Monday, January 16, 2023

A Monday Shoot


It's a beautiful balmy morning in Texas, so what do you do? Retrieve a couple of rimfires from the bottom of the lake and go to the range. Would they work, for that matter would I still know how to shoot?

Two excellent questions, but first up, stop at McDonald's for two cheeseburgers, it's a range tradition, and I was astonished to see they'd gone down in price by 50 cents per psuedo-burger. Jubilate, perhaps this was an omen.

A short drive through the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone (NCTEZ) and there it was, the range, pretty much unchanged after all these years and full of memories of kids, friends, guns and big fun under Texan skies. Reverie over, I set up at the shooting house bench and tested a Ruger American .22 LR.

Mirabile dictu (enough Latin, Ed.), it worked, snapping shotgun shells off a swinging plate frame, knocking back mini steel plates and punching holes in paper like a veritable, ahem, blunderbuss. So that was all good and a vindication of very minor smithery on my part.

You see, my ancient Ruger magazines had reached the point where they no longer fed consistently, so I took the wretched beasts apart, tightened their springs and hoped for the best. Lo and behold, they worked, as did the rifle and its cheap 4 power scope. Result.

Next up, a Marlin .22 WMR with an annoyingly stiff, heavy, branchlike trigger. How did that perform? Not well at all, in fact hardly on paper, which was annoying because the miserable offender had been right in the X Ring last time I shot it, an aeon ago.

Maybe this rubbish ChiCom scope's busted, I thought grimly to myself as I calculated inches off target and 1/4 MOA clicks. You see, a bad workman blames his tools, but the tools ended up proving their worth and within a few clicks the Marlin was on and slamming mighty .22 Mag rounds into mini steels and all was well with the world.

I tell you, what a fun round, go .22 WMR. Is it better than .17 HMR? I don't know, but I'd hazard a dam sight less blowy. And Marlin, please sort out the ridiculously heavy trigger your otherwise excellent weapon comes equipped with. And perhaps they have, my rifle's a bit old.

Guns on, mission accomplished, it was time to head back to the Compound and cook up a rack of ribs in celebration. They're in the oven now.

Shoot straight,


Sunday, January 15, 2023

UK Tank Fleet


The UK presently has 227 Challenger II tanks and will soon have less. 148 of the current tank fleet will be upgraded to Challenger IIIs, with improvements to powerplant, gun, communications and targeting; a vaunted "digitization of the turret" will allow "us to deliver immense warfighting capabilities in battlespaces filled with a range of enemy threats".

So says UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, and perhaps he's right, we'll wait and see if these produced in Shropshire Rheinmetall engines of war produce the goods, all 148 of them. Pause for a moment and ask yourself if appx. halving the UKLF's tank fleet will "deliver immense warfighting capabilitities."

I'd argue no, it won't. This tiny hi-tech, complex, opposite of mass-producible force wouldn't last long on the battlefield and couldn't be replaced quickly enough to make up for inevitable losses. The Germans, when you think on it, had similar issues in WWII viz a vis the Tiger and Soviet T34s.

Immense warfighting capabilities? Or a so-called Conservative UKGOV gaslighting the nation on its defense while they continue to cut actual fighting strength to save money. Hey, all that welfare ain't cheap and odds on, we'll never have to fight another major conventional war again, ever. Right.

Look, moneylaundering variant

Odds on? I'll leave you to throw the dice, and Guinea on everyone's favorite monkey that Whitehall's cost cutting mandarins have backed the wrong dog. But that's as maybe. 

In the meanwhile, the UK's sending 14 of its 1998 vintage Challenger IIs to the Ukraine. Rishi Sunak's also sending 30 self-propelled guns to Zelensky. By way of context, the UK has 89 of these tracked howitzers.

Make of this what you will,


A Short Sunday Sermon


"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world," says John the Baptist of Christ. And so he is, the true Paschal Lamb, the definitive savior of God's people, whose blood shed on the cross in sinless sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin opens the gates of heaven to all who put their faith in him. Here indeed is a light to the nations who extends salvation to the ends of the earth.

Yes, the mystery of the cross and resurrection prefigured in the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan is now stated, but John doesn't stop there. The next day we see him standing with two of his disciples and as Jesus approaches he salutes him again, "Behold the Lamb of God!" The disciples then follow Jesus who turns to them and asks, "What seek ye?" They reply, "Where dwellest thou?" And he invites them to "come and see." They do, and stay with him that day. (Jn 1: 29-41)

Christ asks the same question of us, "What seek ye?" what are you after, what do you want? There's only one true answer, the soul finds no peace until it rests in the beatitude of God and this forces another question, where is he, the Paschal Lamb, to be found, where does he live?

Upon his throne of glory in heaven, for sure, and on earth? In his living Word, in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar and in the hearts of his faithful people. He lives in his body the Church, in which we find union with his sacrifice, the forgiveness of sins and a share in his risen life.

Be strong in that and confess with John's disciples, "We have found the Messiah."

Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that thy people, illumined by thy Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

God bless,


Saturday, January 14, 2023



Imagine if a vaccine you gladly took to give you immunity to a disease with a what, 0.01% fatality rate, didn't actually give you immunity to the not-so-deadly disease. And you justified this in your mind because Science. Smart or what.

Which fabled cleverness told you, yes, you can get the disease even though you're vaxxed, but it won't be fatal. Because vax immunity isn't a vax but it is a vax and the vaxxed will live and somehow protect other vaxxed people, because Science. 

Weird, isn't it, how scientific goal posts keep changing on this, to say nothing of what spike proteins do to your body. Whatever.

And right, it's all academic and pub friendly until your kid or your pal gets myocarditis or a stroke from the universal salvation vax. Then maybe you start to wonder. I mean as if, Big Pharma putting profit before people? 

Surely not and how totally absurd. Perhaps you've forgotten Thalidomide in your rush to embrace Government and its lab coated satrapy as your friend.

Stay safe,


It's A Gas


Have you heard of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)? Sure you have, they're the ones fixing to regulate gas stoves out of existence. Why? Because Science, obvs. Gas stoves, punters, are really harmful unless they're really taxed. Not unlike the Weather, when you think on it.

The until now unknown CPSC is headed up by Richard Trumka Jr., son of Richard Trumka, an illustrious union lawyer. Trumka Sr., advocate of the working man, died with a nifty socialist net worth of $6 million.

Nice money if you can make it and it probably helped with Junior's Cornell and Georgetown Law School fees. Who knows, it might even have propelled him to power in the hitherto unknown CPSC. Whatever the case, as of Thursday, Trumka the Younger was all about sorting out the gas stove scourge.

"All options are on the table," said li'l Trumpka to the benighted Bloomberg on Thursday, after Democrat lawmakers including AOC petitioned him to rid the nation of gas stove evil. Get rid of it, they argued, regulate it to death so that we can live, because Science. No more gas stoves for you, you 76 million polluters of your home environment.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, namesake of the illustrious conqueror of Mexico, is a fan of gas stoves and uses one in her ritzy rental. La Malinche was swift to defend zhirself:

Science evolves and gives us new knowledge with time. There is very concerning science about some of the emissions from gas stoves, especially around the cognitive development of young children, asthma, cancer, etcetera.

This is about a decision about what may be sold and regulations in the far future, OK? So everyone, just take the temperature down a little bit. No secret government agency is going to bust down your door and take your gas stove away.


No secret government agency is going to bust down your door. Quite. The repellent and beastly CPSC has backed down from its inane MillSoc threat to take our gas stoves away, and I'll be honest, I want one, always have. They're just better to cook on and now I want one even more.

Come and bake it,


Friday, January 13, 2023

Let's Relax - With Traffic


Right on, eh? See you at the Cav & Guards.




What's with all the blackface going on these days? Like we're living in some kind of postwar musical? Good Lord, we've got Justine Trudeau masquerading as a Moor. Kyrie Eleison, why?

And Talcum X, great civil rights leader of our time

And Rachel Dolezal. Black as the Ace of Spades, except she isn't.

Now this. Nibiiwakamigkwe, real name Kay LeClair, has been running around presenting zhirself as an American Indian, a queer one no less. Quite the Rainbow Hiawatha, but the problem is Kay's white, she's no more "indigenous peoples" than I am.

But what am I saying. My Great Grandfather was part Cherokee, Oklahoma, and looked it too. He blamed everything on the Communists and loved Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth. He was surely right on the former if wrong in the latter.

In the meanwhile we've got these mountebanks parading about pretending they're black. I'd call that racist, but perhaps you disagree with the logic of the Compound?

Your Best Pal,


Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Smoke Of Satan


Well look at this. A man with a beard pretending to be a woman, who's pretending to be a Christian, in a church dedicated to a God he doesn't believe in. And that's just it, people pretending to be something they don't believe in anyway. It's a very grave and blasphemous mockery, to put it politely.

Do you think, gentle readers, that God can be mocked and scorned with impunity, any more than reality itself can be? Of course not, impudent, self-willed, delusional, satanic pride always crashes on the rock of that which is, He who is. Go on, try it yourself and see if I'm not right.

In the meanwhile, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church, watched on in this instance by what appears to be a junior Elton John. Is it an Episcopal Church? Looks like it and if so, once an Anglo-Catholic church, note the Crucifix on the table masquerading as an Altar.

I tell you, they heap burning coals upon their heads.


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Ost Front


The Russkies have taken Soledar, in Mosul, Fallujah style. What can we say, all hail Wagner, and let's see how this develops. Probably in a Bakhmut kind of way. Regardless, and food for thought.

Has anyone ever underestimated Russia? Napoleon and Hitler, I'm looking at you. Just a thought. In the meanwhile, pray hard for the boys on both sides of the meat grinder. Pray harder still for the dark souls who sent them there.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Truth About Prince Harry


Just leaving it out there,


Aaaand It's Gone


What's gone? Oh, just the super critical life saving vax mandate for members of our Armed Forces. And that's really weird. Just a few weeks ago you had to get the vax if you were serving because otherwise you'd die from Covid and "operational preparedness" would be ruined.

Uh huh. I won't bang on but what an utter crock. Too bad for you if you were one of the over 8000 troops who were axed on the altar of political profit expediency. Will they be reinstated? Don't hold your breath but who knows, maybe these vax criminals will be called up to defend our beloved leaders in a general draft.

you filthy mountebank

I mean for goodness sake, it's all hands on deck when it comes to defending money laundering in Eastern Europe and 10% to the Big Guy. By the way, my eldest nearly died from the J&J jab in Korea, not kidding.

Yours disgustedly,


Resist Antichrist


Pope Benedict XVI feared the Antichrist was expanding his power and wrote this in a letter in 2015, “As one sees the power of Antichrist spreading, one can only pray that the Lord will give us mighty shepherds to defend His Church against the power of evil in this hour of need.”

Mighty shepherds to defend His Church. Yes indeed. Benedict also wrote this, via Rod Dreher:

The true threat for the Church, and thus for the Petrine service, does not come from this sort of episode: It comes instead from the universal dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies. Anyone who contradicts this dictatorship is excluded from the basic consensus of society. One hundred years ago, anyone would have thought it absurd to speak of homosexual matrimony. Today those who oppose it are socially excommunicated. The same holds true for abortion and the production of human beings in the laboratory. Modern society intends to formulate an anti-Christian creed: Whoever contests it is punished with social excommunication. Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural, and what is truly needed is that the prayers of entire dioceses and of the world Church come to the rescue to resist it.


Imagine, if you can, any leader of Western Christianity, whether Protestant or Catholic, saying such a thing with such force. Was Benedict forced into retirement? Picture the roiling of the rainbow-hued snakes as he ascended to the pontificate. Yes indeed, a problem, and the solution?

Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural, and what is truly needed is that the prayers of entire dioceses and of the world Church come to the rescue to resist it.

Do not fear,