Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fix Your AR 15's Jammed Bolt Catch Assembly

I came to the end of a magazine of 5.56 and the bolt closed in the receiver, instead of being held open by the bolt catch. Hunh, that's weird, I thought wisely to myself, like a firearms professional, and had a look at the weapon. It turns out the catch had jammed and wouldn't rise to catch the bolt when the magazine was empty. What had gone wrong? I took bolt catch assembly apart to find out.

All Taped Up

It's not hard, tape up the receiver to stop it getting scratched, then tap out the roll pin that holds the assembly in place. Save yourself some aggro and use a roll pin punch. Pin out, remove the catch, its spring and its detent. Look at these items in wonder and inspect their various wells to check for Hillary's emails, or anything else that might have jammed the catch.

Bolt Catch Assembly. Don't Lose the Spring, or the Pin, or the Detent, or the Catch.

Inspection passed, reassemble the catch using a drift pin to hold it in place, I used a small punch, then test its movement. Notice that the catch is sticking and that it doesn't want to release when it's tapped into the receiver. Why?

Tap Out the Roll Pin

I had a closer look and saw that the face of the catch was fractionally proud to its inletting in the receiver, which produced friction and stopped the catch's movement.

Diamond Coat File and Blue Heeler

So I pulled the catch and filed the offending metal down with the diamond coat file on my Leatherman Wave. Not much, about the thickness of a piece of paper, 0.1 mm. Then I tested its movement to see if it was still jamming. It didn't, good result.

Get a Roll Pin Starter Punch, they're Helpful

Then put the spring back its hole, and the detent in the spring. Don't lose the spring and the detent by idly flinging them across your workbench, because if you do the bolt catch won't work. Next replace the catch, using a drift pin to hold it in place, and see if the thing works. It does. 

Use a Small Hole Punch as a Drift Pin

Keeping the drift pin in place, tap in the assembly's roll pin, using a roll pin starter punch to get it going, and finish off with a roll pin punch until the pin's in position. Test the assembly and note with a warm glow of inner satisfaction that the catch doesn't stick and jam anymore. Well done, hopefully the problem's solved.

To make sure, put the rifle back together again and place an empty magazine in its well. Pull back on the charger and release. Will the bolt catch move upwards thanks to the pressure of the magazine spring and hold the bolt open? Will your expert machining be vindicated? A moment of bated breath and... yes, it works.

And it Works

Congratulations, you are now a Bolt Catch Assembly Technician (BCAT).

With that in mind, I think I'd better go and range test this beast.

Gun rights,


Monday, August 24, 2015

Black Monday!

The markets were tanking, so I went for a shoot with GWB. The guns were black, although my pal took his 30-06, Winchester Model 70 Featherweight, which is wood and steel. 

Market Forces

He wanted to sight it in before going on a shooting safari in Africa. I've asked him to send me a monkey.

Get in the X Ring

Winchester dialed in, it was time for some battle rifle action. I shot at the 100 yard bench and the ARs seemed on and well capable of Minute of Crashing Dow (MCD).

Man Down in the War on Weather

The pistols worked too, as witnessed by a handily swinging steel plate. But here's the thing, we're in a war against the weather, as well as market forces and their bankster backers. This took its toll. 

Your Old Friend

It's raining now. I thank God for that.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Axe And The Train

I went shopping for an axe, and found one, it was rusty and beat up. 

The Local Shops

"How much does it cost?" I asked the owner of the shop. "That's the most expensive thing I've got here," he replied. "I can see that," I answered, and we both stared at the axe for a long moment. Then the owner caught my eye.

Put the Emails on the Train!

"You can have it for five bucks. No tax."
"Cash is King. Go ask Hillary, she dumped all her emails on some Nazi train in Poland. That's why I want this axe, to be prepared."
"Smart. Give my love to Huma."
"Yeah I will. Here's your money."

Nazi Train

I left the store and drove to the Compound, where I cleaned up the axe and sharpened its blade.

The Axe

They want 10% to open up the train, maybe I'll offer 9.

Art of the deal.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton Emails Found on Nazi Train

With a tip of the Glock to LL, a long-lost National Socialist train, filled with Hillary Clinton's emails, has been allegedly found in Poland.

Reputedly stuffed with precious emails and Blackberries crammed with invaluable top secret State Department information, the train rests in a hidden tunnel  in Poland's mountainous southwestern Walbrzych district.

Local media outlets are reporting that the train could hold as much as 300 tons of classified documents, scrubbed from the Clinton's closet servers.

Two men are demanding 10% of the value of the treasure trove before they reveal its location.



Go For a Ride

After Morning Prayer and walking the dog I went for a ride, but first I got some coffee at H-Donuts. H-Donuts is run by Vietnamese, I think, and helps make up the rich tapestry of ethnic diversity that is our small farming community. Their coffee was strong.

Blue had fun playing with the other dogs while I caught a house and saddled up. The animal's an Arabian and stands pretty firmly for States Rights, which explains the saddle blanket.

We walked, trotted and did some reining exercises, and that was all good. Then I hosed the horse down and drove back to the cultural melting pot of the Compound, where a Mexican appeared and gave me some tamales; a dozen of them, cheese and jalapeno. Maybe he was illegal, maybe he wasn't, but I do know that the tamales hit the spot after an hour or so of horsing around.

I've resolved to ride every week, That is my plan.

Stay on the horse,


Thursday, August 20, 2015

You Lying Blacktivist

Yet another famous blacktivist, Shaun King, seems to have been caught pretending to be black when he is, apparently, white.

Like Rachel Dolezal, King thought black lives mattered so much that he had to become an African American. This helped him to get a coveted Oprah Winfrey scholarship to the prestigious black university, Morehouse.

Two White People Pretending to be Black, Pretending to be Farmers

It also helped him to become a prominent black civil rights campaigner. But Shaun, are you sure you're black? Maybe race, like Bruce Jenner's gender, is a construct that we invent as we go along. 

Surely Some Mistake

In the meanwhile, the Black Conservatives Fund PAC has offered to give Black Lives Matter $25,000 if King can prove that he's the blacktivist he says he is, and not a lying fraud, running around in blackface.

Good luck,


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I call this portrait "Einstein."

Speaking of which, have you watched the new Planned Parenthood video yet? Go on, I dare you, it's all about healthcare.

Carry on,


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You Sick Satanic Killers

I know, I know, the news travels pretty fast these days, but perhaps you remember all those videos of Planned Parenthood's, ahem, doctors, talking about selling baby parts to biotech firms? 

You know, the same story that was buried by the media and prompted a move to defund the federally subsidized abortion mills? The same legislation that was defeated in the Senate?

Guess what, all but one of the Senators that voted against giving the baby parts vendor almost $2 million a day in taxpayer money were in the pay of, stunned amazement, Planned Parenthood. 

Here's the list, via Infowars:

Senatorial Campaign Contributions from Planned Parenthood Action Fund

(Dated: 1998-June 2015)

Murray(D-WA) – $29,282
Shaheen (D-NH) – $26,000
Boxer (D-CA) – $25,702
Udall (D-NM) – $22,500
Schumer (D-NY) – $20,985
Peters (D-MI) – $20,926
Gillibrand (D-NY) – $19,825
Merkley (D-OR) – $19,762
Stabenow (D-MI) – $19,035
Franken (D-MN) – $19,000
Kirk (R-IL) – $18,000
Baldwin (D-WI) – $16,000
Markey (D-MA) – $15,535
Menendez (D-NJ) – $15,016
Tester (D-MT) – $15,000
Brown (D-OH) – $14,380
Carper (D-DE) – $14,000
Durbin (D-IL) – $14,000
Mikulski (D-MD) – $12,035
Coons (D-DE) – $11,610
Nelson (D-FL) – $11,000
Reed (D-RI) – $10,500
Cantwell (D-WA) – $10,000
Feinstein (D-CA) – $10,000
Heinrich (D-NM) – $10,000
Wyden (D-OR) – $9,535
Warner (D-VA) – $9,000
McCaskill (D-MO) – $8,803
Blumenthal (D-CT) – $8,740
Cardin (D-MD) – $8,535
Hirono (D-HI) – $8,500
Murphy (D-CT) $7,911
Schatz (D-HI) – $7,500
Klobuchar (D-MN) – $7,000
Whitehouse (D-RI) – $7,000
Sanders (I-VT) – $6,535
Booker (D-NJ) – $6,000
Casey (D-PA) – $5,000
Bennet (D-CO) – $4,750
Warren (D-MA) – $3,500
Leahy (D-VT)- $2,500
Heitkamp (D-ND) – $2,396
Kaine (D-VA) – $845
Reid (D-NV) – $824

Planned Parenthood Votes’ Expenditures in Support of Senators or in Opposition to Their Opponents:

(Dated 2012-2013)


Baldwin (D-WI) – $144,058 (2012)
Kaine (D-VA) – $114,615 (2012)
Markey (D-MA) – $62,818 (2013)
Tester (D-MT) – $55,165 (2012)
Brown (D-OH) – $52,003 (2012)
McCaskill (D-MO) – $32,520 (2012)
Murphy (D-CT) – $31,057 (2012)


Rehberg (Tester (D-MT)) – $351,996 (2012)
Allen (Kaine (D-VA)) – $113,176 (2012)
Akin (McCaskill (D-MO) – $67,316 (2012)
Thompson (Baldwin (D-WI)) – $49,807 (2012)

And let's not forget, Planned Parenthood apparently spent $12 million towards re-electing  President Obama the last time around.

Planned Parenthood, which was founded by the eugenicist racist, Margaret Sanger, is a non-profit. 

Maybe that's why its President, Cecile Richards, makes $590,928  a year.

Your Pal,


Anglican Communion Partners Caught on Camera?

Disturbing game camera footage reveals a spectral image that appears to be the Anglican Communion Partners.

Unsuspecting hunters set up the camera in the hope of spotting a trophy Buck, but when they examined the camera's digital images they discovered a wizened, ghostly shape, wearing the robes of a Anglican clergyperson.

Anglican Communion Partners?

"I am one of those true hunters who love tracking down and hunting my prey," said Daren Steele, "I usually don't rely on the cameras to hunt. I use skill and training so I can claim my prize trophy, but this time we used a camera. Imagine the surprise when we saw the Communion Partners!"

Others believe the image is a fake, and that the doomed Communion Partners have died and gone to Limbo. 

Anglican Communion Partners or Fake Ghost?

According to one paranormal expert, "Sure, it looks a lot like the Communion Partners, trying to frighten people in the woods, but it's just one of those apps you download, which puts a fake ghost in your pictures. Or maybe it's photoshopped. Everyone knows the Communion Partners are a dead and buried Minority Report."

Running Scared

Are the Communion Partners dead and buried? Or do they wander the earth, wraithlike, attempting to atone for their failures on the earthly plane?

The Anglican Communion Institute was unavailable for comment.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Don't Let Kids Touch Guns!

Don't let kids touch guns like they're toys, because if they do, someone's likely to get hurt. No, teach them to shoot, instead.

And that's what we did after Mass on Sunday. Blue Ballistics came to the range too, and got progressively more excited until he had to be tied to a post.

The boys shot well, mostly off-hand at 50 yards, unleashing the power of a couple of battle rifles against several silhouettes. 

They were also reminded of the principles of marksmanship, gun safety, and range discipline. Finger off the trigger, safety on, muzzle down range. Do not shoot until you get the command, etc.

After blasting away we drove to Dallas, for steak. Tasty as you like and then some. So a good day was had by all, although when a young 'un attempted a sleight of hand over a game of Canasta, his Grandmother threatened, "You better behave, or we'll chain you to the Obama tree!"

Quite a threat,


Sunday, August 16, 2015

SUDS Training

Texas is mostly about cavalry, but that doesn't mean we're afraid to get our feet wet, especially at the SUDS (Soapy Underwater Distraction Squad) course in Glen Rose.

Land Nav

Recruits go through a grueling selection process consisting of swimming, navigation and rock climbing on the Paluxy river.


They can wash out at any time, or they can push through and complete the course. That choice is up to them, they have to want to do it. It's not easy, especially with the lure of fossilized human footprints reflecting the light of creation. 

Learning to Swim

Don't be surprised if SUDS candidates fall asleep, exhausted, on the transport back to base. After all, they've earned it.


So check out the Dinosaur State Park at Glen Rose. Big fun.



Friday, August 14, 2015

Girls Love Glocks

I took the Glock out for a quick spin at the range today, along with a Beretta PX4 Storm. Which gun shot better?


Good question. My best shots were with the Beretta, but the best groups were with the Glock, and it seemed to me that the workmanlike Austrian performed better when firing multiple shots at speed. Less recoil means more control and greater accuracy? Maybe, and on balance, I'd say the Glock 21 does shoot more easily than the PX4. It also has 13 rounds in its magazine, as opposed to 9 or 10, so perhaps it's a good thing that the pistol appears to lend itself to shooting fast.

So what's the verdict?

It's early days yet and I'm getting used to the Glock, but right away I can tell it's a superior gun. It's simple, fast shooting and all business.

Girls Love, Love Glocks

Is it tactical? Yes. Do women like them? Of course, they love, love them. Are they accurate? Don't be ridiculous, of course they are, X Ring accurate and then some. How much do they cost? Not too much, about the price of a a couple of weekends in Dallas, or a Saturday in London.

All Business

So, go out and get a Glock 21. It's a great gun at a good price. You can read the specs online, somewhere.

Shoot straight,