Friday, January 31, 2025

Oh Dear


Some people aren't very happy that 45 became 47 and started axing FBI agents, risible pronounery and all of that. They don't like illegal aliens being sent back from whence they came, even as rainbow flags and DEI budget flows came crashing down. They seem to be in a state of, what's the phrase, Shock and Awe. But who are these people?

Witches. They've been hexing DJT for years, asking demons to  get in there and halt his anti-Satan progress. And you know what? At first they seemed to be doing pretty well, see the dropped-on-head-as-infant you're a Russian agent! ruse. The 51 headed hydra Intel Mutiny and, of course, the great 2020 Rig. But now?

Not so much. The witches are reporting that their spells aren't getting through, they're not working. Why? Because 47 has a "shield." According to CBN:

"Therefore he has a shield, a flimsy one of course, but a shield nonetheless (I am trying to figure out a way to create spells that can bypass that, but it's difficult)."

Another posted, "I hate to say this, but don't do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others."



A shield. How very remarkable that one of the boldest, maybe the boldest catholic administrations in recent Western history is protected against rainbow demonism. All you witches take note, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and Abysmal Mengele's performing an operation. And all in the name of tolerance or, if you're really smart, "radical autonomy." Such utter wickedness.

Defende Nos,


Thursday, January 30, 2025



Retreat! What a foreign-sounding word. No, we do not retreat, we attack and never, ever surrender. Granted, famous last words, but the fighting spirit prevails. That in mind, there comes a time when you've got to rest and regroup so you can take the war to the enemy with renewed spirit. And that's exactly what this year's clergy retreat was all about, a spiritual reset on the shores of Lake Dallas at Montserrat retreat house.

Typical Compound Scene

No, there weren't any lesbian priestesses, dancing nuns or wymxn bishop figures. There was Morning and Evening Prayer, Compline, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, daily Mass, and a series of outstanding talks given by Fr. Hans Boersma. His theme? Participation in the life of God and recovery of a sacramental worldview from nominalism and what he described as "flat earthers," from two dimensional late modernity.

Just some road in Texas

Outstanding. Boersma is a Christian Platonist and, I think, more than a little mystic. He's also not a Lib and he's Dutch, both of which conjoined are cool. So that was all good. Good too to be with the priests of our diocese, what a great crew and fun to live with, even if only for a few short days.

God bless,


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Off The Leash

Get it on my man.

I say again, since when did a country having a border become Fascist and Nazi? Oh, maybe since the Democrats, Labour and "Tories" wanted to import votes, while their rainbow corp sponsors wanted cheap labor. What a despicable, corrupt crew of Uniparty Satans. Tom's unzipping that malfeasant skulduggery right about now. The guy's a savage. Bye-bye, European nuance, whatever the hell virtue that's supposed to signal.

On point, people say Americans are benign, simple perhaps. Maybe they have a point, but maybe they need to stand back, take note and mark the total, 100% savagery. Yes, just waiting to be unleashed. Looks like Tom's onnit.

Rock On,


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Turtle Loses Warfighter Wins


Kentucky's ruling Turtle and other RINO traitors failed in their sad and dishonest effort to stop a patriot, combat vet warfighter from becoming Secretary of Defense. They were more than happy to vote for the last corporate establishment DEI hire, but not Pete. Good thing JDV broke the 50/50 senatorial tie. Here's what the Turtle, the Alaskan Witch, and others voted against, Hegseth's vision, via GP:

It is the privilege of a lifetime to lead the warriors of the Department of Defense, under the leadership of our Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump. We will put America First, and we will never back down.

The President gave us a clear mission: achieve Peace through Strength. We will do this in three ways — by restoring the warrior ethos, rebuilding our military, and reestablishing deterrence.

o    We will revive the warrior ethos and restore trust in our military.  We are American warriors. We will defend our country.  Our standards will be high, uncompromising, and clear. The strength of our military is our unity and our shared purpose.

o    We will rebuild our military by matching threats to capabilities. This means reviving our defense industrial base, reforming our acquisition process, passing a financial audit, and rapidly fielding emerging technologies. We will remain the strongest and most lethal force in the world.

o    We will reestablish deterrence by defending our homeland — on the ground and in the sky. We will work with allies and partners to deter aggression in the Indo-Pacific by Communist China, as well as supporting the President’s priority to end wars responsibly and reorient to key threats. We will stand by our allies — and our enemies are on notice.

All of this will be done with a focus on lethality, meritocracy, accountability, standards, and readiness.

I have committed my life to warfighters and their families.  Just as my fellow soldiers had my back on the battlefield, know that I will always have your back. We serve together at a dangerous time.  Our enemies will neither rest nor relent.  And neither will we.  We will stand shoulder to shoulder to meet the urgency of this moment.

Like each of you, I love my country and swore an oath to defend the Constitution. We will do that each and every day, as one team.  Together we will accomplish the President’s mission to deter war, and if necessary, defeat and destroy our enemies. Godspeed!


I don't know about you, but I'd say that's right on the money. No. More. Rainbow. Garbage. A young Sergeant's pretty pumped up about it.

Godspeed, Mr. Hegseth,


Get Rid Of Turtle


Kentucky, why do you allow a corrupt turtle to rule over you?

Yes, the very same turtle who voted against this:

And lost. Term limits, anyone? Or maybe Kentucky will rise up and eject the turtle from its traitorous, self-serving, establishment elite, anti-American, uniparty throne.



Friday, January 24, 2025



Perhaps some of you will remember or know this. I do.  

We may be irregular but we're steadfast with it.

DLC Forever,


Don't Fear The Reaper


Libs, relax, it's ok, don't FEAR THE REAPER.

That is all,


Rock On


About bloody time we had a warfighter in charge of doing exactly that. But some people voted against him. Like ancient term limit Murkowski:

And smug nasty Collins. See zhir, on the left?

Perhaps you think the GOP is a corrupt Uniparty sinkhole. Well, the camera doesn't lie, but on the other hand, our boy Pete's just got elected to run the corrupt, self-serving, wasteful, lying, rainbow woke, fraudulent DOD. 

Soldiers tell me they're sick of rainbow garbage and need a change. Maybe they've got one.

Arma Virumque,


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Ahem - CHUD


CHUD. Sgt. LSP tells me the above is an "interior self-portrait." I'm inclined to reply, "Dam your impudence." That is all, apart from some pop music. Oh, here's REFORM:

Typical LSP hangout

Your Best Pal,


Deport This Savage


You Utter Savage

It's just so terrible, ICE is arresting all these poor asylum seeker refugees and sending them back to Venezuela, Haiti or somewhere in between. So evil, so Fascist, so very NAZI. So totally hideous and inhumane.

And now, on point with the beloved BBC, one of my UK friends assures us on social media that Lady Liberty has packed her bags and left America, weeping. Where to? Maybe Ireland, the UK or some backwater like Belgium or Sweden.

The Savage Knifed These Girls

Hold on, buddy, this is absurd. Since when, at any time in history, was it somehow Fascist for a country to have a border? For a country to actually be a country? Surely, all you students of history, Fascism and Nazism and Communism, for that matter, were all about erasing borders. That was, indeed, their metier.

Could it be, heaven forefend, that the Corporate funded push to flood our countries with illegal aliens was and is all about the same? To erase our borders in favor of one, huge, cheap labor, high rentier super state? No, of course not, it's all about compassion. If you buy that you're a dam fool.

Enough is enough,


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Against All Odds


DJT is President again. A remarkable blow and defeat to the ruling establishment of the US and their agitprop shills in the media. But I won't bang on, here's this, at length:

There is plenty of time ahead for the peanut gallery to discuss the ins and outs of the daily goings-on with the new Trump administration. There will be good and bad, and everyone is free to call out which is what and can do so for fully four years.

For now, we pause to consider the historic nature of what is taking place in our times and be grateful that we are all around to watch it unfold. And we should consider the lessons it offers for our own lives.

There is the obvious data point that President Donald Trump is only the second nonconsecutive second-term president after Grover Cleveland. That’s interesting but hardly scratches the surface of the significance of this presidency.

Anyone who prophesied two years ago that Trump would be taking the oath of office would have likely been considered a lunatic.

The whole of corporate media was railing against his legacy. The historians were writing him off. Google was gaming its search results to shame anyone who still defended him. Big tech and nearly the whole of academia were united in loathing. The sneering on late-night television was the only consistent theme.

Meanwhile, the big guns were coming for him personally with indictment after indictment. There is warfare and there is lawfare but the desire to destroy is the same. There was talk of confiscating Trump Tower and even jail. The revenge fantasies were out of control, while his attorneys’ fees were sky-high, millions upon millions of dollars.

There was no power center in the United States or really the world that was not overflowing with loathing and brutal attacks, including every attempted extortion and smear.

It is impossible to not give Trump personal credit for seeing his way through a series of threats and attacks that would have broken even the strongest character. Somehow he managed to get through it all with his physical and mental well-being not only saved but even strengthened.

How did he sleep? How did he keep his spirits high? How did he see the light at the end of this long, dark tunnel? It’s unfathomable.

I don’t care what your politics are: If you cannot see this example of steadfastness and courage as inspiring, there is something wrong. Is there anything wrong in your life to compare? It’s doubtful. He made it through and so can you. If nothing else is true, his personal example of courage in the face of grave danger is exemplary.

He had plenty of competitors for the Republican nomination, and they were right to challenge him, not based on a lack of respect but simply because of their own confidence that they could do the job. But at this stage of history, Trump was already legendary and approaching a status of personal grandeur that no one could match. Thus did he get the nomination and his competitors defer.

Panic among mainstream opinion makers ensued once again. The unthinkable happened: the first assassination attempt. It’s impossible to look at the circumstances surrounding that quarter-inch miss and not feel a sense of awe.

It’s difficult to explain without taking recourse to divine intervention. Equally remarkable was Trump’s response, not to cower and collapse but stand and assure the people for whom he felt responsibility that he was alive. And he used that precious and catastrophic moment to rally the people with immortal words, fist in the air.

Will that moment go down in history? It became obvious in the days following that the powers that be did not want it to do so. Within a week or so, it was hard to find information about this at all, as the major national media simply stopped talking about it. That left it to the masses of regular people who simply could not suppress their astonishment at what transpired.

Alternative media swung into action as did the meme makers and the merchants with shirts, cups, and posters. There was to be no burying this event.

Our times are absolutely desperate for examples of masculine heroism. The culture has been nearly purged of such, from movies to television to music. What Trump did was countercultural in every sense of the term: It went against the grain and disturbed the powers that be. This event became a mighty symbol of cultural renewal, a template for an entire generation to understand the sacrifices that are often necessary for success.

Behind the scenes, the Trump loyalists were hard at work, mostly in private by design, and with one focus: Get him to a second term. How in the world could they have confidence that this was possible? It comes down to one word—math. They knew what the whole of mainstream culture denied, namely that the results of the 2020 election were not mathematically possible.

Trump actually won more popular votes than he did four years earlier. The difference was the implausible appearance of 15 million to 20 million votes for his opponent that could not have reflected the choices and behaviors of real people. To right this wrong—or at least expose it—they attempted to use the courts, but the challenges were rejected on grounds of standing, as if voters themselves have no right at all to challenge what, for appearances, looked like voter fraud.

Team Trump knew that the numbers did not add up, and so they plotted a return.

It broke down to three steps.

No. 1: They would work with states that were willing to tighten voter registration laws and crack down on mail-in balloting that everyone on the planet knows is more susceptible to fraud. They would recruit monitors. They would empower a grassroots movement to be vigilant against illicit balloting. And they would encourage early voting among the base. They knew that blue states would not cooperate, but they counted on a cultural movement to shame attempts to game the system.

No. 2: They would fire up the most disenfranchised group in the United States about whom no one seems to care, namely men younger than the age of 35. This is a group that had long lost any hope in elections and has been wholly overlooked by cultural elites. To reach them, Trump went on many podcasts, including Joe Rogan’s and many others. He knew he already had their support, but he needed something else: for them to register and actually vote. That’s a big ask, but it worked.

No. 3: The need to create a mass cultural movement that was larger and more powerful than the mass media. It needed hats, songs, rallies, and meetings. To this end, he flew all over the country to hold rallies at which he did what he does best, extemporaneous stand-ups talking about the events of the day, filled with humor, fun, and fury. These became massive events, with people lining up for a mile outside the venue, waiting in all weather for 12 hours and longer.

By the end of the campaign, there was not a single indoor venue in America that could hold all the people who lined up to see Trump speak in any town or city in this country. That is an amazing accomplishment, never before seen in our history. The result was precisely what was planned, a mass movement that competed with or even outpaced the smearbund working to defeat him.

Again, this was the plan all along, although it was never announced. It was like clockwork. The people least surprised on Election Night were all associated with Team Trump. They had mapped it out for years. As part of their planning, they deployed a method that has never before been seen in U.S. politics: absolute security of all information. No one associated with this group spoke to the press for four years.

It’s been the same for the transition. It has been privately financed to keep the prying eyes of the administrative state away from understanding and thus subverting what it is they have been planning. This is why nearly every pick for the Cabinet and agency heads has been a shock but for those whom the team released early as a deliberate trial balloon.

One must stand in admiration of all this, not just the administrative sophistication of the campaign and transition team but also the courage it required to follow through on all these plans despite the terrible odds. This alone is for the ages.

Now we are at the moment that is the real test: the time of governing. We are in for some huge surprises, of that I am sure. The national media has been locked out and understandably so. Some of what will unfold in the coming days, weeks, and months I will like and some I will not. I’m sure you will say the same. That’s the way the real world works. We have plenty of time to argue about this or that.

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate that we have this opportunity at all. Against all odds, Trump is president again. Let that be a lesson to all of us. Nothing is written that moral courage cannot overcome. That’s true in politics, and it is true in our own lives.

There's a moral in this, if you care to draw it. Never, ever, ever give up.

Your Old Pal,


Trump Beats The Weather


Yes he does, yet again. Not one day, not a single day after he was sworn in as President in the Rotunda of the US Imperial Capitol, 47 got down to business, unlike the previous mountebanks, and defeated Global Warming. You doubt me? Here's the evidence, from Texas. Have a look:

There it is, snow, no doubt about it. Good work, Mr. President, no one liked the Paris Climate Accords anyway, except corrupt grifters in the DS, but here at the Compound we're cheering on energy independence, drill baby drill, and an end to the NetZero scam. At what cost?

ICE. Yes, the weather has most certainly changed. Are we heading into a new Ice Age? Seems that way, looking at the evidence in NC rural Texas. Perhaps Ed. Milliband, real name, in the UK will take notice.

Ice Ice Baby,