Saturday, March 18, 2017

Woman At The Well

In tomorrow's Gospel we hear the remarkable story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Consider the narrative's apocalyptic aspect.

At the sixth hour Christ meets the Harlot at the well and confronts her infidelity with truth. Likewise, at the sixth hour, Pilate condemns Christ, and the followers of the False Prophet Caiaphas write the mark of the Beast on their foreheads saying, "We have no king but Caesar!" Again, at the sixth hour, darkness fell over the land as Jesus was crucified and Antichrist triumphs, for a time.

The woman at the well, curiously, is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Church and is believed to have witnessed before Nero, a type of the Antichrist, before her eventual martyrdom. 

God bless,


Fish Soldier's Bluff

Well. I didn't follow my own advice and watch Leprechaun, awesome though it is, and I didn't drink any Guinness, annoyingly. But I did go to Soldier's Bluff after Evening Prayer in search of fish.

It was a bust at first and I thought it'd stay that way. Then, as the bright sun started to go down, the fish started nibbling and then biting. Out came 5 Blue Gill and one small Bass in short order. Good result.

Apart from the excitement of catching the small but feisty fish, it was simply good to get out in the open air and enjoy the view of the lake from the bank. 

I gave my left over worms to some kids, I hope they caught something, and you can view excerpts from the adventure at, ahem, Incredible Video!

Fish on,


Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Here at the Compound we wish you all the best for a great St. Patrick's Day. Get yourself a pint of Guinness and watch Leprechaun or President Trump and Angela Merkel and ask yourself who's more frightening, Merkel or the demonic leprechaun?

Or do none of these things, it's up to you, there's no "rule." But on a serious note, what happens to Merkel's Germany and the rest of Europe when Erdogan's Turks and associated Muslims outbreed everyone else?

Of course feminists would like that because then they'd be forced to wear Burkas and Hijabs, be beaten by their husbands and stoned for adultery; if they were lucky they might even be allowed to drive. And here's a thought, for what it's worth.

Nature abhors a vacuum, spiritual as well as physical. Given the de facto capitulation of the Western Churches to pietized secularism, where will people turn? To the Crescent? Perhaps they won't have much of a choice when they're in a minority. Then again, to quote GKC, history has a way of cheating the prophet(s).



Thursday, March 16, 2017

YETI Rambler Review

Some of the three or four people that follow this kebab stand on the information superhighway may have noticed that I couldn't afford a gun at Ray's gunshop in Dallas the other day, so I bought a mug, the YETI Rambler, 20 oz Tumbler. What's it like?

Mine came in handsome brushed steel with a clear plastic top, complete with YETI embossed across the bottom of the mug. So far so good, what an attractively designed brushed steel tumbler. Here's the marketing:

With the Rambler 20 oz. Tumbler, your beverages will stay ice cold or piping hot longer. We over-engineered these double-wall insulated tumblers with an 18/8 stainless steel body, which means your drink still keeps its temperature no matter how much of a beating this cup takes...
All to say, these Ramblers Tumblers are the colored YETI cups that will keep your drink cold (or hot) until the very last sip.

And the verdict? The YETI Rambler 20 oz Tumbler actually works and kept my coffee "piping hot" for ages. Excellent, what a great mug, but I have a bone to pick with YETI. Can the Rambler really keep my drink's temperature regardless of the beating I give the cup? In other words, is the YETI Rambler well nigh indestructible? We'll find out in the next YETI Rambler review. Perhaps an axe will be deployed, wait and see.

In the meanwhile, all you lesser travel mugs, move over for the YETI Rambler. It will keep your drink cold or hot, for a long, long time and costs between $19 and $30.

Get one, if you like,


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

University of Minnesota Enters Androgynous Hive Mind

The University of Minnesota is no longer a place of learning for young men and women but is now part of the Androgynous Hive Mind (AHM).

The shift from a human university, with men and women, to an androgynous hive mind construct, was signaled by the U of M abolishing the terms "King" and "Queen" from the school's annual homecoming celebrations. According to new hive mind directives, top students will now be known as Sexless Royals, or "SRs."

"Binary sexuality has no place in the Hive Mind," explained one university administrator, "This change to having SRs allows the University to select the best student representatives for the U of M based on campus and community involvement — regardless of gender, which doesn't exist in the AHM."

The decision to enter the Androgynous Hive Mind was taken by top university officials who believed the school was "limited" by gender identity. 

“We are excited about this change,” said the U of M's marketing spokesmind, “Our student body is made up of a very diverse population that shouldn’t be limited by gender identity. Other colleges, universities and even high schools have made similar changes and are now part of the Androgynous Hive Mind. Soon there will be no more men or women, only sexless drones, doing the will of the Hive." 

Hail the Hive!


Tuesday, March 14, 2017


I'm sure that the small handful of you that read this international mind blog will be fascinated to know that  I drove across Dallas to see the dentist and get a post operation check up. Was the oral horror story heading in the right direction?

Apparently yes, thank God, and big thanks to the tooth puller for a generous clergy discount. In related news, the GOP is trying to work out some alternative to the hated, despised and useless Obamacare. Why didn't they have something in place and ready to go? Perhaps they weren't planning on winning the election.

Speaking of which, Geert Wilders is having a go in Holland. Let's see how that plays out. 

Keep your teeth in,


Church of England Death Spiral?

Gavin Ashenden comments on the withdrawal of Bishop North from the Diocese of Sheffield, and the secular left's monopoly of power in the venerable but shrinking Church of England. Has the parasite fatally wounded its host?

The Philip North crisis has shown us what the end game always was. The monopoly of a sub-Christian, neo-Arian, power-driven heterodoxy that was infuriated by Christian orthodoxy.
The golden rule for the parasite is not to kill the host, just to weaken it and live off it. The vulnerability of +Philip North proved too tempting a target, and the progressives struck too soon and too hard. It may prove to be that they have fatally wounded their host, the Church of England.
Since it has become clear that orthodox Christians will not be allowed the privilege of following their consciences, living out biblical paradigms and challenging the secular culture from within the Church of England, they will either have to adopt a separate orthodox jurisdiction of their own, or leave. The jury is out on which the faithful will choose.

You can read the whole thing at Anglican Ink.

Good luck, CofE.

Your Pal,


Monday, March 13, 2017

Jail Time!

It started off as a normal armed stroll to the local Pick 'n Steal, the famous Shamrock filling station that's founded by Irishmen and run by Nepalese. I like to walk the dog and get a coffee, it's like a ritual.

All went well, at first. I tethered the dog, got a coffee and paused to check my emails. Nothing unusual about that. Then BOOM. A Fedex guy strolled past the dog, close, and Blue Protector darted out and nipped his ankles, then darted back to heel.

Fedex man started howling and carrying on like he was about to sue the Svhamrock for a million bucks and never have to work again. He even had his trouser leg up, exposing a shin and a cowboy boot. The shin was slightly grazed.

"He bit me!" moaned Fedex while attempting to cry. I resisted the urge to ask how Blue Fang could have grazed his shin while nipping at his cowboy booted heels and asked if I could help. He didn't think I could.

Then the police arrived, two Tahoes worth, thank you very much, and an animal services pickup. I guess the desperately wounded Fedex dialed them in. Blue ended up getting busted and sent to gaol for 10 days, while they work out if he has rabies.

I wasn't expecting that outcome when I set off for the Shamrock. You can watch a recap of this remarkable adventure on video, here.

Mind how you go,


Melania Mondays!

Some people don't like Mondays, they want to shoot the whole day down. But we're here to change that, bringing you another uplifting installment in the popular series, Melania Mondays! So what's Melania been up to?

She's been rising in the polls, for a start. According to the left-leaning very fake news network, CNN, Melania has risen in the polls by 16 points since her husband's inauguration. That's right, 52% of Americans view the First Lady favorably as opposed to 36% at the inauguration.

However, according to the Clinton News Network, which unashamedly boosted Hillary in the election while pretending to be non-partisan and objective, Melania is less popular in her first year than Michelle Obama, who scored a whopping 93% approval with Democrats and 50% approval from Repubulicans.

As we saw in the election, false polls put forward by the corrupt, lying, elite media shouldn't be believed. All of them predicted a massive Trump loss. All of them were proved massively mistaken.

So here at the Compound we urge you to take CNN's statistics with more than a grain of salt. Michelle Obama, more popular than Melania?

Don't be absurd.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

US Air Force Goes Snowflake

Already famous for it's diversity and inclusion strategies, the US Air Force has now gone full snowflake, at least at Lackland Air Force base, where a senior officer has banned a list of bad words. 

Following the example of Cardiff Met, the following words are now forbidden:

You People
Sounds Greek to me
Blondes have more fun
Too many chiefs, not enough Indians

Lackland AFB is in San Antonio, Texas, a state which is home to an estimated 125,000 transsexuals. How many of these are employed by the Air Force is presently unclear.

Carry on,


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fiend From The Pit

It's common knowledge that exorcisms are on the rise and no wonder, what with the popularity of satanism and associated occultist skulduggery. How many of our ruling elite, like the Podestas, are involved? Some? Many?

Whatever the case, I thought I'd have to cast out an evil spirit at 6.30 am this morning, when Blue Malefactor began to bark like a fiend from the Pit. I wasn't too happy about that.

It rained later, just in time for the trip down I35 to the country compound. Great sheets of water fell from the sky, turning the highway into a kind of storm tossed canal for cars. Then, somewhere near Waxahachie, the rain stopped and the sun broke through the clouds. Beautiful.

They say that if you collect water in cisterns during the rainy part of the year, in Texas, you'll have water for the entire year. I could believe that, given the ferocity of the rain when it does fall and, given the stability of civilization, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in a secure water supply.

Prep On,


He Will Not DivideUs! Hunt, Capture and Aftermath

Millionaire Socialist Shia LaBeouf could run, but he could not hide from /pol/. Follow the epic saga of the hunt for the enemy flag, it's capture, replacement and the aftermath. 

As you do, bask in the warm glow of Shia's ignominious defeat.


Praise Kek!