Saturday, September 16, 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023

So Who's Next?


So who's next, who will be the leader of our great Unconstitutional Non-Republic in 2024? Will it be Dementia Corpse Crook Biden? He can't even climb the steps to Airforce One, what a pathetic joke even though he is the most popular president figure in the history of history. Will it be Cackles Whore?  Everyone loves this Delta Minus Semi Moron, have a look.

I don't see it, but maybe Killery's going to make a comeback and go for total, absolute power one more time. Dammit, her turn. Unlikely, too much peaked, spent force type of thing, but maybe the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trump himself? 

Will he ascend the throne? I'd like it if he did, most awesome, but everything's against it apart from actual popularity and as we know, that doesn't count when it comes to elections.

Then there's Big Mike Michelle. Imagine it swooping in from leftfield from its Vineyard oceanfront mansion, perhaps on a Gruesome Newsom running mate tip. Just think, our very first POC trans woman President. Roll out victory rainbow flags all 'round the world for this bestial satan. 

But what about an RFK/Tulsi ticket? I call not a chance in Hell, but it'd be cool. Feel free to weigh in, I know nothing.





If you live in, say, Wales, Scotland or anywhere else in the UK you might get a bit fed up with rain, "Oh, look, it's raining again, like it always does." True enough, but here in Texas it's a whole different story, we want rain. And sure enough we got some, for two days running. What bliss.

After Morning Prayer on the porch it seemed good to go for a stroll in the deluge, and deluge it was as thunder rolled, dark, low clouds blew in from the West and rain crashed down from the sky. And there I was, grinning under an umbrella on the way to the Pick 'n Steal as day turned to night. 

Typical London Street Scene

The women at the PnS were caught up in the apocalyptic excitement of the thing too, fast-talking Mexican while they made up breakfast burritos on the sizzling griddle of the shop. It was like a party in there, all thanks to the rain, and I loved it.

I would have loved one of those burritos too, cheap and delicious, but settled for coffee in an RTIC 20 oz tumbler, which does the same thing as its Yeti equivalent for a fraction of the price, and headed back to the Compound. In the rain. Beautiful.

The skywater's stopped for now and humming birds hover about trumpet vine while swarms of iridescent green June Bugs fly low over the ground, and all is well. Our Weather Shamans tell us there'll be more rain tomorrow and this too is good.

Wake of the Flood,


Thursday, September 14, 2023

War Money And America's Future


Col. Douglas MacGregor writes in The American Conservative:

When Richard Nixon lost the election to John F. Kennedy, Nixon told supporters, “I know Jack Kennedy. He’s a patriot.” Nixon knew that the nation would be safe in President Kennedy’s hands.

Most Americans do not have the same confidence in President Biden. In April 2023, fewer than four in ten U.S. adults (37 percent) said they approved of Joe Biden’s job performance as president, with six in ten saying they disapproved. By a 2-to-1 margin, American voters now believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia. For the first time in 30 years, the U.S. Government’s interest payments on the sovereign debt equal defense spending. 

These revelations would shake the confidence of any White House, but there is much more for Washington and its NATO Allies to consider. Alleged efforts by the Department of State to freeze the conflict in Ukraine are dismissed out of hand in Moscow by every knowledgeable observer of the Russian government. In the absence of a freeze, Washington has no idea how to end the 600-day conflict. 


The astute and honorable Colonel concludes:

The Washington uniparty (corporate oligarchs, public health officials, mainstream media, social media, deep state agencies, academia, Hollywood, and an assortment of dubious international agencies like the UN/WHO/WEF) swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power. Whenever the armed forces were committed to action, a series of administrations were always ready to defer to ineffective, even failed, military commanders. 

Wasteful defense spending, excessive redundancy in capability, and resistance to badly needed change in force design and modernization are now revealing that the U.S. Armed Forces are ill-suited to modern high-end conventional warfare. The fighting in Ukraine demonstrates that Washington can no longer ignore the influence of geography, culture, and economics, all of which operate as constraints on the use of American military power. 

The age of abundant wealth and unconstrained defense spending is nearing its end. How Washington reacts to these realities will determine America’s future.


Wow. Reflect, readers, and I quote: "The Washington uniparty... swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power." I say again, invested trillions to advance globalization with US military power. Right in the X Ring, Colonel. And at what cost?

Beyond hideous. Hundreds of thousands dead over the last two decades and tens of thousands piling up in Ukraine every month, each one of them a mother's child. Beyond awful. So wherein lies the blame? MacGregor calls it, the DC Uniparty, that Man of Blood, intent on its enrichment at the psychotic expense of everything and everyone.

What amazes me is the way modern Leftists champion and cheer the killing machine, how blind they are to state agitprop. But perhaps I'm naive, maybe they were for this all along, see Lewis' Abolition of Man.



PS. Here's MacGregor chucking his monkey into the fight, via RHT:

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Check Out This Bloodthirsty Troon


Zhe spokespersyn for Ukraine's military is a US rainbow troon, famously. Here's what pre-op zhir had to say:

My, what a bloodthirsty, warlike troon! Gentle readers, I do hope you're following the Science. Like, totally and apart from chromosomes. But to the point, what an insult to the men on either side who've laid down their lives,  in their thousands, and to humanity in general. Behold this blood-soaked, killer troon.

You'll note that this murderous tranny hasn't fired a shot in its degenerate life. Maybe there'll be a reckoning. We can but hope.



Lest We Forget


Yes, Harambe. Never forget.

We're in favor of traditional liturgy, here at the Compound, and if you have to ask, "Where's the dam money?" we reply, "Up the monkey."



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Check it Out Kids


It must be so unicorn awesome to live in Democrat run cities like New York, Washington DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Here, check it out, Philadelphia:

Thanks be to Gaia they've all got access to trans bathtroons. But you know, it's all a drag queen larf  'til they pedo come for your kids. And guess what, that's exactly what they're doing. In the meanwhile, our cities are turning into zombie wastelands.

Your Best Pal,


Clean It Up


Here's the thing. It's great having a Compound, it really is, but they have this tendency to turn into Jungle Warfare Training Schools. Trees fall down, Trumpet Vine takes over, hedges go wild and before you know it the whole thing's a right mess. And that's a bad witness, so what to do?

Thank God a couple of good men from Mission #2 turn up with truck, trailer and industrial grade tools, not least a chainsaw. Slice that fallen pecan wood up, boys, and they did. So on we worked, clearing up the grounds.

One of the men founded Dallas SWAT and subsequently worked in local LE. His method? "Issue as few warrants as possible," ie, sort it out locally. What a good man and a great cop.

Thanks guys, the Compound's clean now,


Monday, September 11, 2023

Do Not Comply



Everyone knows that New Mexico's unhinged Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has banned concealed and open carry in Albuquerque and surrounding areas. Health Emergency apparently trumps constitutional rights or any other kind of rights, so welcome to tyranny, Albuquerque.

But here's the thing, you need people with guns, with force, to impose tyranny, crazed leftist despot Grisham et al, and who's that going to be? The police? Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen says no, he won't enforce this non-law and neither did cops when gun carrying protesters turned up in Iron Curtain Albuquerque today.



Well done police, and we all know unbalanced Grisham's not really about making our streets safe or even reducing crime in crime-ridden Albuquerque. No, criminals aren't going to disarm because an off-kilter, fraudulent, privileged, overblown Limo Lib legislator tells them to, obviously. This is clear. But will Grisham please zhir gun hating base? Most definitely, imagine their rainbow applause.

But let's cut to the chase. These people want control over us. Guns and the Constitution stand in their way along with the Founding Fathers, and so they want to get rid of both. 


I'll wager the fighting monkey against any eight of your priestesses that this will be an uneasy task. Do not comply.



Never Forget


Here's John Silber's commentary on Kipling's Gods of the Copybook Headingsvia LL:

If we have the courage to face reality, we will know and proclaim these harrowing truths: that the degenerate society consumed in pleasure-seeking will not survive (“the wages of sin is death”), that the society that will not defend its freedom will lose it (“stick to the Devil you know”), that a society that consumes more than it produces will go bankrupt (“if you don’t work, you die”). We ill serve ourselves and our children by preparing ourselves and them for a life of freedom and easy living that may never come and most certainly will never last. We had better prepare ourselves and them for reality—a reality that is infused with moral laws as surely as it is infused with physical laws; a reality in which there is no consumption without production, no freedom without defense, no self-fulfillment and no self-government without self-disciplined persons who govern themselves, persons who are capable of subordinating their desires long enough to achieve the conditions on which freedom and survival, and even pleasure, depend.


Never Forget,


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Let's Just Relax


Relax? Yes indeed, good Lord we all know we need it, and here's Ray Wylie Hubbard.

"Are you absolutely sure, LSP, can you claim this, are you not from the twin cities of Oxford and St. Petersburg?" Well yes, of course I am, via Denton, Texas. And does Texan ancestry count on your Mother's side, a bit like Judaism, perhaps? Of course it does.

That is all,