Showing posts with label Giles Fraser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giles Fraser. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Unholy Week

Police are appealing to the public following a carjacking in Ann Arbor, a suburb of Detroit.

The incident occurred around 1 a.m. in the 400 block of Washington Street, when two men forced a driver from his car at gunpoint. The carjackers then drove the vehicle a short way before crashing it and fleeing the scene on foot. 

Justin Welby, left, and Cursitor Doom, right.

Police describe the suspects as middle-aged, balding, white Caucasian males with grey complexions. CCTV footage shows the men have a striking resemblance to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Rev. Cursitor Doom, aka "Giles Fraser."

The Archbishop of Canterbury

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Michigan Crime Line: 1-800-SPEAK-UP.

Lambeth Palace was unavailable for comment.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

Thanks, AnglicanInk, for the infographic

Just when you thought that the venerable Church of England had slid off the abyss and into the icy void of deep space, up comes this. The shrinking denomination's College of Bishops have formed a "reflection group on sexuality." What will they see in the mirror?

Giles Fraser and Aleister Crowley

Perhaps they'll see the famous Aleister Crowley lookalike, Rev. Cursitor Doom, popularly known as "Giles Fraser."

Nice Looking Sex Change, Rachel

Then again, they might see Rachel "Heavy Metal" Mann, the curiously named trans Canon of Manchester Cathedral.

The Bishop of Norwich

Or maybe just themselves.

Bohemian Grove

The official teaching of the Anglican Communion is that marriage is something that occurs between a man and a woman. Humans have always believed that, unless they're channeling the artistic Emperor Nero. Perhaps the reflecting Divines will see his spirit in the mirror?

Scry on,


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Cursitor Doom Attacks Trump!

Celebrity Aleister Crowley lookalike, Cursitor Doom, popularly known as Giles Fraser, believes that Donald Trump "models the anti-Christ." Writing in the UK's Guardian, Doom gets all Book of Thoth on his Trumpian nemesis.

"On the poor, on appealing to fear, on telling the truth, on sexual ethics, on (not) loving his enemies, on making greed his God, Trump models the anti-Christ."

He does? By wanting to make poor people richer by getting them jobs, and calling out the bought and paid for cronyism in America's ruling political elite? Such a Satan. By saying that countries should have borders and Islam's a problem? Well that's evil and even worse, the man's a heterosexual with a hot wife. What. A. Sinner.

Pompeius Magnus Redivivus -- Note Gold

Still, Trump's obviously Pompeius Magnus Redivivus, though possibly richer, and no one's going to call him a saint. But anti-Christ? C'mon Doom, you're just mad that a really popular anti-lib might get into power and undo all the hard, well paid work that millionaire socialists have done to turn America into a larger version of Sweden. But that's by the by. More seriously, Cursitor Doom accuses America of worshiping itself, of idolatrous nationalist self-deification. 

Cursitor Doom

"The death of God," writes Doom, portentously, "comes in many diverse and peculiar forms. In America, it is the flag and not the cross that takes pride of place in the sanctuary."

There's a lot of God fearing, churchgoing Christians in America, many of whom take pride in their country and their flag and aren't ashamed to see it in the sanctuary. They also believe in the Gospel and think that Jesus is God, really God, and attempt to obey and live by the Scriptures while doing good by their neighbor.

Giles Fraser

Pretty basic Christianity, perhaps, but it is Christian and many of its adherents will vote for Trump, albeit reluctantly, because they see him as being on their side against corrupt big government and the aggressive anti-Christian secularism of the left.

If there's an anti-Christ in the room it's this latter party, not Trump, and you, Cursitor Doom, are on the wrong side. The side of Crowley, Sanger, Lenin, Soros, Hillary and the nihilists that want to destroy what's left of Christian culture in the West. 

You might want to think twice before slinging anti-Christ around, Rev. Doom, it might just rebound.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Is Giles Fraser Cursitor Doom?

Is celebrity Brit Reverend and Aleister Crowley look-a-like, Giles Fraser, Cursitor Doom? Photo evidence suggests that he is.

Or is the Guardian's pet lib, shariasymp Vicar just a willing Illuminati stooge for the pansexualist New World Order of the trans rainbow?

Cursitor Doom

Giles Fraser

The vote is out.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Giles Fraser Says Internet Stole Anglican Communion

Celebrity leftist Vicar and Aleister Crowley lookalike, Giles Fraser, claims that the internet stole the Anglican Communion and broke it.

This is him, writing for the Guardian:

"But it was the world wide web that finally did for global ecclesiastical solidarity. Through the web, different churches could finally experience each other’s theology first hand. We could read their sermons and church pronouncements. And they could read ours. And we didn’t like what we saw. Western liberals saw anti-gay bigotry. African conservatives saw an abandonment of the traditional gospel. We had become strangers to each other. No, worse than that: we realised we were fighting on very different sides. And, however hard they tried (and Rowan Williams really did) the men in mitres could not put Humpty together again."

Right, the Internet did it. 

No, it was comsymp leftists who had lost their faith and were busy shilling for the Mantis People that broke the Communion. Normal Christians didn't want to be part of that, so they walked.

Mantis People, Ripping Off  a Communion

In the meanwhile, this shill can go on pretending to be anti-establishment by writing for the Guardian. But who's fooled. 

Fraser, I don't care if you're hermetically channeling Aleister Crowley. You are an Illuminati dupe stooge for the New World Order of gayness.

Kick out the Jams,