Monday, October 10, 2016

Huma Abedin, The Jaws of The Djinn

Djinns possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is because the Djinn or its family has been hurt accidentally. It could be because the Djinn has fallen in love with the person. However, most of the time possession occurs because the Djinn is simply malicious and wicked.

A Djinn

While some Djinn are toothless, others use their long, sharp teeth to tear at the flesh of their prey, including humans. They are also accomplished shapeshifters, made from smokeless fire, able to transform themselves into the likeness of animals and trees as well as men and women.

A Dybbuk

Djinn are frequently seen in the company of a Dybbuk, which is an evil spirit that appears to be human but is in reality a dislocated, fly-ridden, soul of the dead.

When attacked by Djinn or Dybbuk, pray for protection and lock them up.

Lock Them Up

Behind bars.


Five Words

Good point.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Fly-Ridden Dybbuk

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (Yiddish: דיבוק‎, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק dāḇaqmeaning "adhere" or "cling") is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being helped.

Is Hillary Clinton a fly-ridden dybbuk, a once human entity possessed by the dislocated soul of a dead person? If not, why is she covered in flies?


Surely not because she's dead inside but  walking and talking as though she were a human, possessed, all the while, by a dybbuk. And who has helped the dybbuk? Raddatz and its familar, Cooper?

Remember, even though the dybbuk appears to give life and even great power, it is dead and from the other side, not of this realm.

Flies and destruction are its hallmark.


Hillary Baalzebub?

Did you notice how flies kept landing on Hillary during her debate with Trump? Surely that wouldn't have anything to do with her lying allegiance to BaalZebub, Lord of the Flies. Otherwise known as Satan, Father of Lies.

Your Old Friend,


Anderson Cooper And Martha Raddatz Live Debate Prep Footage!

Just minutes before the historic debare between Donld Trump and Hillary Clinton, live footage of debate moderators Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz has emerged, showing both so-called objective journalists preparing to take down Trump, by dressing up in rat outfits.



#NeverTrump, the Anthem

And here it is, the official #NeverTrump GOP anthem and please, no untoward comments about Elizabeth Warren or the, ahem, Corrupt Old Crone Maiden herself. 

Who, by the way, is the undefiled champion of oppressed women everywhere and isn't part of a globalist pay-to-play elitocracy because that's a conspiracy theory anyway.

Rock on,


Saturday, October 8, 2016

What, You Won't Fight Our Frenemies?

ZeroHedge -- As is by now well-known, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s previously classified 2012 report on the origin of the Islamic insurgency against Bashar al-Assad was released to the public on 18 May 2015, and it revealed the Obama Administration’s knowledge, at least since that time, that «the Salafist [Saudi-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic], the Muslim Brotherhood [Qatari-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic] and AQI [Al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria», and acknowledgement that «the West, Gulf countries [Saudi Arabia and Qatar mainly], and Turkey support the opposition [to Bashar al-Assad], while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime», so that the U.S. Government is, in fact, allied with Al Qaeda there, to overthrow Assad.
This pro-Al-Qaeda position was news, however, to America’s military personnel in that region.

Reflect on the NWO skulguggery, malfeasance and outright perfidy of our globalist elitocracy and ask yourself how happy you'd be, defending our Jihad frenemies under the command of Barack Obama and his chosen Illuminati puppet successor, Hillary. Maybe not so much.

I'm off to clean an AR.

Kick out the JAMS.


Peak Insanity

Democrats dump on Trump with a tape of him being as lewd as a Bronze Age chieftain, Gennifer Flowers quotes Bill about Hill's sex drive and Assange drops a cluster bomb on Podesta, revealing that rags to riches champion of oppressed women everywhere is, in fact, an inside-the-beltway NWO elite globalist shill. Hunh. Now we know.

In the meanwhile, the country's $20 trillion in debt and climbing, our manufacturing center's hollowed out, our inner cities are urban hellholes, schools are worse than a joke and people are talking about slinging BIG ONES around. Show that sonofabitch we mean business about backing up our allies Al Qaeda and ISIS, goddammit. And oh, we've got the world's largest prison population. The list goes on.

So don't get distracted by anything serious like, you know, the sex lives of our rulers.

It's official. We've reached peak insanity.

That is all.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Bishops Lives Matter

In a bold attempt to dispel their image as sinister psychotic clowns, Episcopal bishops have organised a protest march in Tucson, Arizona, scheduled for next week.


“This is a peaceful way to show bishops are not psycho killers,” said a flyer advertising the event. “We want the public to feel safe, and not be afraid. So come out, bring the family, meet a bishop and get a hug!"


More than 100 bishops are expected to show up in the so-called first ever “Bishops Lives Matter” protest.

Some Goof-Off Clown

The number of Roman Catholic ecumenical visitors is currently unknown.

Be safe,


Is Putin Still Awesome?

The people of New York seem to think so, and showed their affection for the Russian strongman yesterday by unfurling a giant banner of Vladimir Putin from the Manhattan Bridge.

Some onlookers were confused and didn't understand the purpose of the banner.

New York Loves Putin

“Everybody thought it was interesting," said one witness, "But nobody really got it. Nobody understood the political message or whatever message was behind it.” 

Pop Icon Superstar Jarvis Cocker Scorns Putin

I'd have thought the message was obvious. Vladimir Putin is awesome. You might disagree with that and if you do, ponder this. World renowned popstar, Jarvis Cocker, doesn't like Putin either.

Food for thought, eh?



Today's the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto, in which the Muslim sea jihad was broken by a combined Christian fleet under the command of Don John. This remarkable victory, which prevented a Moslem invasion of Italy, is attributed to the powerful intercession of Our Lady.

Some argue that a new invasion is underway, so step up to the plate, do your bit,and pray the Salve Regina:

Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us.
And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary,
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God:
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Have a blessed Feast of Our Lady of Victories,


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Yom Kippur

Via EBL: Israeli Defense Forces rallied, however, and managed to cut off a large portion of the Egyptian army and IDF forces got within twenty miles of Cairo (and the only reason the Israeli army stopped was political, not due to any significant military resistance at that point). The war ended up being settled by a brokered agreement pushed through by Henry Kissinger and the Americans. 

I remember the detritus of that war when I visited friends as a young 'un. One of them had been part of the Entebbe raid. Respect.

Just Some Guys

But look here, leftists. Will you be satisfied when Israel is driven into the sea? No. You won't be satisfied until the West is Muslim and no more.


Remember this, nihilists, that Europe is the Faith and that, per Sobieski and Don Juan, has a habit of rebounding.

Deus Vult,