip of a dangerous new drug, NdK, or "Fog of War."

Fog of War began to spread through the nation's capital in 2012 and his since become an epidemic, affecting politicians, the media and members of the intelligence community. Cooked up in improvised labs on Capitol Hill, Fog of War is easy to produce, giving addicts an instant sense of well-being and a feeling of invulnerability. 

Hillary Clinton is its most recent victim and shows classic symptoms of the drug, such as chronic lying, secretiveness, entitlement, ambition, and greed.

Often mistaken for psychotic sociopaths, Fog of War users typically show no concern for others or accepted social morals. High on the drug, the addict believes him or herself to be above these standards, usually with disastrous results.

Addicts will go to any lengths to cover up their crimes in their drug-fueled, ruthless, search for power.

Just say no.


Prepare Ye The Way

It's the 2nd Sunday of Advent and the Gospel asks us to reflect on John the Baptist's call to repentance. Here's Benedict XVI: 

“As the journey of Advent continues, as we prepare to celebrate the nativity of Christ, John the Baptist's call to conversion sounds out in our communities. It is a pressing invitation to open our hearts and to welcome the Son of God Who comes among us to make divine judgement manifest. The Father, writes St. John the Evangelist, does not judge anyone, but has entrusted the power of judgement to the Son, because He is the Son of man.
“And it is today, in the present, that we decide our future destiny. It is with our concrete everyday behavior in this life that we determine our eternal fate. At the end of our days on earth, at the moment of death, we will be evaluated on the basis of our likeness or otherwise to the Baby Who is about to be born in the poor grotto of Bethlehem, because He is the measure God has given humanity.
“Through the Gospel John the Baptist continues to speak down the centuries to each generation. His hard clear words bring health to us, the men and women of this day in which even the experience and perception of Christmas often, unfortunately, reflects materialist attitudes. The 'voice' of the great prophet asks us to prepare the way for the coming Lord in the deserts of today, internal and external deserts, thirsting for the water of life which is Christ.”

I like that, and I'll resist the strong temptation to make unkind remarks about "make his paths straight" and Bruce, sorry, Cait, Jenner.

God bless,


Saturday, December 5, 2015

AG Lynch, You Are a Dhimwit

Our Attorney General, Illuminati shill puppet, Loretta Lynch, is threatening to prosecute people who insult Islam. 

She's not going to tolerate violent talk about the Religion of Peace because the 1st Amendment doesn't cover that, apparently:

When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.

What about the actions predicated on the violent talk in the Koran, the Hadith and the Mosques? You know, the peaceful ideology of Islam that led to the San Bernardino massacre, some guy going Jihad in Leytonstone with a machete this evening, or Paris, or any one of a number of atrocities that began with the false prophet Mohammad and haven't stopped since then.

NWO Dhimwit

Are you going to prosecute that, Attorney General? No. You're not. Because you are an Illuminati stooge and an NWO dhimwit.

Wake up and smell the Jihad. Then fight it.

Kick out the Jams.


Anti-Jihad Kit Review -- The Eureka Airspeed One Turbo

You can sit back and let all the others do the work in the war on terror, but don't start whining and crying when the local mujahideen chop off your buddy's hand as you pay your taqiya. Sure, go right ahead and do that. Or you can get proactive and bring the fight to the enemy.

That's what I did today, in the form of a Eureka Airspeed One Turbo. The Eureka promises to move "MORE AIR" as it "REMOVES MORE DIRT," all thanks to something called "Airspeed Technology." 

That's the marketing, does it deliver? I decided to find out by testing this anti-terror tool against some Jihad dirt that was hiding out in an old Moslem carpet.

The Eureka's easy to assemble, and in no time at all a number of Takfiri terrorists were cleaned out of their strongholds and thrown in the trash where they belonged. 

So yes, the Eureka works, and it's lightweight, too, which gives this dirt-buster good operational versatility. It also has a 25' cable, ensuring longer continuous action against the so-called "militants," and an array of attachments for hitting stairs, crevices and upholstery. 

You'll note the weapon is accented in electric lime green, giving it high-viz recognition to friendly forces. An asset on this battlefield.

Would I recommend it to a friend? Yes, I would. The little beast works. Is it tactical? I'd have thought that was obvious. But how much does it cost? A bit less than 2 "value" packs of Remington .223. Are there any cons? I didn't find any on this test run against the enemy.

So go out and get a Eureka Airspeed One Turbo and play your part in beating the Jihad back on the home front. 

You can find them at Walmart, on the other side of the store from the guns and ammo.


Walk Against Jihad

Everyone has to play their part in the war against global Jihad, and I did mine, by taking Blue EOD for a walk through the autumnal boulevards of ye olde Dallas this morning.

My K9 ordnance expert  wasted no time sniffing for potential IEDs and keeping a keen nose out for any random sleeper cells that were thinking of cooking-off for Allah.

He launched at a bus that roared by the 7/11, it wisely didn't stop, and at a Salvation Army truck. Come to think about it, I'll have to work on his threat recognition software...

Then, after a mile or so, the patrol was over and we found ourselves back at HQ. Unscathed. I thank God for that.

Mind how you go,


Friday, December 4, 2015

Obama Just Can't Say Muslim Terrorist

President Obama still can't bring himself to say that a premeditated attack by devout Muslims with semi-auto rifles, pistols, thousands of rounds of ammunition, a bomb factory and self-proclaimed allegiance to ISIS was a terrorist attack; an Islamic terrorist attack. 

He just can't make the massive, almost Kiekegaardian, leap of faith that connects Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik to global Jihad. But he can say ban guns. Here's Pamela Geller:
San Bernardino is in one of the most stringent gun control states in the country. The fact is that these mass shootings usually take place in gun-free zones — except for the attempted jihad massacre at our free speech event in Garland, Texas last May. That jihad attempt had the best of all possible outcomes, because the jihadis were greeted by armed freedom fighters.

And again:
Obama’s jihad-free counter terror policies and jihad denial is the cause of this catastrophic intelligence and law enforcement failure. Obama has blood on his hands (adding to the rivers of blood of Christians in Syria and Iraq.) But the message from the administration is, Get used to it. Disarm and get used to it. And the media follows after him like the man with the shovel after the circus elephant, always eager to clean up the messes he makes.
But to balance things out, here's a rainbow unicorn.

You decide which side you're on.


Lest we Forget

Presented without comment.