Saturday, December 14, 2019


Everyone knows Satan's not happy with the current crop of imbeciles, misfits, malfeasants and malcontents that have risen up to lead his party. Perhaps this will change things. Here's the former First Lady coming clean on Ellen:

I don’t want to hide it anymore. Joanne Rivers put it out there and why should we try to suppress her words when she was only trying to help me.
Look at my shoulders. Look at my hands. Look at my goddamn Adam’s apple! We are people too. You have no idea what it’s like having a bigger p**** than Barry. That’s something he and I, mainly he… struggles with almost every night of the week.

Will Michelle swoop out of literal leftfield and save the floundering, do nothing, leaderless, lying, phony, hypocritical, elite, corrupt Democrats from their existential crisis? Will a literal tranny save them or would it be another, ahem, senior statesperson.

Don't say the Devil rides out,


Virginia Gun Ban Buffoon

Check Out The Blackface Buffoon in The Plaid Slacks

As reported by Virtual Mirage the Old Dominion's famous blackface comedian, Governor Northam is all about confiscating Virginians' deadly assault rifles and firearms with the especially lethal "thumbhole stock." Yes, to say nothing of guns with detachable magazines, flash hiders, muzzle breaks, folding stocks and all the rest.


You can't have those, proposes the utterly not racist Northam who isn't a paid shill of multimillionaire presidential candidate Bloomberg. But not to worry Virginians, the same Governor who delights in appalling plaid trousers, partial birth abortion and blackface will let existing deadly assault rifle owners keep their weapons as long as they register them with the police. 

Pink Shirt Buffoon

Some Virginians, make that a lot, aren't too happy about this and promise to disobey Governor Blackface Abortion's new laws. This includes sheriffs and local government who say they'll become 2nd Amendment "sanctuaries." You know, just like those cities which refuse to obey federal immigration law but for guns, not members of MS 13.

By way of response congressman Donald McEachin (D-VA), who's really black unlike his leader, threatened his culturally inappropriate Governor might have to call in the National Guard to enforce the new gun ban.

Killer Buffoon

Major General Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia and head of the Dominion's National Guard responded on social media, "We understand and respect the passion people feel for the U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights. We will not speculate about the possible use of the Virginia National Guard."

OK, don't speculate but we will. You've got another think coming, libs, if you think Virginian soldiers are going to shoot their brothers and sisters for exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. Don't even go there.

Bought And Paid For Buffoon

And as for you, so-called "Northam," you're a risible, two-bit, bought and paid for shill of the globalist New World Order. Yes, weighed in the balance and found wanting. Let's see how your policies play out in the ballot box, much less the fire fight you seem intent on bringing down on your head, baby killing buffoon.

One step closer to balkanization and Civil War? Hope not but surely one more foot over the line into idiocracy. Well done, Democrats.

For CN, Sic Semper Tyrannis,


Friday, December 13, 2019

Land Of Hope And Glory

This inspiring tune's in honour of Brexit and the crushing defeat suffered by the rainbow Left and their billionaire, transnational elite, bankster paymasters.

You'd better deliver, Johnson.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Vulture Capitalist Scum

Ever wondered why rural America is pretty much a wiped out, dystopian catastrophe? Check out Tucker, who nails it, imo.

And this is for you, leftists. 45's at least saying he's going to sort this out by bringing jobs and industry back to the country, and so improve the lot of everyday citizens. 

Your compelling recipe, on the other hand, is this. Force every school in the land to have transgender toilets and free puberty blockers. And lest we forget, bye-bye statues of General Lee.

That's as risible as it's pathetic. Don't think the nation's fooled.

MAGA 2020,


A Glorious Revolution

Results are coming in  but Boris Johnson's Tories are on track for a massive win in today's General Election, with Comrade Corbyn's Islington socialists and Jo Swinson's Liberal Democrats heading for crushing defeats in the polls.

Labour's "Red Wall" in the North, Wakefield, Grimsby, Workington, Darlington, Redcar, Sedgefield, Scunthorpe and on, all Tory. Lib Dems wiped out, with Swinson herself, the once and not so future Prime Minister losing her seat along with loathesome traitors like Anna Soubry and Chuka Umunna.

What happened? Great Britain looked Marxism, identity politics and the bureaucrats in Brussels in the face and voted no. It voted for sovereignty and the people, call it a second Brexit referendum if you like. More than that, it's a smackdown delivered to the transnational, globalist elite asset-strippers and their useful rainbow idiocracy.

That in mind, tomorrow belongs to BoJo. He'll have a mandate to get the UK out of the clutches of the Beast and he'd better deliver.

Looking forward to that.

Rule Britannia,


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Yuletide Street Art

Here at the Compound we like to think of ourselves as patrons of the Arts, which is why we're delighted to showcase this new installation, "Yuletide."

"It's like a dream I had, of Detroit," gushed one visitor to the gallery, "That I'm lost somewhere scary with junkies, hookers, winos and burning oil drums."

What a terrifying dream!



Monday, December 9, 2019

IG Report

I don't watch TV, much less the abhorrent, faux conservative Fox but Tucker sure knocks it out of the ball park. 

There's many takeaways from this awesome video, but I enjoy "like endlessly barking dogs" and "in 2019 being a progressive means taking the side of bureaucrats with guns."

Right. Because it's so leftist progressive to back the FBI to the hilt of your tofu smoothie. Leaving aside the remarkable hypocrisy and lies of the Left, it looks like the gloss is coming off our Deep State, Illuminati machinery. Let's see what Durham and Barr have to offer. 

Indictments, please,


Fish Till Your Arms Ache

Today was beautiful in this part of Texas, slightly misty but warm, like an autumnal Spring. Such is Fall in Hill County, season of mists and mellow respite from having to turn on the AC. Pleased by this happy turn in the War on Weather I drove to the dam in search of fish.

Idea being to replicate last week's success against the fluid adversary and get out in the clean air, rod in hand, which is exactly what happened. First cast, up came a baby bass, then perch, followed by baby striper, followed by decent sized drum, followed by young catfish.

OK, the fish weren't as big as the ones I would've caught with a boat, granted, but there were plenty of rod-benders, tug, pull, snap and here we go, battle on. What a lot of fun, to say nothing of the tranquility of the sound of the water coming gently off the dam in the rare moments of peace between strikes.

And on it went 'til I lost count and a fierce wind blew in from Waco, exciting the immature catfish but making it hard to cast. Throw out your line and watch it go horizontal in the gale, type of thing, so I packed up and headed for home.

On the way back over the bridge a vulture dive bombed the rig, like an avian Stuka or feathered Richtofen. No kidding, I thought the thing was going to hit the truck, first time that's ever happened.

In other news, you can read about the looming threat of war between Greece and Turkey here. And while you're at it, consider how good it would be to see Sultan Erdogan sink beneath the waves of the Med in Lepanto 2.0 and Hagia Sophia restored to its glory.

Fish till your arms ache,


Saturday, December 7, 2019


"What do you think of NATO?" The hippy paused over his lathe, "Tell me what it is and maybe I'll join." Ha ha. But seriously, what's the point of the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization now that we're in the 70th year of its existence.

To defend against the armored Soviet horde rolling into Europe and enforcing socialism? To stop sinister Bolshevik radicals from Moscow banning Christianity and replacing the time-hallowed customs, the foundational mores of the West with a godless utopia replete with gulags?

Hardly, that threat died some time ago. Russia has the GDP of the great state of Texas and you can argue Soviet armor didn't have to roll into Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy to achieve the desired result. Put simply, the commies won without a shot and cultural Marxism waxes strong in what was once the heartland of Christendom.

The "bourgeois claptrap" of the family? Pretty much ended. Atheism? Ascendant. Forced redistribution of wealth? Tick. Art and architecture debased to reflect a new outlook, humanity freed from the oppressive constraints of beauty, truth and goodness. Double tick. And on.

Point being, why should America, still a predominately Christian country, spend a dime to defend these ironically led by billionaires, socialist countries in Europe. Why, what's the threat, that a Russian battlegroup will steam into Germany and tell everyone that there's two sexes, governed by biology?

Or who knows, that evil Putin-sponsored cyber spies will infect everyone's Facebook accounts to the point where we think countries should have borders and maybe, just maybe we should go to church and worship God?

Quelle unbelievable, awful horror.

Imagine, a Russian Shock Army charges across the start line and what's to stop it, the 1st Transgenders Macronne Green? And so what. Why should we pay a single cent to defend these commies that hate us?

Far better, surely, to concentrate on the real threat which is China or do we see ourselves as an occupying army? Serious question.

Your Friend,