Saturday, September 26, 2015

Boot and Spur

When we walked into the Pitt Stop yesterday to get hamburgers, one of the riders was wearing spurs. An old timer looked up from his booth and said, "Spurs?" and my friend said, "Well you can't be a cowboy without spurs, can you now."

The old timer thought for a bit and kind of beamed back, "I haven't worn a pair of those in years!"

I hardly ever ride with them and maybe that's a mistake, but here's some basic spur wisdom from

Spurs are no substitute for good riding skills. By no means will they help make you a better rider.
“You have to know how to ride a horse correctly before you put spurs on,” says Sherryl Crawford of Lipan, Texas, who grew up running cans, trains her own barrel horses and also team ropes. “If you don’t really know what you are doing as far as riding or training a horse, and you’re also spurring him, you’re just going to end up with a big problem that you can’t fix.”
“Spurs are a good tool if you use them correctly; they’re not for looks, and they’re not to be used as a weapon,” says Earnest Wilson of Tolar, Texas, who is a well-respected Paint Horse trainer with 46 years in the business...
Spurs should be applied with steady pressure—pressing the spur into the horse’s side, not poking him. You can increase the pressure as necessary, but if you poke or jab the horse he’s going to lurch or jump. Then you risk grabbing with your legs to hang on, and grabbing his mouth, too. That will simply scare your horse. 

Ride on,


Friday, September 25, 2015

Archbishop of Canterbury's Plan for the Anglican Communion

Some people are puzzled by the Archbishop of Canterbury's plan for the Anglican Communion. Here's what he said:

"Our way forward must respect the decisions of Lambeth 1998... recognising that the way in which proclamation happens and the pressures on us vary greatly between Provinces. We each live in a different context.

“The difference between our societies and cultures, as well as the speed of cultural change in much of the global north, tempts us to divide as Christians: when the command of scripture, the prayer of Jesus, the tradition of the church and our theological understanding urges unity."

Clear? No, it isn't. So here's a helpful translation from Shakani:

"Allow us this evening to elucidate a bit more clearly, a bit more precisely on the belief system leg of that prism. For understand, that within the vibration, the frequency of All That Is, and within the vibration, the signature vibration that you are - are your belief systems, and these too are vibratory frequencies - vibratory frequencies in this case of awareness. But, when you utilize those particular frequencies there are always corresponding results depending on which frequency you choose. So therefore perhaps you can say, your primary belief in life is the primary frequency through which you are choosing to explore at this time."

You get it now, right?


Ride On

I got up while it was still dark to go for a ride with some church people. We met at the Open Range Cowboy Church, which has a good men's breakfast  -- must do something like that at the Missions -- then trailered off to Lake Whitney and saddled up.

A horse

It's a great place to ride and has more than enough space to open up and charge off, but we mostly walked and trotted through the unspoiled country.

Bad mischief

I finished off with a gallop. Big fun to be moving fast with the horse! I'm still excited and uplifted by that. We stopped for hamburgers afterwards, which was good too.

Stay on the horse,


Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's the Dyslexic Deacon!

The Dyslexic Deacon's back, and he's back in force with this insight on the Anglican Communion:

Saucies closed to APB Justsin Wobbly say he and bother promates will gambol on the fewture of the Naglican Conunium at Labmeth Palais. After the last throes of the dioceses they will bed in sepirate sleep rooms.

Justsin Grins

Rumors that the Dyslexic Deacon is the brains behind the Glastonbury Festival may or may not be true. But here's some food for thought.

Depart, harming no-one!

Should Pope Francis, who has a proven track record of exposing evil, visit Lambeth Palace and "liberate" Justsin from the wickedness that oppresses him?

I'd say, "Good call."


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Obama Devil Horns

Reviled by many as a Red Communist and a Green Eco-Nut, Pope Francis has nonetheless succeeded in revealing President Obama as Satan. 

Known for his scorn of Christianity and love of transsexuality, Obama can be clearly seen standing next to the Pope, with a pair of devil horns.

This has happened before.

Coincidence? Unlikely.


Pope Francis in America

Pope Francis is in America and set to make an historic, first-ever papal address to Congress. Some have condemned him as a Marxist for daring to criticize greed:

“Once capital becomes an idol and guides people’s decisions, once greed for money presides over the entire socio-economic system, it ruins society, it condemns and enslaves men and women, it sets people against one another and, as we clearly see, it even puts at risk our common home.”

That's not Marxist, or comsymp War Against the Weather Obamunism, it's common sense and it's Christian. 


You cannot serve God and mammon.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Giles Fraser Says Internet Stole Anglican Communion

Celebrity leftist Vicar and Aleister Crowley lookalike, Giles Fraser, claims that the internet stole the Anglican Communion and broke it.

This is him, writing for the Guardian:

"But it was the world wide web that finally did for global ecclesiastical solidarity. Through the web, different churches could finally experience each other’s theology first hand. We could read their sermons and church pronouncements. And they could read ours. And we didn’t like what we saw. Western liberals saw anti-gay bigotry. African conservatives saw an abandonment of the traditional gospel. We had become strangers to each other. No, worse than that: we realised we were fighting on very different sides. And, however hard they tried (and Rowan Williams really did) the men in mitres could not put Humpty together again."

Right, the Internet did it. 

No, it was comsymp leftists who had lost their faith and were busy shilling for the Mantis People that broke the Communion. Normal Christians didn't want to be part of that, so they walked.

Mantis People, Ripping Off  a Communion

In the meanwhile, this shill can go on pretending to be anti-establishment by writing for the Guardian. But who's fooled. 

Fraser, I don't care if you're hermetically channeling Aleister Crowley. You are an Illuminati dupe stooge for the New World Order of gayness.

Kick out the Jams,


Monday, September 21, 2015

U.S. Foreign Policy Caught on Camera!

U.S. foreign policy was captured on film by two hikers on Mount Rainier, in a revealing photo showing two ghostly figures clasping hands in a rainbow halo.

Known as a "Broken Deceptor," US foreign policy appears as a shadow on mist or cloud, causing a circular rainbow halo to form around it.

Obama Waves Goodbye to Foreign Policy

According to one of the hikers, "As the day went on, the Deceptor would last longer and was more prominent and colorful. The best display was in the evening, when the Deceptor appeared very clear, large and a short distance from us, right before thick clouds rolled in and obstructed the sun."

NATO Cultural Attache to the Kremlin

Rumors that Elton John, NATO cultural attache to the Kremlin, has been asked by President Obama to take over from John Kerry as Secretary of State have not been substantiated.

Russia is now fighting ISIS in Syria.


Get Humble And Clean Your Guns

If you don't clean your guns they break and don't shoot right, like the long-lost Anglican Communion itself. That's why I took some time out this morning to put a couple of firearms to rights. I won't lie, they were filthy little beasts.

As I cleaned the miserable offenders my mind strayed to the virtue of humility, something that's in short supply in the world but mandated by the Gospel."If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all," says Christ to the disciples and to us. So we've got to get humble, but how?

Eat Humbly at the Compound

Aquinas, commenting on the Rule of St. Benedict, says this:

The first degree of humility, then, is that a person keep the fear of God before his eyes and beware of ever forgetting it. Let him be ever mindful of all that God has commanded; let his thoughts constantly recur to the hell-fire which will burn for their sins those who despise God, and to the life everlasting which is prepared for those who fear him. […] Let a man consider that God is always looking at him from heaven, that his actions are everywhere visible to the divine eyes and are constantly being reported to God by the Angels.

There is no Fear of God Before Their Eyes

The fear of God is fast disappearing from the West, will it be replaced by the satanic tyranny of pride?



Sunday, September 20, 2015

Final Proof? Abducted Woman Draws Star Map of Anglican Communion

After years of speculation, proof is in that the Anglican Communion does exist, in the form of a star map, drawn by alien abductee, Betty Hill.

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, claimed they were abducted by aliens. When questioned, an alien called The Leader showed them a map, revealing the exact position of the Anglican Communion.

The Anglican Communion

Betty Hill reproduced the map under hypnosis, and experts were swift to denounce the drawing as a simplistic rendition of the Zeta Reticuli system. Now, years later, a scientist has reexamined Betty's map, and argues that the unusual alignment of key sun-like stars in the drawing could never have happened by chance, but must, in fact, be the Anglican Communion.

The Zeta Reticuli System

"It can't be Zeta Reticuli," stated the scientist, "It bears no resemblance to any known formation. It has to be the off-worldwide Anglican Communion. There's no way Betty could have drawn this by accident, the statistics are as improbable as the Communion itself."

The Examiner

Before her death in 2004, Betty described her abduction by aliens: "I was taken on board. Barney was taken into one room and I was taken into another. The one who did the testing we called The Examiner, it looked like a bishop figure.

The Compass

"Then they tried to insert a compass-like instrument in my navel which caused pain so they stopped doing it. Barney’s exam was very much like mine in the beginning except they were interested in his 'bone structure.'"

The Fruit

From 1961 to 2004, Betty Hill spent her life attempting to prove the existence of the Anglican Communion. Doubted, scorned and dismissed by skeptics, she may at last be vindicated.

Ad Astra,


Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Sunny Saturday in Pershore

Psych! I wasn't really in Pershore, which is an attractive market town in England, I was in rural Texas, somewhere between Waco and Dallas, with a truckload of guns.

The State Protects You in Pershore

The heat beat down, shimmering off the fields, and I shot away at a silhouette, steel plates, clays, a Sprite can and an old plastic bottle of root beer. And a steel turkey. 

Not Allowed in Pershore!

The guns worked, and I was especially pleased with my Ruger American .17 HMR. Well made, inexpensive, and dead on. Pistol performance wasn't bad either, with the plate swinging more often than not at 30 yards. Take that, steel plate, .45 ACP.

Ride On in Pershore

In Pershore you're not allowed to own a pistol or an AR 15, because the less able you are to defend yourself the safer you'll be. But don't worry, the State will look after you as you're attacked by the village toughs. 

Banned in Pershore

Still, Pershore does have pubs, a river, cider and Guy Fawkes night, but that's a different story.

Your Pal,


Friday, September 18, 2015

Obama Gets Even More Gayer in Bid to Shame Pope

Just when you thought President Obama couldn't get much gayer, we learn that he's invited a cast of rainbow clowns to meet and shame Pope Francis, when the Supreme Pontif visits America in September. Who are these clowns?

Love Free or Tank at the Box Office

The most famous gay bishop in the world, ever, Gene Robertson, who left his wife and kids to marry Mark and then divorced him, but not before he wrecked the Anglican Communion and starred in the blockbuster smash hit "Love Free or Die." Good choice, Obama.

All Means All, Viv

Then there's "Viv," the famous Episcopalien transsexual, who started off a man, then became a woman, got hired by Integrity and then got a pink slip. "All means all!" was Viv's war cry and Obama's told him to bring all 5 of  the friends he thought most appropriate for a meeting with the Pope. Who are these friends? According to Virtueonline:

Nicole Santamaria, the Secretary of Asociacion Colectivo Alejandria an Hispanic LGBT advocacy group; Marcia Garber a member of Dignity-USA and the mother of a transgendered child; Mateo Williamson, a cross-dressing transgender Catholic and the former co-chairman of Transgender Caucus for Dignity-USA; the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, an LGBT advocate, liberal Episcopal theologian, the director of Mission & Reconciliation at General Theological Seminary and chaplain to the Episcopal House of Bishops (reports are that Canon Spellers will be unable to attend the Pope's soiree because she didn't RSVP in time); and the Rev. Cameron Partridge, a transgendered Episcopal priest who preached at the Washington National Cathedral.

Nice mark of respect for the leader of the majority of the world's Christians, right? 

The catholics of this country need to stand up and be counted, in fact all Christians do, before they get steamrolled by the pink juggernaut of gayness.