Thursday, March 2, 2017

Glitter Ash

Just when you thought Western religion couldn't get any gayer , along comes Glitter Ash. That's right, Glitter Ash, instead of the cis gendered, heteronormative oppression ash which churches typically use on Ash Wednesday. But don't take my word for it, here's Parity, describing the thinking behind Glitter Ash.

Ashes are a statement that death and suffering are real.Glitter is a sign of our hope, which does not despair.Glitter signals our promise to repent, to show up, to witness, to work.Glitter never gives up -- and neither do we.

Glitter signals our promise to repent. Unh hunh, sure, all the way to the nearest disco. Parity continues.

Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief, blending symbols of mortality and hope, of penance and celebration. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a season of repentance. During Lent, Christians look inward and take account in order to move forward with greater health. At this moment in history, glitter ashes will be a powerful reminder of St. Augustine’s teaching that we cannot despair because despair paralyzes, thwarting repentance and impeding the change that we are called to make.

Oh yeah, right, of course. Next time you see some dude wandering around wearing leather chaps and no trousers, with some glitter on his forehead, think of St. Augustine. And repentance, obviously.

Glitter+Ash exquisitely captures the relationship between death and new life. We do not live in fear of ash - of death - we place it on our foreheads for the world to see. 
How very beautiful. Glitter Ash is incredibly gay a symbol of resurrection and new life in the midst of death, as opposed to being an exercise in degenerate, narcissistic exhibitionism.

You can get your Glitter Ash here when it's back in stock.



Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Here we are again at the beginning of Lent and that's usually the Compound's cue to unleash TS Eliot's poem, Ash Wednesday. But here's something new, an excerpt from a sermon by the late Fr. Crouse.

In the Scriptures for last Sunday, Quinquagesima, the Lenten theme was brought to still more perfect clarity, with Jesus’ announcement to the twelve: “Behold we go up to Jerusalem.” That is the central theme of Lent. We go up to Jerusalem with Jesus, to witness there the almighty charity of God in the Passion of his Son, and to be transformed by that same charity. As with the blind beggar by the road to Jericho, in that Gospel lesson, the blind eyes of our faith are to be opened to the glory of his sacrifice, and, as St. Paul told us on the Epistle lesson, that charity, that obedient, self-giving love, that steadfast, clear-sighted willing of the good, which is manifest in Calvary, is to be the substance of our own new life, the very essence of our spiritual maturity, the good and honest heart, the very habit of life of heaven, without which – whatever our gift, our struggles and achievements – we are “nothing worth”; just “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal”, just noisy nonsense.
The Scripture lessons for those weeks of preparation have shown us the meaning, and the character, and the urgency of the pilgrimage of Lent. Now it remains only to undertake it, and today’s lessons urge us to do just that; with penitence for our wickedness and carelessness and double-mindedness; with a discipline which is not just external forms, but the inner discipline of mind and heart; striving not for worldly self-improvement, but for the treasure of eternal good. It is only by earnest, and persistent, and sometimes painful discipline that we are weaned from mindless conformity to worldly ends, and find that renewal of the mind which is spiritual freedom and maturity. That liberation is what Lent is all about. “Behold we go up to Jerusalem.” There is our treasure, in the charity of God, and there must our hearts be also.

I find that helpful, you can read the whole thing here.

God bless,


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

US Army Goes Full Dhimmwit

Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz is set to become the Army's first Muslim divisional chaplain when he's promoted this summer. Shabazz is doubtlessly an excellent officer and man of the highest integrity but why is he being made a divisional chaplain?

Because the 14,000 men under his spiritual guidance are mostly Muslim? Because he's going to be chaplain to America's famous "Fighting Prophets"? Our notoriously aggressive Islamic strike force? No, America doesn't have a Muslim division and there is no Mohammedan unit called the Fighting Prophets and Shabazz's division is mostly made up of Christians.

So how is a Muslim, who categorically denies the central tenets of the faith of his men, going to minister to them spiritually? For that matter, might there be a conflict of interest when fighting your coreligionists in, say, Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria? Shabazz, to his credit, hints at the dissonance:

“In combat, it was tough. You’re trying to establish Muslim service and you’re in a Muslim country fighting against Muslims. The young Muslim soldiers could come in and do jumaa (prayers) and be assured that somebody is listening to them. You hold guys in your arms and they’re crying and saying, ‘Thank you.’”

I'm sure Shabazz, who was called Michael Barnes before he became a Muslim, is a great chaplain, but how can a Muslim effectively minister to the spiritual needs of Christians whose faith he denies? Perhaps in Armyland all religions are the same and Islam is a religion of peace. 

Or, roughly translated, the US Army goes full dhimmwit.

There are apparently 6000 Muslims in the Army. What could possibly go wrong.

ISIS laughs,


Read more here:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Melania Mondays!

Here we are again, bringing you, the reader, another uplifting installment of Melania Mondays! and we're pleased to present this picture of America's glamorous First Lady, submitted by a well known member of the intelligence community. Here she is, looking studious.

Studious Melania

What else has Melania been up to, when she's not working hard at the desk, suing malefactors and making America great again?

Governor's Ball Melania

Not going to the millionaire socialist, slap-on-the-back-fest Oscars, that's for sure. Instead the popular presidential consort was hosting the Governor's Ball in DC and looking good. All in pleasant contrast to previous First Ladies.

First Lady

Well done, Melania, keep it up!


Who's Killing Russians?

Coincidence? Via Zerohedge:

Six Russian diplomats have died in the last 60 days. As Axios notes, all but one died on foreign soil. Some were shot, while other causes of death are unknown. Note that a few deaths have been labeled "heart attacks" or "brief illnesses."

You can read the rest here.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Seems Like A Typical Witch To Me

Lena Del Rey is all about casting spells against our President, Donald Trump. That's because she's a witch. Witches use magic to get things, in this case, the overthrow of an elected President because he's against high taxes, no borders and Islamic terrorism. 

Looking Good, Lynn, How's That Pact Workin' Out?

He's also against globalism, too, unlike Hillary, Lynn de Rothschild and Tony Blair. The witches didn't protest and cast spells against Lynn and her friends. Why would that be?

Witch Way, Magicke Sister?

Are their eyes wide shut? And, for what it's worth, since when was it fascist for a country to have borders, seriously, since when?

A Typical Globalist Party

Since the billionaire satanists took over the narrative? While you ponder that, check out this email chain. What "penance" does Hillary owe LdR, apart from being a rube in the house of Luciferian wealth and power.

Out demons, out,



"Christ, like the sun, too bright to look upon, reveals his luminous power." Austin Farrer 

Today, in St. Matthew's Gospel, we witness the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor where, for a moment, Jesus' divine radiance, the light that shines in the darkness, is revealed to Peter, James and John.

Peter babbles, understandably, until he's cut short by the voice of the Father, "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him." Rather than listen to my babbling, here's a poem by Malcolm Guite:

For that one moment, ‘in and out of time’,
On that one mountain where all moments meet,
The daily veil that covers the sublime
In darkling glass fell dazzled at his feet.
There were no angels full of eyes and wings
Just living glory full of truth and grace.
The Love that dances at the heart of things
Shone out upon us from a human face
And to that light the light in us leaped up,
We felt it quicken somewhere deep within,
A sudden blaze of long-extinguished hope
Trembled and tingled through the tender skin.
Nor can this blackened sky, this darkened scar
Eclipse that glimpse of how things really are.

I like that.

God bless,


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Water Is Sacred But You Are Trash

It starts off innocently enough, at least on the surface. A few hundred hippies in a field saying no to a pipeline and pretending they're Red Indians. And why do hippies always like to imagine they're cowboys and Indians? 

Whatever, there they are in a field in Dakota, building wigwams, making bead jewelry, chanting "water is sacred", there's a little dancing, some petty thieving, the usual. Then more hippies find out about the freak camp and turn up for the action.

The Indians aren't too pleased about this, partly because the hippies are stealing all their food and also because the freaks are trashing the land with their garbage. Think 10,000 hippies, if you dare, and you'll get the picture. Not nice and it gets worse.

Before you know it, Susan Sarandon appears. Sarandon's 85 years old but looks younger because of hippy magic, but even magic can't take care of the waste of thousands of hippies who have fallen on the land like a plague of filthy locusts.

Finally the plug's pulled on the NoDAPL protest leaving 250 truckloads of trash to be removed from the site before it contaminates the local water supply, and authorities are searching for dead bodies amidst the garbage.

Moral of the story? Apart from drill, drill, drill, never, ever, let hippies onto your land. They'll destroy it. The same goes for Susan Sarandon. For detailed analysis see here.

Your Old Pal,


Who Pays ISIS Terrorists?

So who pays the head chopping, suicide bombing ISIS savages? If you're UK citizen and ISIS terrorist, Abu Zakariya al-Britani, real name Ronald Fiddler, that would be the UK taxpayer, who paid the terrorist £1 million.

Ronald Fiddler

Fiddler, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Jamal Udeen-al-Harith in 1994, was captured by US forces in Afghanistan in 2001 and imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay in 2002. Following lobbying by the UK's left leaning Blair administration, Fiddler was released in 2004. He was later awarded £1 million for wrongful imprisonment.

Fiddler Cooks Off

The aptly named Fiddler, ISIS name Abu Zakariya al-Britani, then proceeded to travel to Syria in 2014 and, earlier this week, blow himself up in a suicide attack on a Syrian army outpost.

This is what the UK's Home Secretary, David Blunkett, had to say about Fiddler and two other Guantanamo returnees on their release, "No one who is returned… will actually be a threat to the security of the British people." 

Blair & Blunkett

It's a good thing that Fiddler didn't cook off in downtown Birmingham, Manchester or London, but not so good for the soldiers he killed in Syria. Here's a thought.

All you relatives of the people al-Britani Fiddler killed and wounded, get lawyered up and sue Blair and Blunkett. After all, the blood shed by this Moslem fanatic is on their hands.

Barack Obama

According to the Gateway Pundit, of 653 persons released from Guantanamo, 196 are confirmed or suspected to have returned to terrorism. Maybe their victims should sue Barack Obama who notoriously lied that "only a handful" of detainees had returned to killing people in the name of Allah.

The New Feminism

In the meanwhile...

ISIS laughs.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Shoot The Glock

So you get up, shower, say your prayers, walk the dog and buy a coffee from the local pick 'n steal, then you visit the sick; congratulations, you're on task, but what next?  Get out in the field and shoot, obviously.

I chose a Glock 21 because I like it, you might favor another weapon, like a .357 Magnum and that's fine. There's no rule. 

Targets were simple. A steel turkey at around 50 yards, steel plates at 25 and a Gatorade bottle wherever I felt like putting it. Fine, but did I still know how to shoot? Good question.

In the end, yes, but it took about half a box of cheap Federal .45 ACP to get back in the swing of things. BOOM. Tink. Down goes the turkey and BOOM, take that, Gatorade bottle as you fly through the air. The steel plates met their match too, once I'd warmed up. Boom, tink, swing.

Satisfying and, for me at least, exciting. There's something about the explosive power of a handgun that gets the adrenaline up, big fun. Still, if you plan on hitting your target you'd better practice. I reminded myself of that today.

Of course all this is banned in England, but not to worry, Brits. Nanny State will protect you.

Gun rights,


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Maybe Magic Will Stop Trump

Hillary couldn't stop him, the lying, corrupt, elitist media couldn't stop him, all the expert pundits from around the world couldn't stop him, so now it's time for the left to to try something new. Who knows, maybe magic will stop Donald Trump!

With that in mind, optimistic witches and wizards from across America are set to perform a magic "binding spell" on the President tomorrow, February 24, at Midnight. Here's an excerpt from the magic ritual:

(Light white candle)

Hear me, oh spirits
Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
Heavenly hosts
Demons of the infernal realms
And spirits of the ancestors

(Light inscribed orange candle stub)
I call upon you
To bind
Donald J. Trump
So that he may fail utterly
That he may do no harm
To any human soul
Nor any tree
or Sea

Pretty neat, eh? That'll get Trump, just the way the hippies managed to levitate the Pentagon with their magic powers. Leaving aside the mawkish, eerie similarity of the "ritual" to an Episcopalian "liturgy", we have to ask, have the Democrats become the party of Satan?

Look at the evidence. They vigorously support Planned Parenthood which sells baby parts, think Moloch, they're trans, think Baphomet, they hate traditional Christianity and go into paroxysms of rage at the Lord's Prayer, think The Exorcist. But that's not all.

Their spectacularly failed healthcare plan was used to attack nuns, they persecute Christian businesses, they love Islam, Christianity's ancient enemy, they hate Christian marriage, and on and on. 

For goodness sake, Hillary's Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, is a spirit cooking ritual occultist. Their defence? So what. And now, following their epic political fail they're rallying their spiritual side, the nation's witches.

Good luck, Demoncrats, and remember, Satan has a way of devouring his own.

Out, Demons, out.


On The Road

I drove to a suburb of Fort Worth this morning. It took one and a half hours to get there, the worst of which was through the metrosprawl. Someone hasn't told the DFW civic planners that highways running through, across and over a town doesn't make for a pleasant urban environment. Visit Venice and see its famous 6 lane highway bisecting St. Mark's Square! said no tourist brochure ever.

Seriously, after a good few thousand years of Western civilization, you'd think we could do better than turn our cities into roads. Like, what's best to live in, a city or a road? Let's think about that; road, city, city, road, hmmmm... road? 

Road trip over, I ended up at the cathedral, which is a good church, and went to a meeting. A bishop who I like very much was there and had a parrot on his shoulder. It's an aggressive beast and attacks people who try to pet it.

At the end of the meeting I drove back home through the 'sprawl to the countryside. Blue Exertion was there, taking it easy in the sun and I don't blame him. 

Later on today I'll drive to another church and, by the end of it all, feel like a travelling salesman. But hey, all in a good cause.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill it.