Showing posts with label AR 15. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AR 15. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Apoclypse, that was today's Gospel from Mark 13, the famous mini apocalypse or condensed version of the final wrap we see in the Revelation to St. John the Divine. It's powerful.

Wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes and famine, persecution mounting to a crescendo in the great tribulation, the abomination of desolation in the Temple. 

Antichrist with supernatural, diabolic power to deceive the very elect, the light of the sun and moon darkened and at the climax of the battle, the Son of Man returning as He left, in clouds of glory; all within "this generation." And we have to ask, has any of this been fulfilled and will it be? The answer is yes, and yes.

Jerusalem and its temple were utterly destroyed by Titus and Vespasian in 70 AD, within the generation of Christ's prophecy. And what are the crown of thorns, scourging, mocking, betrayal and crucifixion but the desecration of the temple of Christ's body?

The ultimate sacrilege, Daniel's abomination of desolation waged against the Messiah who rose from the dead to lead His elect through tribulation to the restoration of Israel in His Mystical Body, the Church.

So yes, the prophecy has been fulfilled, partially, but this points towards a greater fulfillment. The sack of Jerusalem and Christ's Passion are moments or gears in the apocalyptic clock which was set in motion at the moment of the Incarnation.

A clock that's racing to its end in the final battle, the apex of the conflict between good and evil. We know the result, victory's assured, but beware the Dragon as its chains are unloosed and the Church, like ore in the fire, is refined to precious metal through tribulation.

Watch, pray and stand fast against the rising tide of evil which would destroy all that's good, true and holy. 

Sermon over, as you were,


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Going To A Gun Shop

Deadly assault rifles are a lot of fun, no doubt about it but they have their problems. They get dirty, just for a start, and then there's all these bits that keep the beasts together. Like the firing pin retaining pin. 

Broken, Useless

Lose that bit and you're in trouble, the same holds if the annoying thing breaks, which is exactly what happened to one of mine. There it was, a broken pin. Useless.

Fun Guns is Fun

To put it right I drove to Fun Guns in Waco instead of ordering the part on the information superhighway. Partly because I didn't want to wait and also because I figured it'd be fun to go to a store that wasn't Walmart. And Fun Guns is just what it says it is, full of fun guns.

Unbroken, Useful

Pistols, deadly assault rifles in several calibers, a few bolt actions and shotguns, optics, barrels, lower and upper receivers for AR builds, triggers, parts, ammo and all kinds of neat stuff. The people that run it are friendly too and don't have the rude, condescending attitude you meet in some gun shops. I like that.

Back Together Again

So I bought a few pins and a sling swivel, miraculously resisting the strong temptation to buy an S&W .357 Magnum, a new scope and an AK. These things will have to wait. And guess what? The new pin fits like a champ.


Thanks, Fun Guns, you make Waco a better place.

Shoot on,


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Predictions - Clean Those Guns

There's nothing quite like a bit of midterm madness to get the blood racing and the heart pounding as the nation goes to the polls in unprecedented numbers to decide the legislative fate of America. Will the Blue Wave  break against the Red Wall? 

For that matter, will there even be a Blue Wave or will the great Democrat push be more of an effervescent froth which foams away only to leave an underwhelming puddle, sinking into the muddy ground of ignominious defeat.

Hard to tell, though the media agitprop arm of the Democrat Party is fast back peddling their chorus of a massive win, a win they hope will lead to impeachment of the hated, Nazi Russian spy, Orangeman. Yes, the same president who brazenly threatens to cut off the Democrats' supply of immigrant votes and NWO kickbacks.

Who knows how it'll turn out, they say, hedging against the kind of credibility disaster they faced in the aftermath of the November 2016 rout.

Do you remember that? Every expert in the entire world said that Hillary was going to win. The polls said so, the lying media said so, the globalist elite's intellectual satraps in the universities said so, anyone who was anything said Trump would lose. 

Then he didn't and they cried, hyperventilated and went hog wild crazy, thrashing like wounded eels. Lo and behold, all of a sudden the experts didn't look so expert anymore. Nate Silver & Co. doubtless hope to avoid such embarrassment this time 'round. 

For what it's worth, I predict a narrow GOP win in the House and a more substantial win in the Senate leading to a majority in both houses and, of course, in the Supreme Court. But what do I know? 

I just clean guns.



Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You Dirty Little Beast!

It's all very well owning enough deadly assault rifles to equip an irregular fire team in the case of an EOTW scenario or the Eschaton itself, but you do have to clean them. A clean gun is a happy gun, you see.

With that in mind, I hauled out a section of the arsenal and got to work. First things first, the lowly SKS is considerably easier to clean than the AR and its allies, by a factor of a lot. And it got me thinking, maybe piston driven beats gas impingement?

Then I got to the 7.62 BCG (bolt carrier group). It's this massive thing, dwarfing the puny, toylike 5.56 equivalent. Go figure, it's designed to deal with a larger bullet. 

Still, it seemed harder to clean the same caliber FN FALs of yesteryear, which were notoriously piston. Saying that, this beast's way more compact than the old Broomsticks and you can clip things to it, like optics, lights and radar.

Point being? I'm no expert but maybe gas piston rules over gas impingement when it comes to weapons cleaning.

In related news, the FIB is blowing back a lot of hot gas in an attempt to impinge on the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo, detailing FIB corruption. Well go figure.



Thursday, December 1, 2016

You Filthy Little Beast

No, not the repellent Anthony Weiner, just this deadly assault rifle! That's the problem with ARs, they get filthy dirty because of their gas impingement system and if you don't clean them they don't work. 

A Democrat. Repellent.

Similar, when you think of it, to our system of governance; if its not cleaned out periodically it gets clogged up with filth and breaks.

A Gun

With that in mind, I took down this AR down and gave the beast a scrubbing. It's a good weapon, dirt aside, with a CMMG lower, a nondescript Anderson upper receiver, a Bison (? I forget...) 16" barrel, Hipertouch EDT (Enhanced Duty Trigger), CMMG bolt carrier group, Fortis lightweight handguard, Magpul stock and open sights and a Mega pistol grip.


The gun started off as a stock CMMG carbine, which was fine until I wanted an upgrade. Thanks to a kind church person, who built me an 18" barreled Upper upgrade, I was left with spare parts and an interest in putting a gun together myself. 


So I did, using the old CMMG Lower and BCG (Bolt Carrier Group) and, long story short, came out of the action with two DARs (Deadly Assault Rifles), one long and geared towards precision and the other short and sharp. Learned how to build an AR15 too, which is a valuable skill by anyone's reckoning.

Sorry, Libs, You Lose

Unless you're a pathetic, whining, comsymp shill for the ultra-wealthy transnational NWO Globalist Elitocracy, in which case, like Hitler, you want to stop people from owning guns. Well guess what, Illuminati Satanists, you lost this time in America. Who knows, maybe Europe will follow suit.

Gun rights,


Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Dove Walk

Sometimes you have to take some time out from polishing your Felix Dzerzhinsky bust and get out in the field. My friend from New York agreed and tore himself away from the minutiae of Das Kapital and off we went, x in search of dove.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

In a normal season, one which hasn't been sabotaged by 5th Column Weather Activists, we'd have flushed a few birds from the treelines and adjacent fields. As it was, a couple of avian acrobats lifted off from the grass and a few shots were fired, but they were long and the birds got away to fight again another day.

Escape From New York

Still, the armed stroll was good in itself; there you are in the country under the big Texan sky, gun in hand. There's peace in that, for me, and excitement too, when you get that split second of explosive action.

A Typical Deadly Assault Rifle

Walkabout over, we fell back to the cow skull with a carbine and gave it the old red dot treatment. Take that, skull, and word to the wise. 

The Skull

If you're fixing to strap on a cow skull as some kind of magic protection against 5.56, don't. It won't work, trust me.

Look, Buddy, it's not Gonna Work

So that was that. A good day was had by all and who knows, maybe the dove will start flying at some point soon. Hill County hopes. 

Happy Labor Day,


Tuesday, August 2, 2016


CSM Briefs Recruits

OK, you've done your bit for King and Country by sitting in the stand while the sun sets over Texas, and it wasn't bad. Deer, turkey, hawks and all of that, but no pigs, then it was too dark to shoot. So what do you do? Wait for the Ranger to turn up from the other stand and go spotlighting.

Random Rainbow

I acted as spotter and the kids changed guns to a 12 gauge pump and a Ruger American .22. Ready to go! And remember, when shooting over the top of the vehicle your barrel is several inches lower than your scope. So don't shoot the Ranger's lighting rig off, gentlemen.

Room With a View

They didn't, but they did shoot their first coons and rabbits. Well done, boys, good snap shots on the bunnies, and I won't pretend that it wasn't neat to hear the sound and fury of the guns going off overhead and into the night. An AR added to the mix and why not? After all, you have to make sure the weapon works.

First Rabbit

Back at the Compound, the guns were unloaded, make safe!, and I showed the recruits how to skin their rabbits. That was a first for them, and a skill they're not going to learn in nanny state's rainbow hued halls of academe.

Food Isn't Grown in Supermarkets

Evening excitement over, it was time to relax. No internet, no phone service, no Hillary cavorting about like a pantsuit demon, just you, the brilliant stars overhead and the sound of the country at night.

That, just in itself, is no small thing and powerful medicine for the soul.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, shoot it.

Gun rights,


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Be Prepared

In the wake of Thursday's terror op in Dallas, some people are cautioning preparedness. What does that look like?

Maybe it looks a bit like a Glock 21. Others are saying that we need to "dream again," dream of a beautiful world with "beautiful people." What does that look like?

How Very Lovely

I'll leave you to decide which option is most effective. In the meanwhile, invest in extra magazines, they might come in handy.

Your Old Friend,


Monday, June 27, 2016

The Genius of Black Lives Matter

Do you remember the Orlando nightclub shooting, in which Omar Mateen went Jihad on the dancefloor? By way of a refresher, there was a fair bit of head scratching over the massacre; why would anyone do such a thing, asked the press, punditry and rightleft prog elites.

A bit of a conundrum, eh. But not to worry, Black Lives Matter got right down to it and found the culprit and the motive. Via Rod Dreher:

Despite the media’s framing of this as a terrorist attack, we are very clear that this terror is completely homegrown, born from the anti-Black white supremacy, patriarchy and homophobia of the conservative right and of those who would use religious extremism as a weapon to gain power for the few and take power from the rest. Those who seek to profit from our deaths hope we will forget who our real enemy is, and blame Muslim communities instead.

That's right, it was a hate-filled, homophobic, white supremacist that shot up the rainbow. As Dreher deftly puts it, "In case you didn’t notice, Omar Mateen, an Afghani-American radical gay Muslim registered as a Democrat, was really a right-wing, gay-hating, white conservative. No, Black Lives Matter isn’t crazy at all."

A Typical Patriarchal White Supremacist

Sitting here, on a pile of ammunition crates, fishing rods, deadly assault rifles and Bob Geldof voodoo dolls, it strikes me that our discourse, in what's left of Western civilization, has become insane. There's something hellish about that.

Time to Texit,


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Gun Henge

Behold the power of the Mysticke Stones.

Will their earth energy deflect the power of .45 ACP and 5.56? Will Gaia shield the black silhouette from the evil pistols and deadly assault rifle? No, it will not.

Smoldering rubble.

Moral of the story, don't hide behind a cinderblock wall. The stones won't save you.

Gun rights,


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Don't be an Illuminati Shill, Shoot

There's nothing wrong with collecting guns. You can stare at them, lovingly, as they sit in their racks, gleaming in the Gun Room, and that's just fine. But the end or the telos of the gun is to hit a target with a bullet, moving with explosive energy and power. 

If guns aren't doing that they're not fulfilling their potential, which isn't fair on the firearm. With that in mind, I took BW, her friend T and some of the armory to Range #2.

You're Right Handed, BW

It was hot, no doubt about it, but that didn't stop us squaring up against the opposition under a fierce Texan sun that seemed to bleach everything with white light.  A Glock 21, Beretta PX4, AR 15 and a Ruger American .22 all fulfilled themselves, putting rounds down range and on target.

T Gauging The Enemy

T, who works for the Beretta Gallery in NYC, enjoyed shooting weapons that aren't generally available on the Island, and he shot well, taking to the violent and deadly .45s like a natural. He's a wing shooter on the Rainbow Hued East Coast (RHEC) and favors a classic double trigger, straight stock, side by side 20 gauge, for shooting pheasant and woodcock. I'm jealous of that gun and he's jealous of the freedom to shoot .45s and evil assault rifles. 

A Target

Are we even? No, because I can save up and buy the SxS. Sorry, T. rally 'round and vote the RHEC out of power, please. In fact, send the elite millionaire socialist leaders to jail while you're at it. The world will be a safer place.

A Typical Day in Texas

BW got in some practice on the Ruger and wanted to shoot left handed, which is odd, because she's right handed. That peculiar trend was put right, I think, and accuracy improved accordingly.

Shoot over, we headed back for home and some ice cold beer. And that's what it's all about, here at the Compound.

Shoot straight,